%% -*- mode: erlang;erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 ft=erlang et {rebar_packages_url, "http://localhost:8080"}. %% escript_incl_extra is for internal rebar-private use only. %% Do not use outside rebar. Config interface is not stable. {escript_incl_extra, [{"priv/templates/*", "."}, {"rebar/include/*", "."}]}. {escript_incl_apps, [inets, getopt, erlydtl, erlware_commons, relx, rebar]}. {escript_top_level_app, rebar}. {escript_name, rebar3}. %% Types dict:dict() and digraph:digraph() have been introduced in Erlang 17. %% At the same time, their counterparts dict() and digraph() are to be %% deprecated in Erlang 18. namespaced_types option is used to select proper %% type name depending on the OTP version used. {erl_opts, [ {platform_define, "^[0-9]+", namespaced_types} ]}. {first_files, [rebar_provider]}. {deps, [{relx, "", {git, "https://github.com/erlware/relx.git", {branch, "master"}}}, {getopt, "", {git, "git@github.com:jcomellas/getopt.git", {branch, "master"}}}]}. {erlydtl_opts, [{doc_root, "priv/templates"}, {compiler_options, [report, return, debug_info]}]}.