path: root/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/rebar_xref_SUITE.erl b/test/rebar_xref_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fde8c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rebar_xref_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+%% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et
+ init_per_suite/1,
+ end_per_suite/1,
+ init_per_testcase/2,
+ end_per_testcase/2,
+ all/0,
+ xref_test/1,
+ xref_ignore_test/1]).
+%% ===================================================================
+%% common_test callbacks
+%% ===================================================================
+suite() ->
+ [].
+init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ Config.
+end_per_suite(_Config) ->
+ ok.
+init_per_testcase(Case, Config) ->
+ UpdConfig = rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state(Config),
+ AppDir = ?config(apps, UpdConfig),
+ {ok, OrigDir} = file:get_cwd(),
+ file:set_cwd(AppDir),
+ Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("xrefapp_"),
+ Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
+ rebar_test_utils:create_empty_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
+ AppModules = [behaviour1, behaviour2, mymod, othermod],
+ [write_src_file(AppDir, Name, Module, ignore_xref(Case)) || Module <- AppModules],
+ RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [debug_info]},
+ {xref_checks, [deprecated_function_calls,deprecated_functions,
+ undefined_function_calls,undefined_functions,
+ exports_not_used,locals_not_used]}],
+ [{app_name, Name},
+ {rebar_config, RebarConfig},
+ {orig_dir, OrigDir} | UpdConfig].
+end_per_testcase(_, Config) ->
+ ?debugMsg("End test case cleanup"),
+ AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
+ OrigDir = ?config(orig_dir, Config),
+ %% Code path cleanup because we set the CWD to the `AppDir' prior
+ %% to launching rebar and these paths make it into the code path
+ %% before the xref module executes so they don't get cleaned up
+ %% automatically after the xref run. Only have to do this because
+ %% we are about to remove the directory and there may be
+ %% subsequent test cases that error out when the code path tries
+ %% to include one of these soon-to-be nonexistent directories.
+ true = code:del_path(AppDir ++ "/."),
+ true = code:del_path(rebar_dir:ebin_dir()),
+ file:set_cwd(OrigDir),
+ ec_file:remove(AppDir, [recursive]),
+ ok.
+all() ->
+ [xref_test, xref_ignore_test].
+%% ===================================================================
+%% Test cases
+%% ===================================================================
+xref_test(Config) ->
+ AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
+ State = ?config(state, Config),
+ Name = ?config(app_name, Config),
+ RebarConfig = ?config(rebar_config, Config),
+ Result = rebar3:run(rebar_state:new(State, RebarConfig, AppDir), ["xref"]),
+ verify_results(xref_test, Name, Result).
+xref_ignore_test(Config) ->
+ AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
+ State = ?config(state, Config),
+ Name = ?config(app_name, Config),
+ RebarConfig = ?config(rebar_config, Config),
+ Result = rebar3:run(rebar_state:new(State, RebarConfig, AppDir), ["xref"]),
+ verify_results(xref_ignore_test, Name, Result).
+%% ===================================================================
+%% Helper functions
+%% ===================================================================
+ignore_xref(xref_ignore_test) ->
+ true;
+ignore_xref(_) ->
+ false.
+verify_results(TestCase, AppName, Results) ->
+ {error, {rebar_prv_xref,
+ {xref_issues, XrefResults, QueryResults}}} = Results,
+ verify_test_results(TestCase, AppName, XrefResults, QueryResults).
+verify_test_results(xref_test, AppName, XrefResults, _QueryResults) ->
+ AppModules = ["behaviour1", "behaviour2", "mymod", "othermod", "somemod"],
+ [Behaviour1Mod, Behaviour2Mod, MyMod, OtherMod, SomeMod] =
+ [list_to_atom(AppName ++ "_" ++ Mod) || Mod <- AppModules],
+ UndefFuns = proplists:get_value(undefined_functions, XrefResults),
+ UndefFunCalls = proplists:get_value(undefined_function_calls, XrefResults),
+ LocalsNotUsed = proplists:get_value(locals_not_used, XrefResults),
+ ExportsNotUsed = proplists:get_value(exports_not_used, XrefResults),
+ DeprecatedFuns = proplists:get_value(deprecated_functions, XrefResults),
+ DeprecatedFunCalls = proplists:get_value(deprecated_function_calls, XrefResults),
+ ?assert(lists:member({SomeMod, notavailable, 1}, UndefFuns)),
+ ?assert(lists:member({{OtherMod, somefunc, 0}, {SomeMod, notavailable, 1}},
+ UndefFunCalls)),
+ ?assert(lists:member({MyMod, fdeprecated, 0}, DeprecatedFuns)),
+ ?assert(lists:member({{OtherMod, somefunc, 0}, {MyMod, fdeprecated, 0}},
+ DeprecatedFunCalls)),
+ ?assert(lists:member({MyMod, localfunc2, 0}, LocalsNotUsed)),
+ ?assert(lists:member({Behaviour1Mod, behaviour_info, 1}, ExportsNotUsed)),
+ ?assert(lists:member({Behaviour2Mod, behaviour_info, 1}, ExportsNotUsed)),
+ ?assert(lists:member({MyMod, other2, 1}, ExportsNotUsed)),
+ ?assert(lists:member({OtherMod, somefunc, 0}, ExportsNotUsed)),
+ ?assertNot(lists:member({MyMod, bh1_a, 1}, ExportsNotUsed)),
+ ?assertNot(lists:member({MyMod, bh1_b, 1}, ExportsNotUsed)),
+ ?assertNot(lists:member({MyMod, bh2_a, 1}, ExportsNotUsed)),
+ ?assertNot(lists:member({MyMod, bh2_b, 1}, ExportsNotUsed)),
+ ok;
+verify_test_results(xref_ignore_test, AppName, XrefResults, _QueryResults) ->
+ AppModules = ["behaviour1", "behaviour2", "mymod", "othermod", "somemod"],
+ [Behaviour1Mod, Behaviour2Mod, MyMod, OtherMod, SomeMod] =
+ [list_to_atom(AppName ++ "_" ++ Mod) || Mod <- AppModules],
+ UndefFuns = proplists:get_value(undefined_functions, XrefResults),
+ ?assertNot(lists:keymember(undefined_function_calls, 1, XrefResults)),
+ ?assertNot(lists:keymember(locals_not_used, 1, XrefResults)),
+ ?assertNot(lists:keymember(exports_not_used, 1, XrefResults)),
+ ?assertNot(lists:keymember(deprecated_functions, 1, XrefResults)),
+ ?assertNot(lists:keymember(deprecated_function_calls, 1, XrefResults)),
+ ?assert(lists:member({SomeMod, notavailable, 1}, UndefFuns)),
+ ok.
+write_src_file(Dir, AppName, Module, IgnoreXref) ->
+ Erl = filename:join([Dir, "src", module_name(AppName, Module)]),
+ ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Erl),
+ ok = ec_file:write(Erl, get_module_body(Module, AppName, IgnoreXref)).
+module_name(AppName, Module) ->
+ lists:flatten([AppName, "_", atom_to_list(Module), ".erl"]).
+get_module_body(behaviour1, AppName, IgnoreXref) ->
+ ["-module(", AppName, "_behaviour1).\n",
+ "-export([behaviour_info/1]).\n",
+ ["-ignore_xref({behaviour_info,1}).\n" || X <- [IgnoreXref], X =:= true],
+ "behaviour_info(callbacks) -> [{bh1_a,1},{bh1_b,1}];\n",
+ "behaviour_info(_Other) -> undefined.\n"];
+get_module_body(behaviour2, AppName, IgnoreXref) ->
+ ["-module(", AppName, "_behaviour2).\n",
+ "-export([behaviour_info/1]).\n",
+ ["-ignore_xref({behaviour_info,1}).\n" || X <- [IgnoreXref], X =:= true],
+ "behaviour_info(callbacks) -> [{bh2_a,1},{bh2_b,1}];\n",
+ "behaviour_info(_Other) -> undefined.\n"];
+get_module_body(mymod, AppName, IgnoreXref) ->
+ ["-module(", AppName, "_mymod).\n",
+ "-export([bh1_a/1,bh1_b/1,bh2_a/1,bh2_b/1,"
+ "other1/1,other2/1,fdeprecated/0]).\n",
+ ["-ignore_xref([{other2,1},{localfunc2,0},{fdeprecated,0}]).\n"
+ || X <- [IgnoreXref], X =:= true],
+ "-behaviour(", AppName, "_behaviour1).\n", % 2 behaviours
+ "-behaviour(", AppName, "_behaviour2).\n",
+ "-deprecated({fdeprecated,0}).\n", % deprecated function
+ "bh1_a(A) -> localfunc1(bh1_a, A).\n", % behaviour functions
+ "bh1_b(A) -> localfunc1(bh1_b, A).\n",
+ "bh2_a(A) -> localfunc1(bh2_a, A).\n",
+ "bh2_b(A) -> localfunc1(bh2_b, A).\n",
+ "other1(A) -> localfunc1(other1, A).\n", % regular exported functions
+ "other2(A) -> localfunc1(other2, A).\n",
+ "localfunc1(A, B) -> {A, B}.\n", % used local
+ "localfunc2() -> ok.\n", % unused local
+ "fdeprecated() -> ok.\n" % deprecated function
+ ];
+get_module_body(othermod, AppName, IgnoreXref) ->
+ ["-module(", AppName, "_othermod).\n",
+ "-export([somefunc/0]).\n",
+ [["-ignore_xref([{", AppName, "_somemod,notavailable,1},{somefunc,0}]).\n",
+ "-ignore_xref({", AppName, "_mymod,fdeprecated,0}).\n"]
+ || X <- [IgnoreXref], X =:= true],
+ "somefunc() ->\n",
+ " ", AppName, "_mymod:other1(arg),\n",
+ " ", AppName, "_somemod:notavailable(arg),\n",
+ " ", AppName, "_mymod:fdeprecated().\n"].