%% The MIT License %% %% Copyright (c) 2009 Tom Preston-Werner %% %% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy %% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal %% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights %% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell %% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is %% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: %% %% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in %% all copies or substantial portions of the Software. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR %% IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, %% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE %% AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER %% LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, %% OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN %% THE SOFTWARE. %% See the README at http://github.com/mojombo/mustache.erl for additional %% documentation and usage examples. -module(mustache). %% v0.1.0 -author("Tom Preston-Werner"). -export([compile/1, compile/2, render/1, render/2, render/3, get/2, get/3, escape/1, start/1]). -record(mstate, {mod = undefined, section_re = undefined, tag_re = undefined}). compile(Body) when is_list(Body) -> State = #mstate{}, CompiledTemplate = pre_compile(Body, State), % io:format("~p~n~n", [CompiledTemplate]), % io:format(CompiledTemplate ++ "~n", []), {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(CompiledTemplate), {ok, [Form]} = erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens), Bindings = erl_eval:new_bindings(), {value, Fun, _} = erl_eval:expr(Form, Bindings), Fun; compile(Mod) -> TemplatePath = template_path(Mod), compile(Mod, TemplatePath). compile(Mod, File) -> code:purge(Mod), {module, _} = code:load_file(Mod), {ok, TemplateBin} = file:read_file(File), Template = re:replace(TemplateBin, "\"", "\\\\\"", [global, {return,list}]), State = #mstate{mod = Mod}, CompiledTemplate = pre_compile(Template, State), % io:format("~p~n~n", [CompiledTemplate]), % io:format(CompiledTemplate ++ "~n", []), {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(CompiledTemplate), {ok, [Form]} = erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens), Bindings = erl_eval:new_bindings(), {value, Fun, _} = erl_eval:expr(Form, Bindings), Fun. render(Mod) -> TemplatePath = template_path(Mod), render(Mod, TemplatePath). render(Body, Ctx) when is_list(Body) -> TFun = compile(Body), render(undefined, TFun, Ctx); render(Mod, File) when is_list(File) -> render(Mod, File, dict:new()); render(Mod, CompiledTemplate) -> render(Mod, CompiledTemplate, dict:new()). render(Mod, File, Ctx) when is_list(File) -> CompiledTemplate = compile(Mod, File), render(Mod, CompiledTemplate, Ctx); render(Mod, CompiledTemplate, Ctx) -> Ctx2 = dict:store('__mod__', Mod, Ctx), lists:flatten(CompiledTemplate(Ctx2)). pre_compile(T, State) -> SectionRE = "\{\{\#([^\}]*)}}\s*(.+?){{\/\\1\}\}\s*", {ok, CompiledSectionRE} = re:compile(SectionRE, [dotall]), TagRE = "\{\{(#|=|!|<|>|\{)?(.+?)\\1?\}\}+", {ok, CompiledTagRE} = re:compile(TagRE, [dotall]), State2 = State#mstate{section_re = CompiledSectionRE, tag_re = CompiledTagRE}, "fun(Ctx) -> " ++ "CFun = fun(A, B) -> A end, " ++ compiler(T, State2) ++ " end.". compiler(T, State) -> Res = re:run(T, State#mstate.section_re), case Res of {match, [{M0, M1}, {N0, N1}, {C0, C1}]} -> Front = string:substr(T, 1, M0), Back = string:substr(T, M0 + M1 + 1), Name = string:substr(T, N0 + 1, N1), Content = string:substr(T, C0 + 1, C1), "[" ++ compile_tags(Front, State) ++ " | [" ++ compile_section(Name, Content, State) ++ " | [" ++ compiler(Back, State) ++ "]]]"; nomatch -> compile_tags(T, State) end. compile_section(Name, Content, State) -> Mod = State#mstate.mod, Result = compiler(Content, State), "fun() -> " ++ "case mustache:get(" ++ Name ++ ", Ctx, " ++ atom_to_list(Mod) ++ ") of " ++ "true -> " ++ Result ++ "; " ++ "false -> " ++ "[]; " ++ "List when is_list(List) -> " ++ "[fun(Ctx) -> " ++ Result ++ " end(dict:merge(CFun, SubCtx, Ctx)) || SubCtx <- List]; " ++ "Else -> " ++ "throw({template, io_lib:format(\"Bad context for ~p: ~p\", [" ++ Name ++ ", Else])}) " ++ "end " ++ "end()". compile_tags(T, State) -> Res = re:run(T, State#mstate.tag_re), case Res of {match, [{M0, M1}, K, {C0, C1}]} -> Front = string:substr(T, 1, M0), Back = string:substr(T, M0 + M1 + 1), Content = string:substr(T, C0 + 1, C1), Kind = tag_kind(T, K), Result = compile_tag(Kind, Content, State), "[\"" ++ Front ++ "\" | [" ++ Result ++ " | " ++ compile_tags(Back, State) ++ "]]"; nomatch -> "[\"" ++ T ++ "\"]" end. tag_kind(_T, {-1, 0}) -> none; tag_kind(T, {K0, K1}) -> string:substr(T, K0 + 1, K1). compile_tag(none, Content, State) -> Mod = State#mstate.mod, "mustache:escape(mustache:get(" ++ Content ++ ", Ctx, " ++ atom_to_list(Mod) ++ "))"; compile_tag("{", Content, State) -> Mod = State#mstate.mod, "mustache:get(" ++ Content ++ ", Ctx, " ++ atom_to_list(Mod) ++ ")"; compile_tag("!", _Content, _State) -> "[]". template_path(Mod) -> ModPath = code:which(Mod), re:replace(ModPath, "\.beam$", ".mustache", [{return, list}]). get(Key, Ctx) when is_list(Key) -> {ok, Mod} = dict:find('__mod__', Ctx), get(list_to_atom(Key), Ctx, Mod); get(Key, Ctx) -> {ok, Mod} = dict:find('__mod__', Ctx), get(Key, Ctx, Mod). get(Key, Ctx, Mod) when is_list(Key) -> get(list_to_atom(Key), Ctx, Mod); get(Key, Ctx, Mod) -> case dict:find(Key, Ctx) of {ok, Val} -> % io:format("From Ctx {~p, ~p}~n", [Key, Val]), to_s(Val); error -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, Key, 1) of true -> Val = to_s(Mod:Key(Ctx)), % io:format("From Mod/1 {~p, ~p}~n", [Key, Val]), Val; false -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, Key, 0) of true -> Val = to_s(Mod:Key()), % io:format("From Mod/0 {~p, ~p}~n", [Key, Val]), Val; false -> [] end end end. to_s(Val) when is_integer(Val) -> integer_to_list(Val); to_s(Val) when is_float(Val) -> io_lib:format("~.2f", [Val]); to_s(Val) when is_boolean(Val) -> Val; to_s(Val) when is_atom(Val) -> atom_to_list(Val); to_s(Val) -> Val. escape(HTML) -> escape(HTML, []). escape([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); escape(["<" | Rest], Acc) -> escape(Rest, lists:reverse("<", Acc)); escape([">" | Rest], Acc) -> escape(Rest, lists:reverse(">", Acc)); escape(["&" | Rest], Acc) -> escape(Rest, lists:reverse("&", Acc)); escape([X | Rest], Acc) -> escape(Rest, [X | Acc]). %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- start([T]) -> Out = render(list_to_atom(T)), io:format(Out ++ "~n", []).