From 8ae17c483d86f151d69091546b3577381662e27e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fred Hebert Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 21:02:55 -0500 Subject: Fix Alisdair's review, add more types and docs --- src/rebar_app_discover.erl | 6 ++- src/rebar_config.erl | 6 +-- src/rebar_digraph.erl | 22 ++++++++++- src/rebar_dir.erl | 91 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- src/rebar_dist_utils.erl | 9 +++++ 5 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-) (limited to 'src') diff --git a/src/rebar_app_discover.erl b/src/rebar_app_discover.erl index acefdb4..fd55960 100644 --- a/src/rebar_app_discover.erl +++ b/src/rebar_app_discover.erl @@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ -include("rebar.hrl"). -include_lib("providers/include/providers.hrl"). -%% @doc from the base directory, +%% @doc from the base directory, find all the applications +%% at the top level and their dependencies based on the configuration +%% and profile information. -spec do(rebar_state:t(), [file:filename()]) -> rebar_state:t(). do(State, LibDirs) -> BaseDir = rebar_state:dir(State), @@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ project_app_config(AppInfo, State) -> Opts = maybe_reset_hooks(Dir, rebar_state:opts(State), State), {C, rebar_state:opts(State, Opts)}. -%% @doc Here we check if the app is at the root of the project. +%% @private Check if the app is at the root of the project. %% If it is, then drop the hooks from the config so they aren't run twice -spec maybe_reset_hooks(file:filename(), Opts, rebar_state:t()) -> Opts when Opts :: rebar_dict(). diff --git a/src/rebar_config.erl b/src/rebar_config.erl index 84f40d4..97e27ab 100644 --- a/src/rebar_config.erl +++ b/src/rebar_config.erl @@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ write_lock_file(LockFile, Locks) -> format_attrs(Attrs)])) end. -%% @private Attributes have a special formatting to ensure there's only one per -%% line in terms of pkg_hash, so we disturb source diffing as little -%% as possible. +%% @private Because attributes for packages are fairly large, there is the need +%% for a special formatting to ensure there's only one entry per lock file +%% line and that diffs are generally stable. -spec format_attrs([term()]) -> iodata(). format_attrs([]) -> []; format_attrs([{pkg_hash, Vals}|T]) -> diff --git a/src/rebar_digraph.erl b/src/rebar_digraph.erl index 363253a..a827735 100644 --- a/src/rebar_digraph.erl +++ b/src/rebar_digraph.erl @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +%%% @doc build a digraph of applications in order to figure out dependency +%%% and compile order. -module(rebar_digraph). -export([compile_order/1 @@ -7,7 +9,9 @@ -include("rebar.hrl"). -%% Sort apps with topological sort to get proper build order +%% @doc Sort apps with topological sort to get proper build order +-spec compile_order([rebar_app_info:t()]) -> + {ok, [rebar_app_info:t()]} | {error, no_sort | {cycles, [[binary(),...]]}}. compile_order(Apps) -> Graph = digraph:new(), lists:foreach(fun(App) -> @@ -33,6 +37,11 @@ compile_order(Apps) -> true = digraph:delete(Graph), Order. +%% @private Add a package and its dependencies to an existing digraph +-spec add(digraph:graph(), {PkgName, [Dep]}) -> ok when + PkgName :: binary(), + Dep :: {Name, term()} | Name, + Name :: atom() | iodata(). add(Graph, {PkgName, Deps}) -> case digraph:vertex(Graph, PkgName) of false -> @@ -57,6 +66,8 @@ add(Graph, {PkgName, Deps}) -> digraph:add_edge(Graph, V, V3) end, Deps). +%% @doc based on a list of vertices and edges, build a digraph. +-spec restore_graph({[digraph:vertex()], [digraph:edge()]}) -> digraph:graph(). restore_graph({Vs, Es}) -> Graph = digraph:new(), lists:foreach(fun({V, LastUpdated}) -> @@ -67,6 +78,8 @@ restore_graph({Vs, Es}) -> end, Es), Graph. +%% @doc convert a given exception's payload into an io description. +-spec format_error(any()) -> iolist(). format_error(no_solution) -> io_lib:format("No solution for packages found.", []). @@ -74,22 +87,27 @@ format_error(no_solution) -> %% Internal Functions %%==================================================================== +%% @doc alias for `digraph_utils:subgraph/2'. subgraph(Graph, Vertices) -> digraph_utils:subgraph(Graph, Vertices). +%% @private from a list of app names, fetch the proper app info records +%% for them. -spec names_to_apps([atom()], [rebar_app_info:t()]) -> [rebar_app_info:t()]. names_to_apps(Names, Apps) -> [element(2, App) || App <- [find_app_by_name(Name, Apps) || Name <- Names], App =/= error]. +%% @private fetch the proper app info record for a given app name. -spec find_app_by_name(atom(), [rebar_app_info:t()]) -> {ok, rebar_app_info:t()} | error. find_app_by_name(Name, Apps) -> ec_lists:find(fun(App) -> rebar_app_info:name(App) =:= Name end, Apps). -%% The union of all entries in the applications list for an app and +%% @private The union of all entries in the applications list for an app and %% the deps listed in its rebar.config is all deps that may be needed %% for building the app. +-spec all_apps_deps(rebar_app_info:t()) -> [binary()]. all_apps_deps(App) -> Applications = lists:usort([atom_to_binary(X, utf8) || X <- rebar_app_info:applications(App)]), Deps = lists:usort(lists:map(fun({Name, _}) -> Name; (Name) -> Name end, rebar_app_info:deps(App))), diff --git a/src/rebar_dir.erl b/src/rebar_dir.erl index 32cb264..069d8fd 100644 --- a/src/rebar_dir.erl +++ b/src/rebar_dir.erl @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +%%% @doc utility functions for directory and path handling of all kind. -module(rebar_dir). -export([base_dir/1, @@ -29,10 +30,14 @@ -include("rebar.hrl"). +%% @doc returns the directory root for build artifacts +%% for the current profile, such as `_build/default/'. -spec base_dir(rebar_state:t()) -> file:filename_all(). base_dir(State) -> profile_dir(rebar_state:opts(State), rebar_state:current_profiles(State)). +%% @doc returns the directory root for build artifacts for a given set +%% of profiles. -spec profile_dir(rebar_dict(), [atom()]) -> file:filename_all(). profile_dir(Opts, Profiles) -> {BaseDir, ProfilesStrings} = case [ec_cnv:to_list(P) || P <- Profiles] of @@ -46,25 +51,36 @@ profile_dir(Opts, Profiles) -> ProfilesDir = string:join(ProfilesStrings, "+"), filename:join(BaseDir, ProfilesDir). +%% @doc returns the directory where dependencies should be placed +%% given the current profile. -spec deps_dir(rebar_state:t()) -> file:filename_all(). deps_dir(State) -> filename:join(base_dir(State), rebar_state:get(State, deps_dir, ?DEFAULT_DEPS_DIR)). +%% @doc returns the directory where a dependency should be placed +%% given the current profile, based on its app name. Expects to be passed +%% the result of `deps_dir/1' as a first argument. -spec deps_dir(file:filename_all(), file:filename_all()) -> file:filename_all(). deps_dir(DepsDir, App) -> filename:join(DepsDir, App). +%% @doc returns the absolute path for the project root (by default, +%% the current working directory for the currently running escript). root_dir(State) -> filename:absname(rebar_state:get(State, root_dir, ?DEFAULT_ROOT_DIR)). +%% @doc returns the expected location of the `_checkouts' directory. -spec checkouts_dir(rebar_state:t()) -> file:filename_all(). checkouts_dir(State) -> filename:join(root_dir(State), rebar_state:get(State, checkouts_dir, ?DEFAULT_CHECKOUTS_DIR)). +%% @doc returns the expected location of a given app in the checkouts +%% directory for the project. -spec checkouts_dir(rebar_state:t(), file:filename_all()) -> file:filename_all(). checkouts_dir(State, App) -> filename:join(checkouts_dir(State), App). +%% @doc Returns the directory where plugins are located. -spec plugins_dir(rebar_state:t()) -> file:filename_all(). plugins_dir(State) -> case lists:member(global, rebar_state:current_profiles(State)) of @@ -74,33 +90,50 @@ plugins_dir(State) -> filename:join(base_dir(State), rebar_state:get(State, plugins_dir, ?DEFAULT_PLUGINS_DIR)) end. +%% @doc returns the list of relative path where the project applications can +%% be located. -spec lib_dirs(rebar_state:t()) -> file:filename_all(). lib_dirs(State) -> rebar_state:get(State, project_app_dirs, ?DEFAULT_PROJECT_APP_DIRS). +%% @doc returns the user's home directory. +-spec home_dir() -> file:filename_all(). home_dir() -> {ok, [[Home]]} = init:get_argument(home), Home. +%% @doc returns the directory where the global configuration files for rebar3 +%% may be stored. +-spec global_config_dir(rebar_state:t()) -> file:filename_all(). global_config_dir(State) -> Home = home_dir(), rebar_state:get(State, global_rebar_dir, filename:join([Home, ".config", "rebar3"])). +%% @doc returns the path of the global rebar.config file +-spec global_config(rebar_state:t()) -> file:filename_all(). global_config(State) -> filename:join(global_config_dir(State), "rebar.config"). +%% @doc returns the default path of the global rebar.config file +-spec global_config() -> file:filename_all(). global_config() -> Home = home_dir(), filename:join([Home, ".config", "rebar3", "rebar.config"]). +%% @doc returns the location for the global cache directory -spec global_cache_dir(rebar_dict()) -> file:filename_all(). global_cache_dir(Opts) -> Home = home_dir(), rebar_opts:get(Opts, global_rebar_dir, filename:join([Home, ".cache", "rebar3"])). +%% @doc appends the cache directory to the path passed to this function. +-spec local_cache_dir(file:filename_all()) -> file:filename_all(). local_cache_dir(Dir) -> filename:join(Dir, ".rebar3"). +%% @doc returns the current working directory, with some specific +%% conversions and handling done to be cross-platform compatible. +-spec get_cwd() -> file:filename_all(). get_cwd() -> {ok, Dir} = file:get_cwd(), %% On windows cwd may return capital letter for drive, @@ -109,9 +142,14 @@ get_cwd() -> %% cwd as soon as it possible. filename:join([Dir]). +%% @doc returns the file location for the global template +%% configuration variables file. +-spec template_globals(rebar_state:t()) -> file:filename_all(). template_globals(State) -> filename:join([global_config_dir(State), "templates", "globals"]). +%% @doc returns the location for the global template directory +-spec template_dir(rebar_state:t()) -> file:filename_all(). template_dir(State) -> filename:join([global_config_dir(State), "templates"]). @@ -129,6 +167,8 @@ processing_base_dir(State, Dir) -> AbsDir = filename:absname(Dir), AbsDir =:= rebar_state:get(State, base_dir). +%% @doc make a path absolute +-spec make_absolute_path(file:filename()) -> file:filename(). make_absolute_path(Path) -> case filename:pathtype(Path) of absolute -> @@ -142,11 +182,16 @@ make_absolute_path(Path) -> filename:join([Dir, Path]) end. +%% @doc normalizing a path removes all of the `..' and the +%% `.' segments it may contain. +-spec make_normalized_path(file:filename()) -> file:filename(). make_normalized_path(Path) -> AbsPath = make_absolute_path(Path), Components = filename:split(AbsPath), make_normalized_path(Components, []). +%% @private drops path fragments for normalization +-spec make_normalized_path([string()], [string()]) -> file:filename(). make_normalized_path([], NormalizedPath) -> filename:join(lists:reverse(NormalizedPath)); make_normalized_path([H|T], NormalizedPath) -> @@ -181,37 +226,42 @@ do_make_relative_path(Source, Target) -> Base = lists:duplicate(max(length(Target) - 1, 0), ".."), filename:join(Base ++ Source). -%%%----------------------------------------------------------------- -%%% 'src_dirs' and 'extra_src_dirs' can be configured with options +%%% @doc +%%% `src_dirs' and `extra_src_dirs' can be configured with options %%% like this: -%%% +%%% ``` %%% {src_dirs,[{"foo",[{recursive,false}]}]} %%% {extra_src_dirs,[{"bar",[recursive]}]} (equivalent to {recursive,true}) -%%% -%%% src_dirs/1,2 and extra_src_dirs/1,2 return only the list of -%%% directories for the 'src_dirs' and 'extra_src_dirs' options -%%% respectively, while src_dirs_opts/2 return the options list for -%%% the given directory, no matter if it is configured as 'src_dirs' or -%%% 'extra_src_dirs'. -%%% +%%% ''' +%%% `src_dirs/1,2' and `extra_src_dirs/1,2' return only the list of +%%% directories for the `src_dirs' and `extra_src_dirs' options +%%% respectively, while `src_dirs_opts/2' returns the options list for +%%% the given directory, no matter if it is configured as `src_dirs' or +%%% `extra_src_dirs'. -spec src_dirs(rebar_dict()) -> list(file:filename_all()). src_dirs(Opts) -> src_dirs(Opts, []). +%% @doc same as `src_dirs/1', but allows to pass in a list of default options. -spec src_dirs(rebar_dict(), list(file:filename_all())) -> list(file:filename_all()). src_dirs(Opts, Default) -> src_dirs(src_dirs, Opts, Default). +%% @doc same as `src_dirs/1', but for the `extra_src_dirs' options -spec extra_src_dirs(rebar_dict()) -> list(file:filename_all()). extra_src_dirs(Opts) -> extra_src_dirs(Opts, []). +%% @doc same as `src_dirs/2', but for the `extra_src_dirs' options -spec extra_src_dirs(rebar_dict(), list(file:filename_all())) -> list(file:filename_all()). extra_src_dirs(Opts, Default) -> src_dirs(extra_src_dirs, Opts, Default). +%% @private agnostic version of src_dirs and extra_src_dirs. src_dirs(Type, Opts, Default) -> lists:usort([case D0 of {D,_} -> D; _ -> D0 end || D0 <- raw_src_dirs(Type,Opts,Default)]). +%% @private extracts the un-formatted src_dirs or extra_src_dirs +%% options as configured. raw_src_dirs(Type, Opts, Default) -> ErlOpts = rebar_opts:erl_opts(Opts), Vs = proplists:get_all_values(Type, ErlOpts), @@ -220,19 +270,23 @@ raw_src_dirs(Type, Opts, Default) -> Dirs -> Dirs end. +%% @doc returns all the source directories (`src_dirs' and +%% `extra_src_dirs'). -spec all_src_dirs(rebar_dict()) -> list(file:filename_all()). all_src_dirs(Opts) -> all_src_dirs(Opts, [], []). +%% @doc returns all the source directories (`src_dirs' and +%% `extra_src_dirs') while being able to configure defaults for both. -spec all_src_dirs(rebar_dict(), list(file:filename_all()), list(file:filename_all())) -> list(file:filename_all()). all_src_dirs(Opts, SrcDefault, ExtraDefault) -> lists:usort(src_dirs(Opts, SrcDefault) ++ extra_src_dirs(Opts, ExtraDefault)). -%%%----------------------------------------------------------------- +%%% @doc %%% Return the list of options for the given src directory %%% If the same option is given multiple times for a directory in the -%%% config, the priority order is: first occurence of 'src_dirs' -%%% followed by first occurence of 'extra_src_dirs'. +%%% config, the priority order is: first occurence of `src_dirs' +%%% followed by first occurence of `extra_src_dirs'. -spec src_dir_opts(rebar_dict(), file:filename_all()) -> [{atom(),term()}]. src_dir_opts(Opts, Dir) -> RawSrcDirs = raw_src_dirs(src_dirs, Opts, []), @@ -241,7 +295,7 @@ src_dir_opts(Opts, Dir) -> D==Dir], lists:ukeysort(1,proplists:unfold(lists:append(AllOpts))). -%%%----------------------------------------------------------------- +%%% @doc %%% Return the value of the 'recursive' option for the given directory. %%% If not given, the value of 'recursive' in the 'erlc_compiler' %%% options is used, and finally the default is 'true'. @@ -254,16 +308,17 @@ recursive(Opts, Dir) -> R = proplists:get_value(recursive, DirOpts, Default), R. -%% given a path if that path is an ancestor of an app dir return the path relative to that -%% apps outdir. if the path is not an ancestor to any app dirs but is an ancestor of the -%% project root return the path relative to the project base_dir. if it is not an ancestor +%% @doc given a path if that path is an ancestor of an app dir, return the path relative to that +%% apps outdir. If the path is not an ancestor to any app dirs but is an ancestor of the +%% project root, return the path relative to the project base_dir. If it is not an ancestor %% of either return it unmodified -spec retarget_path(rebar_state:t(), string()) -> string(). - retarget_path(State, Path) -> ProjectApps = rebar_state:project_apps(State), retarget_path(State, Path, ProjectApps). +%% @private worker for retarget_path/2 +%% @end %% not relative to any apps in project, check to see it's relative to %% project root retarget_path(State, Path, []) -> diff --git a/src/rebar_dist_utils.erl b/src/rebar_dist_utils.erl index 03f4392..93edf9d 100644 --- a/src/rebar_dist_utils.erl +++ b/src/rebar_dist_utils.erl @@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% PUBLIC API %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%% @doc allows to pick whether to use a short or long name, and +%% starts the distributed mode for it. -spec either(Name::atom(), SName::atom(), Opts::[{setcookie,term()}]) -> atom(). either(undefined, undefined, _) -> 'nonode@nohost'; @@ -19,12 +22,18 @@ either(undefined, SName, Opts) -> either(_, _, _) -> ?ABORT("Cannot have both short and long node names defined", []). +%% @doc starts a node with a short name. +-spec short(SName::atom(), Opts::[{setcookie,term()}]) -> term(). short(Name, Opts) -> start(Name, shortnames, Opts). +%% @doc starts a node with a long name. +-spec long(Name::atom(), Opts::[{setcookie,term()}]) -> term(). long(Name, Opts) -> start(Name, longnames, Opts). +%% @doc utility function to extract all distribution options +%% from a rebar3 state tuple. -spec find_options(rebar_state:t()) -> {Long, Short, Opts} when Long :: atom(), Short :: atom(), -- cgit v1.1