%% Vendored from hex_core v0.5.1, do not edit manually %% @hidden -module(r3_hex_api). -export([ delete/2, get/2, post/3, put/3, encode_query_string/1, build_repository_path/2, build_organization_path/2, join_path_segments/1 ]). -define(ERL_CONTENT_TYPE, <<"application/vnd.hex+erlang">>). get(Config, Path) -> request(Config, get, Path, undefined). post(Config, Path, Body) -> request(Config, post, Path, encode_body(Body)). put(Config, Path, Body) -> request(Config, put, Path, encode_body(Body)). delete(Config, Path) -> request(Config, delete, Path, undefined). %% @private encode_query_string(List) -> QueryString = join("&", lists:map(fun ({K, V}) when is_atom(V) -> atom_to_list(K) ++ "=" ++ atom_to_list(V); ({K, V}) when is_binary(V) -> atom_to_list(K) ++ "=" ++ binary_to_list(V); ({K, V}) when is_integer(V) -> atom_to_list(K) ++ "=" ++ integer_to_list(V) end, List)), Encoded = http_uri:encode(QueryString), list_to_binary(Encoded). %% @private build_repository_path(#{api_repository := Repo}, Path) when is_binary(Repo) -> ["repos", Repo | Path]; build_repository_path(#{api_repository := undefined}, Path) -> Path. %% @private build_organization_path(#{api_organization := Org}, Path) when is_binary(Org) -> ["orgs", Org | Path]; build_organization_path(#{api_organization := undefined}, Path) -> Path. %% @private join_path_segments(Segments) -> erlang:iolist_to_binary(join(<<"/">>, lists:map(fun encode/1, Segments))). %%==================================================================== %% Internal functions %%==================================================================== request(Config, Method, PathSegments, Body) when is_list(PathSegments) -> Path = join_path_segments(PathSegments), request(Config, Method, Path, Body); request(Config, Method, Path, Body) when is_binary(Path) and is_map(Config) -> DefaultHeaders = make_headers(Config), ReqHeaders = maps:merge(maps:get(http_headers, Config, #{}), DefaultHeaders), ReqHeaders2 = put_new(<<"accept">>, ?ERL_CONTENT_TYPE, ReqHeaders), case r3_hex_http:request(Config, Method, build_url(Path, Config), ReqHeaders2, Body) of {ok, {Status, RespHeaders, RespBody}} = Response -> ContentType = maps:get(<<"content-type">>, RespHeaders, <<"">>), case binary:match(ContentType, ?ERL_CONTENT_TYPE) of {_, _} -> {ok, {Status, RespHeaders, binary_to_term(RespBody)}}; nomatch -> Response end; Other -> Other end. encode(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) -> encode(binary_to_list(Binary)); encode(String) when is_list(String) -> http_uri:encode(String). build_url(Path, #{api_url := URI}) -> <>. encode_body({_ContentType, _Body} = Body) -> Body; encode_body(Body) -> {binary_to_list(?ERL_CONTENT_TYPE), term_to_binary(Body)}. %% TODO: copy-pasted from r3_hex_repo make_headers(Config) -> maps:fold(fun set_header/3, #{}, Config). set_header(api_key, Token, Headers) when is_binary(Token) -> maps:put(<<"authorization">>, Token, Headers); set_header(_, _, Headers) -> Headers. put_new(Key, Value, Map) -> case maps:find(Key, Map) of {ok, _} -> Map; error -> maps:put(Key, Value, Map) end. %% https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/OTP-20.3/lib/stdlib/src/lists.erl#L1449:L1453 join(_Sep, []) -> []; join(Sep, [H|T]) -> [H|join_prepend(Sep, T)]. join_prepend(_Sep, []) -> []; join_prepend(Sep, [H|T]) -> [Sep,H|join_prepend(Sep,T)].