path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
22 files changed, 486 insertions, 298 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 9d0e027..4ef493b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -15,10 +15,15 @@
+ dialyzer,
+ public_key,
+ edoc,
+ snmp,
+ getopt,
- ssl_verify_hostname,
+ ssl_verify_hostname,
{env, [
@@ -36,6 +41,7 @@
+ rebar_prv_deps_tree,
diff --git a/src/rebar3.erl b/src/rebar3.erl
index 46082f0..8004443 100644
--- a/src/rebar3.erl
+++ b/src/rebar3.erl
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
%% ====================================================================
%% escript Entry point
+-spec main(list()) -> no_return().
main(Args) ->
try run(Args) of
{ok, _State} ->
diff --git a/src/rebar_agent.erl b/src/rebar_agent.erl
index dc45dcf..2b69812 100644
--- a/src/rebar_agent.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_agent.erl
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ refresh_paths(RState) ->
{ok, _} ->
?DEBUG("reloading ~p from ~s", [Modules, Path]),
- code:replace_path(Name, Path),
+ code:replace_path(App, Path),
[begin code:purge(M), code:delete(M), code:load_file(M) end
|| M <- Modules]
diff --git a/src/rebar_api.erl b/src/rebar_api.erl
index ec9f85e..6ebc500 100644
--- a/src/rebar_api.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_api.erl
@@ -21,10 +21,12 @@
%% @doc Interrupts program flow
+-spec abort() -> no_return().
abort() -> ?FAIL.
%% @doc like {@link error/2}, except it also raises an
%% exception to interrupt program flow.
+-spec abort(string(), list()) -> no_return().
abort(Str, Args) -> ?ABORT(Str, Args).
%% @doc Prints to the console, including a newline
diff --git a/src/rebar_app_discover.erl b/src/rebar_app_discover.erl
index c5a79a6..e81a323 100644
--- a/src/rebar_app_discover.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_app_discover.erl
@@ -16,7 +16,25 @@ do(State, LibDirs) ->
Apps = find_apps(Dirs, all),
ProjectDeps = rebar_state:deps_names(State),
DepsDir = rebar_dir:deps_dir(State),
+ CurrentProfiles = rebar_state:current_profiles(State),
+ %% There may be a top level src which is an app and there may not
+ %% Find it here if there is, otherwise define the deps parent as root
+ TopLevelApp = define_root_app(Apps, State),
+ %% Handle top level deps
+ State1 = lists:foldl(fun(Profile, StateAcc) ->
+ ProfileDeps = rebar_state:get(StateAcc, {deps, Profile}, []),
+ ProfileDeps2 = rebar_utils:tup_dedup(rebar_utils:tup_sort(ProfileDeps)),
+ ParsedDeps = parse_profile_deps(Profile
+ ,TopLevelApp
+ ,ProfileDeps2
+ ,StateAcc
+ ,StateAcc),
+ rebar_state:set(StateAcc, {parsed_deps, Profile}, ParsedDeps)
+ end, State, lists:reverse(CurrentProfiles)),
+ %% Handle sub project apps deps
%% Sort apps so we get the same merged deps config everytime
SortedApps = rebar_utils:sort_deps(Apps),
lists:foldl(fun(AppInfo, StateAcc) ->
@@ -33,7 +51,19 @@ do(State, LibDirs) ->
?INFO("Ignoring ~s", [Name]),
- end, State, SortedApps).
+ end, State1, SortedApps).
+define_root_app(Apps, State) ->
+ RootDir = rebar_dir:root_dir(State),
+ case ec_lists:find(fun(X) ->
+ ec_file:real_dir_path(rebar_app_info:dir(X)) =:=
+ ec_file:real_dir_path(RootDir)
+ end, Apps) of
+ {ok, App} ->
+ rebar_app_info:name(App);
+ error ->
+ root
+ end.
format_error({module_list, File}) ->
io_lib:format("Error reading module list from ~p~n", [File]);
@@ -51,24 +81,46 @@ merge_deps(AppInfo, State) ->
rebar_state:new(reset_hooks(rebar_state:opts(State, Default)), C,
rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo)), CurrentProfiles), Name),
+ AppState1 = rebar_state:overrides(AppState, rebar_state:get(AppState, overrides, [])),
- rebar_utils:check_min_otp_version(rebar_state:get(AppState, minimum_otp_vsn, undefined)),
- rebar_utils:check_blacklisted_otp_versions(rebar_state:get(AppState, blacklisted_otp_vsns, [])),
+ rebar_utils:check_min_otp_version(rebar_state:get(AppState1, minimum_otp_vsn, undefined)),
+ rebar_utils:check_blacklisted_otp_versions(rebar_state:get(AppState1, blacklisted_otp_vsns, [])),
- AppState1 = rebar_state:set(AppState, artifacts, []),
- AppInfo1 = rebar_app_info:state(AppInfo, AppState1),
+ AppState2 = rebar_state:set(AppState1, artifacts, []),
+ AppInfo1 = rebar_app_info:state(AppInfo, AppState2),
State1 = lists:foldl(fun(Profile, StateAcc) ->
- AppProfDeps = rebar_state:get(AppState, {deps, Profile}, []),
- TopLevelProfDeps = rebar_state:get(StateAcc, {deps, Profile}, []),
- ProfDeps2 = rebar_utils:tup_dedup(rebar_utils:tup_umerge(
- rebar_utils:tup_sort(TopLevelProfDeps)
- ,rebar_utils:tup_sort(AppProfDeps))),
- rebar_state:set(StateAcc, {deps, Profile}, ProfDeps2)
+ handle_profile(Profile, Name, AppState1, StateAcc)
end, State, lists:reverse(CurrentProfiles)),
{AppInfo1, State1}.
+handle_profile(Profile, Name, AppState, State) ->
+ {TopSrc, TopPkg} = rebar_state:get(State, {parsed_deps, Profile}, {[], []}),
+ TopLevelProfileDeps = rebar_state:get(State, {deps, Profile}, []),
+ AppProfileDeps = rebar_state:get(AppState, {deps, Profile}, []),
+ AppProfileDeps2 = rebar_utils:tup_dedup(rebar_utils:tup_sort(AppProfileDeps)),
+ ProfileDeps2 = rebar_utils:tup_dedup(rebar_utils:tup_umerge(
+ rebar_utils:tup_sort(TopLevelProfileDeps)
+ ,rebar_utils:tup_sort(AppProfileDeps2))),
+ State1 = rebar_state:set(State, {deps, Profile}, ProfileDeps2),
+ %% Only deps not also specified in the top level config need
+ %% to be included in the parsed deps
+ NewDeps = ProfileDeps2 -- TopLevelProfileDeps,
+ {ParsedSrc, ParsedPkg} = parse_profile_deps(Profile, Name, NewDeps, AppState, State1),
+ rebar_state:set(State1, {parsed_deps, Profile}, {TopSrc++ParsedSrc, TopPkg++ParsedPkg}).
+parse_profile_deps(Profile, Name, Deps, AppState, State) ->
+ DepsDir = rebar_prv_install_deps:profile_dep_dir(State, Profile),
+ Locks = rebar_state:get(State, {locks, Profile}, []),
+ rebar_prv_install_deps:parse_deps(Name
+ ,DepsDir
+ ,Deps
+ ,AppState
+ ,Locks
+ ,1).
project_app_config(AppInfo, State) ->
C = rebar_config:consult(rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo)),
Dir = rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo),
@@ -138,7 +190,7 @@ find_app(AppDir, Validate) ->
app_dir(AppFile) ->
--spec create_app_info(file:name(), file:name()) -> rebar_app_info:t() | {error, term()}.
+-spec create_app_info(file:name(), file:name()) -> rebar_app_info:t().
create_app_info(AppDir, AppFile) ->
[{application, AppName, AppDetails}] = rebar_config:consult_app_file(AppFile),
AppVsn = proplists:get_value(vsn, AppDetails),
@@ -208,16 +260,11 @@ try_handle_app_src_file(_, _AppDir, _AppSrcFile, valid) ->
try_handle_app_src_file(_, AppDir, [File], Validate) when Validate =:= invalid
; Validate =:= all ->
AppInfo = create_app_info(AppDir, File),
- case AppInfo of
- {error, Reason} ->
- throw({error, {invalid_app_file, File, Reason}});
+ case filename:extension(File) of
+ ".script" ->
+ {true, rebar_app_info:app_file_src_script(AppInfo, File)};
_ ->
- case filename:extension(File) of
- ".script" ->
- {true, rebar_app_info:app_file_src_script(AppInfo, File)};
- _ ->
- {true, rebar_app_info:app_file_src(AppInfo, File)}
- end
+ {true, rebar_app_info:app_file_src(AppInfo, File)}
try_handle_app_src_file(_, _AppDir, Other, _Validate) ->
throw({error, {multiple_app_files, Other}}).
diff --git a/src/rebar_app_info.erl b/src/rebar_app_info.erl
index 6962c5a..7e31f6d 100644
--- a/src/rebar_app_info.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_app_info.erl
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
+ parent/1,
+ parent/2,
@@ -54,6 +56,7 @@
app_file :: file:filename_all() | undefined,
config :: rebar_state:t() | undefined,
original_vsn :: binary() | string() | undefined,
+ parent :: binary() | root,
app_details=[] :: list(),
applications=[] :: list(),
deps=[] :: list(),
@@ -203,6 +206,13 @@ app_details(#app_info_t{app_details=AppDetails}) ->
app_details(AppInfo=#app_info_t{}, AppDetails) ->
+parent(#app_info_t{parent=Parent}) ->
+ Parent.
+-spec parent(t(), binary() | root) -> t().
+parent(AppInfo=#app_info_t{}, Parent) ->
+ AppInfo#app_info_t{parent=Parent}.
-spec original_vsn(t()) -> string().
original_vsn(#app_info_t{original_vsn=Vsn}) ->
diff --git a/src/rebar_app_utils.erl b/src/rebar_app_utils.erl
index 92c3ff8..e9745c3 100644
--- a/src/rebar_app_utils.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_app_utils.erl
@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ format_error(Error) ->
%% Internal functions
%% ===================================================================
--spec has_all_beams(file:filename_all(), list()) -> true | providers:error().
+-spec has_all_beams(file:filename_all(), [module()]) ->
+ true | ?PRV_ERROR({missing_module, module()}).
has_all_beams(EbinDir, [Module | ModuleList]) ->
BeamFile = filename:join([EbinDir,
ec_cnv:to_list(Module) ++ ".beam"]),
diff --git a/src/rebar_core.erl b/src/rebar_core.erl
index f097429..ba82a59 100644
--- a/src/rebar_core.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_core.erl
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ process_namespace(State, Command) ->
{ok, rebar_state:namespace(State, default), Command}
--spec process_command(rebar_state:t(), atom()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()} | {error, string()}.
+-spec process_command(rebar_state:t(), atom()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()} | {error, string()} | {error, {module(), any()}}.
process_command(State, Command) ->
%% ? rebar_prv_install_deps:setup_env(State),
Providers = rebar_state:providers(State),
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ process_command(State, Command) ->
--spec do([{atom(), atom()}], rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()} | {error, string()}.
+-spec do([{atom(), atom()}], rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()} | {error, string()} | {error, {module(), any()}}.
do([], State) ->
{ok, State};
do([ProviderName | Rest], State) ->
diff --git a/src/rebar_digraph.erl b/src/rebar_digraph.erl
index e989fdc..4ece286 100644
--- a/src/rebar_digraph.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_digraph.erl
@@ -2,10 +2,9 @@
+ ,cull_deps/2
- ,cull_deps/4
- ,print_solution/2
@@ -18,20 +17,23 @@ compile_order(Apps) ->
Deps = all_apps_deps(App),
add(Graph, {Name, Deps})
end, Apps),
- case digraph_utils:topsort(Graph) of
- false ->
- case digraph_utils:is_acyclic(Graph) of
- true ->
- {error, no_sort};
- false ->
- Cycles = lists:sort(
- [lists:sort(Comp) || Comp <- digraph_utils:strong_components(Graph),
- length(Comp)>1]),
- {error, {cycles, Cycles}}
- end;
- V ->
- {ok, names_to_apps(lists:reverse(V), Apps)}
- end.
+ Order =
+ case digraph_utils:topsort(Graph) of
+ false ->
+ case digraph_utils:is_acyclic(Graph) of
+ true ->
+ {error, no_sort};
+ false ->
+ Cycles = lists:sort(
+ [lists:sort(Comp) || Comp <- digraph_utils:strong_components(Graph),
+ length(Comp)>1]),
+ {error, {cycles, Cycles}}
+ end;
+ V ->
+ {ok, names_to_apps(lists:reverse(V), Apps)}
+ end,
+ true = digraph:delete(Graph),
+ Order.
add(Graph, {PkgName, Deps}) ->
case digraph:vertex(Graph, PkgName) of
@@ -70,76 +72,13 @@ restore_graph({Vs, Es}) ->
%% Pick packages to fullfill dependencies
%% The first dep while traversing the graph is chosen and any conflicting
%% dep encountered later on is ignored.
+cull_deps(Graph, Vertices) ->
+ cull_deps(Graph, Vertices, sets:new()).
-cull_deps(Graph, Vertices, Level) ->
- {ok, LvlVertices, Discarded, _} = cull_deps(Graph, Vertices, Level, none),
- {ok, LvlVertices, Discarded}.
-cull_deps(Graph, Vertices, Level, SolutionGraph) ->
- cull_deps(Graph,
- Vertices,
- Level+1,
- lists:foldl(fun({Key, _}, Levels) ->
- dict:store(Key, Level, Levels)
- end, dict:new(), Vertices),
- lists:foldl(fun({Key, _}=N, Solution) ->
- dict:store(Key, N, Solution)
- end, dict:new(), Vertices),
- [],
- SolutionGraph).
-cull_deps(_Graph, [], _Level, Levels, Solution, Discarded, SolutionGraph) ->
- {_, Vertices} = lists:unzip(dict:to_list(Solution)),
- LvlVertices = [{App,Vsn,dict:fetch(App,Levels)} || {App,Vsn} <- Vertices],
- {ok, LvlVertices, Discarded, SolutionGraph};
-cull_deps(Graph, Vertices, Level, Levels, Solution, Discarded, SolutionGraph) ->
- {NV, NS, LS, DS} =
- lists:foldl(fun(V, {NewVertices, SolutionAcc, LevelsAcc, DiscardedAcc}) ->
- OutNeighbors = lists:keysort(1, digraph:out_neighbours(Graph, V)),
- lists:foldl(fun({Key, _}=N, {NewVertices1, SolutionAcc1, LevelsAcc1, DiscardedAcc1}) ->
- case dict:find(Key, SolutionAcc1) of
- {ok, N} -> % already seen
- {NewVertices1, SolutionAcc1, LevelsAcc1, DiscardedAcc1};
- {ok, _} -> % conflict resolution!
- {NewVertices1, SolutionAcc1, LevelsAcc1, [N|DiscardedAcc1]};
- error ->
- add_to_solution_graph(N, V, SolutionGraph),
- {[N | NewVertices1],
- dict:store(Key, N, SolutionAcc1),
- dict:store(Key, Level, LevelsAcc1),
- DiscardedAcc1}
- end
- end, {NewVertices, SolutionAcc, LevelsAcc, DiscardedAcc}, OutNeighbors)
- end, {[], Solution, Levels, Discarded}, lists:keysort(1, Vertices)),
- cull_deps(Graph, NV, Level+1, LS, NS, DS, SolutionGraph).
-subgraph(Graph, Vertices) ->
- digraph_utils:subgraph(Graph, Vertices).
-add_to_solution_graph(_, _, none) ->
- ok;
-add_to_solution_graph(N, V, SolutionGraph) ->
- NewV = digraph:add_vertex(SolutionGraph, N),
- digraph:add_edge(SolutionGraph, V, NewV).
-print_solution(Graph, Deps) ->
- SolutionGraph = digraph:new(),
- [digraph:add_vertex(SolutionGraph, V) || V <- Deps],
- cull_deps(Graph, Deps, 0, SolutionGraph),
- print_solution(SolutionGraph, Deps, 0).
-print_solution(_, [], _) ->
- ok;
-print_solution(SolutionGraph, [{N, V} | Vertices], 0) ->
- ?CONSOLE("~s-~s", [N, V]),
- OutNeighbors = lists:keysort(1, digraph:out_neighbours(SolutionGraph, {N,V})),
- print_solution(SolutionGraph, OutNeighbors, 4),
- print_solution(SolutionGraph, Vertices, 0);
-print_solution(SolutionGraph, [{N, V} | Vertices], Indent) ->
- ?CONSOLE("~s~s-~s", [[" " || _ <- lists:seq(0, Indent)], N, V]),
- OutNeighbors = lists:keysort(1, digraph:out_neighbours(SolutionGraph, {N,V})),
- print_solution(SolutionGraph, OutNeighbors, Indent+4),
- print_solution(SolutionGraph, Vertices, Indent).
+cull_deps(Graph, Vertices, Seen) ->
+ Vertices1 = lists:keysort(2, Vertices),
+ {Solution, Levels, Discarded} = {dict:new(), dict:new(), []},
+ cull_deps(Graph, Vertices1, Levels, Solution, Seen, Discarded).
format_error(no_solution) ->
io_lib:format("No solution for packages found.", []).
@@ -148,6 +87,106 @@ format_error(no_solution) ->
%% Internal Functions
+cull_deps(_Graph, [], Levels, Solution, _, Discarded) ->
+ {_, Vertices} = lists:unzip(dict:to_list(Solution)),
+ LvlVertices = [{Profile, {Parent, App, Vsn, dict:fetch(App, Levels)}}
+ || {Profile, {Parent,App,Vsn}} <- Vertices],
+ {ok, LvlVertices, Discarded};
+cull_deps(Graph, [{Profile, Level, Vs} | Vertices], Levels, Solution, Seen, Discarded) ->
+ {NV, NS, LS, DS} =
+ lists:foldl(fun({Parent, Name, Vsn}, {Acc, SolutionAcc, LevelsAcc, DiscardedAcc}) ->
+ {SolutionAcc1, LevelsAcc1, DiscardedAcc1} =
+ maybe_add_to_solution(Profile, Level, Name, {Name, Vsn}, Parent
+ ,SolutionAcc
+ ,LevelsAcc, Seen, DiscardedAcc),
+ OutNeighbors = digraph:out_neighbours(Graph, {Name,Vsn}),
+ {NewVertices, DiscardedAcc2} = handle_neighbors(Profile, Level, Name
+ ,OutNeighbors, Acc, SolutionAcc1
+ ,Seen, DiscardedAcc1),
+ {NewVertices, SolutionAcc1, LevelsAcc1, DiscardedAcc2}
+ end, {[], Solution, Levels, Discarded}, Vs),
+ NewVertices = combine_profile_levels(Vertices, NV),
+ cull_deps(Graph, NewVertices, LS, NS, Seen, DS).
+%% Combine lists of deps that have the same profile and level
+combine_profile_levels(Vertices, NewVertices) ->
+ V = lists:foldl(fun({Profile, Level, Vs}, Acc) ->
+ case ec_lists:find(fun({P, L, _}) ->
+ P =:= Profile andalso L =:= Level
+ end, Acc) of
+ {ok, {_, _, OldVs}=Old} ->
+ lists:delete(Old, Acc)++[{Profile, Level, lists:keysort(1, OldVs++Vs)}];
+ error ->
+ Acc++[{Profile, Level, Vs}]
+ end
+ end, Vertices, NewVertices),
+ lists:keysort(2, V).
+%% For each outgoing edge of a dep check if it should be added to the solution
+%% and add it to the list of vertices to do the same for
+handle_neighbors(Profile, Level, Parent, OutNeighbors, Vertices
+ ,Solution, Seen, Discarded) ->
+ case lists:foldl(fun({Name, Vsn}=Value, {NewVertices, Discarded1}) ->
+ case dict:find(Name, Solution) of
+ {ok, {Profile, {Parent, Name, Vsn}}} -> % already seen
+ {NewVertices,
+ Discarded1};
+ {ok, _} -> % conflict resolution!
+ %% Warn on different version
+ {NewVertices,
+ [Value|Discarded1]};
+ error ->
+ %% We check Seen separately because we don't care
+ %% to warn if the exact same version of a package
+ %% was already part of the solution but we do
+ %% if it was simply seen in source deps
+ case sets:is_element(Name, Seen) of
+ true ->
+ {NewVertices,
+ [Value|Discarded1]};
+ false ->
+ {[{Parent, Name, Vsn} | NewVertices],
+ Discarded1}
+ end
+ end
+ end, {[], Discarded}, OutNeighbors) of
+ {[], DiscardedAcc2} ->
+ {Vertices, DiscardedAcc2};
+ {NewVertices1, DiscardedAcc2} ->
+ {Vertices++[{Profile, Level+1, NewVertices1}] ,DiscardedAcc2}
+ end.
+maybe_add_to_solution(Profile, Level, Key, {Name, Vsn}=Value, Parent
+ ,Solution, Levels, Seen, Discarded) ->
+ case dict:find(Key, Solution) of
+ {ok, {Profile, {Parent, Name, Vsn}}} -> % already seen
+ {Solution,
+ Levels,
+ Discarded};
+ {ok, _} -> % conflict resolution!
+ %% Warn on different version
+ {Solution,
+ Levels,
+ [Value|Discarded]};
+ error ->
+ %% We check Seen separately because we don't care to warn if the exact
+ %% same version of a package was already part of the solution but we do
+ %% if it was simply seen in source deps
+ case sets:is_element(Name, Seen) of
+ true ->
+ {Solution,
+ Levels,
+ [Value|Discarded]};
+ false ->
+ {dict:store(Key, {Profile, {Parent, Name, Vsn}}, Solution),
+ dict:store(Key, Level, Levels),
+ Discarded}
+ end
+ end.
+subgraph(Graph, Vertices) ->
+ digraph_utils:subgraph(Graph, Vertices).
-spec names_to_apps([atom()], [rebar_app_info:t()]) -> [rebar_app_info:t()].
names_to_apps(Names, Apps) ->
[element(2, App) || App <- [find_app_by_name(Name, Apps) || Name <- Names], App =/= error].
diff --git a/src/rebar_erlc_compiler.erl b/src/rebar_erlc_compiler.erl
index 87cf352..4c76429 100644
--- a/src/rebar_erlc_compiler.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_erlc_compiler.erl
@@ -165,7 +165,8 @@ doterl_compile(Config, Dir, OutDir, MoreSources, ErlOpts) ->
{DepErls, OtherErls} = lists:partition(
fun(Source) -> digraph:in_degree(G, Source) > 0 end,
[File || File <- NeededErlFiles, not lists:member(File, ErlFirstFiles)]),
- DepErlsOrdered = digraph_utils:topsort(digraph_utils:subgraph(G, DepErls)),
+ SubGraph = digraph_utils:subgraph(G, DepErls),
+ DepErlsOrdered = digraph_utils:topsort(SubGraph),
FirstErls = ErlFirstFiles ++ lists:reverse(DepErlsOrdered),
?DEBUG("Files to compile first: ~p", [FirstErls]),
@@ -177,6 +178,8 @@ doterl_compile(Config, Dir, OutDir, MoreSources, ErlOpts) ->
internal_erl_compile(C, Dir, S, OutDir1, ErlOpts1)
+ true = digraph:delete(SubGraph),
+ true = digraph:delete(G),
%% Get files which need to be compiled first, i.e. those specified in erl_first_files
@@ -382,7 +385,7 @@ expand_file_names(Files, Dirs) ->
end, Files).
--spec internal_erl_compile(rebar_config:config(), file:filename(), file:filename(),
+-spec internal_erl_compile(rebar_state:t(), file:filename(), file:filename(),
file:filename(), list()) -> ok | {ok, any()} | {error, any(), any()}.
internal_erl_compile(Config, Dir, Module, OutDir, ErlOpts) ->
Target = target_base(OutDir, Module) ++ ".beam",
diff --git a/src/rebar_prv_common_test.erl b/src/rebar_prv_common_test.erl
index 2b024cf..1165631 100644
--- a/src/rebar_prv_common_test.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_prv_common_test.erl
@@ -361,10 +361,10 @@ remove_links(Path) ->
delete_dir_link(Path) ->
- case os:type() of
- {unix, _} -> file:delete(Path);
- {win32, _} -> file:del_dir(Path)
- end.
+ case os:type() of
+ {unix, _} -> file:delete(Path);
+ {win32, _} -> file:del_dir(Path)
+ end.
dir_entries(Path) ->
{ok, SubDirs} = file:list_dir(Path),
diff --git a/src/rebar_prv_deps.erl b/src/rebar_prv_deps.erl
index dc356a8..9ff2bfa 100644
--- a/src/rebar_prv_deps.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_prv_deps.erl
@@ -24,25 +24,16 @@ init(State) ->
{short_desc, "List dependencies"},
{desc, "List dependencies. Those not matching lock files "
"are followed by an asterisk (*)."},
- {opts, [{tree, $t, "tree", undefined, "Display package dependencies in tree format (git and hg deps not supported)."}]}])),
+ {opts, []}])),
{ok, State1}.
-spec do(rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()} | {error, string()}.
do(State) ->
- case display_tree(State) of
- true ->
- {_Packages, Graph} = rebar_state:packages(State),
- List = merge_deps_per_profile(State),
- {_SrcDeps, PkgDeps} = rebar_prv_install_deps:parse_deps("", List, State, [], 0),
- rebar_digraph:print_solution(Graph, PkgDeps),
- {ok, State};
- false ->
- Profiles = rebar_state:current_profiles(State),
- List = [{Profile, rebar_state:get(State, {deps, Profile}, [])}
- || Profile <- Profiles],
- [display(State, Profile, Deps) || {Profile, Deps} <- List],
- {ok, State}
- end.
+ Profiles = rebar_state:current_profiles(State),
+ List = [{Profile, rebar_state:get(State, {deps, Profile}, [])}
+ || Profile <- Profiles],
+ [display(State, Profile, Deps) || {Profile, Deps} <- List],
+ {ok, State}.
-spec format_error(any()) -> iolist().
format_error(Reason) ->
@@ -91,7 +82,6 @@ dedup([Dep|Deps], [Name|DepNames]) ->
name(T) when is_tuple(T) -> element(1, T);
name(B) when is_binary(B) -> B.
display_deps(State, Deps) ->
lists:foreach(fun(Dep) -> display_dep(State, Dep) end, Deps).
@@ -125,17 +115,3 @@ display_dep(State, {Name, Source, Level}) when is_tuple(Source), is_integer(Leve
?CONSOLE("~s~s (locked ~s source)", [Name, NeedsUpdate, type(Source)]).
type(Source) when is_tuple(Source) -> element(1, Source).
-display_tree(State) ->
- {Args, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State),
- proplists:get_value(tree, Args, false).
-merge_deps_per_profile(State) ->
- Profiles = rebar_state:current_profiles(State),
- lists:foldl(fun(Profile, Deps) ->
- D = rebar_utils:deps_to_binary(rebar_state:get(State, {deps, Profile}, [])),
- D1 = rebar_utils:tup_sort(D),
- rebar_utils:tup_dedup(
- rebar_utils:tup_umerge(D1
- ,Deps))
- end, [], Profiles).
diff --git a/src/rebar_prv_deps_tree.erl b/src/rebar_prv_deps_tree.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d429c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rebar_prv_deps_tree.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ do/1,
+ format_error/1]).
+-define(PROVIDER, tree).
+-define(DEPS, [lock]).
+-spec init(rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()}.
+init(State) ->
+ State1 = rebar_state:add_provider(
+ State,
+ providers:create([{name, ?PROVIDER},
+ {module, ?MODULE},
+ {bare, true},
+ {deps, ?DEPS},
+ {example, "rebar3 tree"},
+ {short_desc, "Print dependency tree."},
+ {desc, ""},
+ {opts, [{verbose, $v, "verbose", undefined, "Print repo and branch/tag/ref for git and hg deps"}]}])),
+ {ok, State1}.
+-spec do(rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()} | {error, string()}.
+do(State) ->
+ {Args, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State),
+ Verbose = proplists:get_value(verbose, Args, false),
+ print_deps_tree(rebar_state:all_deps(State), Verbose, State),
+ {ok, State}.
+-spec format_error(any()) -> iolist().
+format_error(Reason) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p", [Reason]).
+%% Internal functions
+print_deps_tree(SrcDeps, Verbose, State) ->
+ D = lists:foldl(fun(App, Dict) ->
+ Name = rebar_app_info:name(App),
+ Vsn = rebar_app_info:original_vsn(App),
+ Source = rebar_app_info:source(App),
+ Parent = rebar_app_info:parent(App),
+ dict:append_list(Parent, [{Name, Vsn, Source}], Dict)
+ end, dict:new(), SrcDeps),
+ ProjectAppNames = [{rebar_app_info:name(App)
+ ,rebar_app_info:original_vsn(App)
+ ,project} || App <- rebar_state:project_apps(State)],
+ case dict:find(root, D) of
+ {ok, Children} ->
+ print_children(-1, lists:keysort(1, Children++ProjectAppNames), D, Verbose);
+ error ->
+ print_children(-1, lists:keysort(1, ProjectAppNames), D, Verbose)
+ end.
+print_children(_, [], _, _) ->
+ ok;
+print_children(Indent, [{Name, Vsn, Source} | Rest], Dict, Verbose) ->
+ [io:format("| ") || _ <- lists:seq(0, Indent, 2)],
+ io:format("|- "),
+ io:format("~s-~s (~s)~n", [Name, Vsn, type(Source, Verbose)]),
+ case dict:find(Name, Dict) of
+ {ok, Children} ->
+ print_children(Indent+2, lists:keysort(1, Children), Dict, Verbose),
+ print_children(Indent, Rest, Dict, Verbose);
+ error ->
+ print_children(Indent, Rest, Dict, Verbose)
+ end.
+type(project, _) ->
+ "project app";
+type(Source, Verbose) when is_tuple(Source) ->
+ case {element(1, Source), Verbose} of
+ {pkg, _} ->
+ "hex package";
+ {Other, false} ->
+ io_lib:format("~s repo", [Other]);
+ {_, true} ->
+ io_lib:format("~s", [element(2, Source)])
+ end.
diff --git a/src/rebar_prv_install_deps.erl b/src/rebar_prv_install_deps.erl
index b590d03..11a4250 100644
--- a/src/rebar_prv_install_deps.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_prv_install_deps.erl
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
+ parse_deps/6,
+ profile_dep_dir/2,
@@ -125,11 +127,15 @@ handle_deps_as_profile(Profile, State, Deps, Upgrade) ->
DepsDir = profile_dep_dir(State, Profile),
{SrcDeps, PkgDeps} = parse_deps(DepsDir, Deps, State, Locks, Level),
AllSrcProfileDeps = [{Profile, SrcDeps, Locks, Level}],
- AllPkgProfileDeps = [{Profile, Locks, PkgDeps, Level}],
+ AllPkgProfileDeps = case PkgDeps of
+ [] ->
+ [];
+ _ ->
+ [{Profile, Level, PkgDeps}]
+ end,
{AllApps, PkgDeps1, Seen, State1} = handle_profile_level(AllSrcProfileDeps, AllPkgProfileDeps, Locks, sets:new(), Upgrade, State),
- handle_profile_pkg_level(PkgDeps1, AllApps, Seen, Upgrade, State1).
+ handle_profile_pkg_level(PkgDeps1, AllApps, Seen, Upgrade, [], State1).
%% ===================================================================
%% Internal functions
@@ -139,19 +145,21 @@ handle_deps_as_profile(Profile, State, Deps, Upgrade) ->
deps_per_profile(Profiles, Upgrade, State) ->
Level = 0,
{AllProfileDeps, PkgDeps} = lists:foldl(fun(Profile, {SrcAcc, PkgAcc}) ->
- {Src, Pkg} = parse_profile_deps(State, Profile, Level),
- {[Src | SrcAcc], [Pkg | PkgAcc]}
+ case parse_profile_deps(State, Profile, Level) of
+ {Src, {_, _, []}} ->
+ {[Src | SrcAcc], PkgAcc};
+ {Src, Pkg} ->
+ {[Src | SrcAcc], [Pkg | PkgAcc]}
+ end
end, {[], []}, Profiles),
{AllApps, PkgDeps1, Seen, State1} = handle_profile_level(AllProfileDeps, PkgDeps, [], sets:new(), Upgrade, State),
- handle_profile_pkg_level(PkgDeps1, AllApps, Seen, Upgrade, State1).
+ Locks = rebar_state:get(State, {locks, default}, []),
+ handle_profile_pkg_level(PkgDeps1, AllApps, Seen, Upgrade, Locks, State1).
parse_profile_deps(State, Profile, Level) ->
- DepsDir = profile_dep_dir(State, Profile),
Locks = rebar_state:get(State, {locks, Profile}, []),
- Deps = rebar_state:get(State, {deps, Profile}, []),
- {SrcDeps, PkgDeps} = parse_deps(DepsDir, Deps, State, Locks, Level),
- {{Profile, SrcDeps, Locks, Level}, {Profile, Locks, PkgDeps, Level}}.
+ {SrcDeps, PkgDeps} = rebar_state:get(State, {parsed_deps, Profile}, {[], []}),
+ {{Profile, SrcDeps, Locks, Level}, {Profile, Level, PkgDeps}}.
%% Level-order traversal of all dependencies, across profiles.
%% If profiles x,y,z are present, then the traversal will go:
@@ -166,28 +174,37 @@ handle_profile_level([{Profile, SrcDeps, Locks, Level} | Rest], PkgDeps, SrcApps
[] -> Rest;
_ -> Rest ++ [{Profile, SrcDeps1, Locks1, Level+1}]
- handle_profile_level(SrcDeps2, [{Profile, Locks1, PkgDeps1, Level+1} | PkgDeps], SrcApps1++SrcApps, sets:union(Seen, Seen1), Upgrade, State1).
-handle_profile_pkg_level(PkgDeps, AllApps, Seen, Upgrade, State) ->
+ handle_profile_level(SrcDeps2, case PkgDeps1 of
+ [] ->
+ PkgDeps;
+ _ ->
+ [{Profile, Level+1, PkgDeps1} | PkgDeps]
+ end, SrcApps1, sets:union(Seen, Seen1), Upgrade, State1).
+handle_profile_pkg_level([], AllApps, _Seen, _Upgrade, _Locks, State) ->
+ {AllApps, State};
+handle_profile_pkg_level(PkgDeps, AllApps, Seen, Upgrade, Locks, State) ->
%% Read in package index and dep graph
{Packages, Graph} = rebar_state:packages(State),
Registry = rebar_packages:registry(State),
State1 = rebar_state:packages(rebar_state:registry(State, Registry)
,{Packages, Graph}),
- lists:foldl(fun({_Profile, _, [], _}, {AllAcc, StateAcc}) ->
- {AllAcc, StateAcc};
- ({Profile1, Locks, PkgDeps2, Level}, {AllAcc, StateAcc}) ->
- {Solved, StateAcc2} = update_pkg_deps(Profile1, Packages, PkgDeps2
- ,Graph, Upgrade, Seen, StateAcc, Locks
- ,Level),
- AllDeps = lists:ukeymerge(2
- ,lists:ukeysort(2, AllAcc)
- ,lists:ukeysort(2, Solved)),
- {AllDeps, StateAcc2}
- end, {AllApps, State1}, PkgDeps).
+ S = case rebar_digraph:cull_deps(Graph, lists:keysort(2, PkgDeps), Seen) of
+ {ok, [], []} ->
+ throw({rebar_digraph, no_solution});
+ {ok, [], Discarded} ->
+ [warn_skip_pkg(Pkg, State) || Pkg <- Discarded, not(pkg_locked(Pkg, Locks))],
+ [];
+ {ok, Solution, []} ->
+ Solution;
+ {ok, Solution, Discarded} ->
+ [warn_skip_pkg(Pkg, State) || Pkg <- Discarded, not(pkg_locked(Pkg, Locks))],
+ Solution
+ end,
+ {PkgApps, State2} = update_pkg_deps(S, Packages, Upgrade, Seen, State1, Locks),
+ {AllApps++PkgApps, State2}.
find_cycles(Apps) ->
case rebar_digraph:compile_order(Apps) of
@@ -199,36 +216,17 @@ find_cycles(Apps) ->
cull_compile(TopSortedDeps, ProjectApps) ->
lists:dropwhile(fun not_needs_compile/1, TopSortedDeps -- ProjectApps).
-update_pkg_deps(Profile, Packages, PkgDeps, Graph, Upgrade, Seen, State, Locks, Level) ->
- case PkgDeps of
- [] -> %% No pkg deps
- {[], State};
- PkgDeps ->
- %% Find pkg deps needed
- S = case rebar_digraph:cull_deps(Graph, PkgDeps, Level) of
- {ok, [], _} ->
- throw({rebar_digraph, no_solution});
- {ok, Solution, []} ->
- Solution;
- {ok, Solution, Discarded} ->
- [warn_skip_pkg(Pkg, State) || Pkg <- Discarded, not(pkg_locked(Pkg, Locks))],
- Solution
- end,
- update_pkg_deps(Profile, S, Packages, Upgrade, Seen, State, Locks)
- end.
-pkg_locked({Name, _, _}, Locks) ->
+pkg_locked({_, Name, _, _}, Locks) ->
pkg_locked(Name, Locks);
-pkg_locked({Name, _}, Locks) ->
+pkg_locked({_, Name, _}, Locks) ->
pkg_locked(Name, Locks);
pkg_locked(Name, Locks) ->
false =/= lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Locks).
-update_pkg_deps(Profile, Pkgs, Packages, Upgrade, Seen, State, Locks) ->
- %% Create app_info record for each pkg dep
- DepsDir = profile_dep_dir(State, Profile),
+update_pkg_deps(Pkgs, Packages, Upgrade, Seen, State, Locks) ->
{Solved, _, State1}
- = lists:foldl(fun(Pkg, {Acc, SeenAcc, StateAcc}) ->
+ = lists:foldl(fun({Profile, Pkg}, {Acc, SeenAcc, StateAcc}) ->
+ DepsDir = profile_dep_dir(State, Profile),
handle_pkg_dep(Profile, Pkg, Packages, Upgrade, DepsDir, Acc, SeenAcc, Locks, StateAcc)
end, {[], Seen, State}, Pkgs),
{Solved, State1}.
@@ -236,14 +234,19 @@ update_pkg_deps(Profile, Pkgs, Packages, Upgrade, Seen, State, Locks) ->
handle_pkg_dep(Profile, Pkg, Packages, Upgrade, DepsDir, Fetched, Seen, Locks, State) ->
IsLock = pkg_locked(Pkg, Locks),
AppInfo = package_to_app(DepsDir, Packages, Pkg, IsLock, State),
- Deps = rebar_app_info:deps(AppInfo),
- Level = rebar_app_info:dep_level(AppInfo),
- {NewSeen, NewState} = maybe_lock(Profile, AppInfo, Seen, State, Level),
- {_, AppInfo1} = maybe_fetch(AppInfo, Profile, Upgrade, Seen, NewState),
- {AppInfo2, _, _, _, _} =
- handle_dep(NewState, Profile, DepsDir, AppInfo1, Locks, Level),
- AppInfo3 = rebar_app_info:deps(AppInfo2, Deps),
- {[AppInfo3 | Fetched], NewSeen, NewState}.
+ case sets:is_element(rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo), Seen) of
+ true ->
+ {Fetched, Seen, State};
+ false ->
+ Deps = rebar_app_info:deps(AppInfo),
+ Level = rebar_app_info:dep_level(AppInfo),
+ {NewSeen, NewState} = maybe_lock(Profile, AppInfo, Seen, State, Level),
+ {_, AppInfo1} = maybe_fetch(AppInfo, Profile, Upgrade, Seen, NewState),
+ {AppInfo2, _, _, _, _} =
+ handle_dep(NewState, Profile, DepsDir, AppInfo1, Locks, Level),
+ AppInfo3 = rebar_app_info:deps(AppInfo2, Deps),
+ {[AppInfo3 | Fetched], NewSeen, NewState}
+ end.
maybe_lock(Profile, AppInfo, Seen, State, Level) ->
Name = rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo),
@@ -271,7 +274,7 @@ maybe_lock(Profile, AppInfo, Seen, State, Level) ->
{sets:add_element(Name, Seen), State}
-package_to_app(DepsDir, Packages, {Name, Vsn, Level}, IsLock, State) ->
+package_to_app(DepsDir, Packages, {Parent, Name, Vsn, Level}, IsLock, State) ->
case dict:find({Name, Vsn}, Packages) of
error ->
case rebar_packages:check_registry(Name, Vsn, State) of
@@ -282,14 +285,14 @@ package_to_app(DepsDir, Packages, {Name, Vsn, Level}, IsLock, State) ->
{ok, PkgDeps} ->
Source = {pkg, Name, Vsn},
- AppInfo = new_dep(DepsDir, Name, Vsn, Source, IsLock, State),
+ AppInfo = new_dep(root, DepsDir, Name, Vsn, Source, IsLock, State),
AppInfo1 = rebar_app_info:dep_level(rebar_app_info:deps(AppInfo, PkgDeps), Level),
BaseDir = rebar_state:get(State, base_dir, []),
AppState1 = rebar_state:set(rebar_app_info:state(AppInfo1), base_dir, BaseDir),
- rebar_app_info:state(AppInfo1, AppState1)
+ rebar_app_info:parent(rebar_app_info:state(AppInfo1, AppState1), Parent)
--spec update_src_deps(atom(), non_neg_integer(), list(), list(), list(), rebar_state:t(), boolean(), sets:set(binary()), list()) -> {rebar_state:t(), list(), list(), sets:set(binary())}.
+-spec update_src_deps(atom(), non_neg_integer(), list(), list(), list(), rebar_state:t(), boolean(), sets:set(binary()), list()) -> {list(), list(), list(), rebar_state:t(), sets:set(binary()), list()}.
update_src_deps(Profile, Level, SrcDeps, PkgDeps, SrcApps, State, Upgrade, Seen, Locks) ->
fun(AppInfo, {SrcDepsAcc, PkgDepsAcc, SrcAppsAcc, StateAcc, SeenAcc, LocksAcc}) ->
@@ -371,14 +374,14 @@ handle_dep(AppInfo, Profile, SrcDeps, PkgDeps, SrcApps, Level, State, Locks) ->
-spec handle_dep(rebar_state:t(), atom(), file:filename_all(), rebar_app_info:t(), list(), integer()) ->
- {rebar_app_info:t(), [rebar_app_info:t()], [pkg_dep()], [integer()]}.
+ {rebar_app_info:t(), [rebar_app_info:t()], [pkg_dep()], [integer()], rebar_state:t()}.
handle_dep(State, Profile, DepsDir, AppInfo, Locks, Level) ->
Profiles = rebar_state:current_profiles(State),
Name = rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo),
- C = rebar_config:consult(rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo)),
+ %% Deps may be under a sub project app, find it and use its state if so
S = rebar_app_info:state(AppInfo),
+ C = rebar_config:consult(rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo)),
S1 = rebar_state:new(S, C, rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo)),
S2 = rebar_state:apply_overrides(S1, Name),
@@ -399,7 +402,7 @@ handle_dep(State, Profile, DepsDir, AppInfo, Locks, Level) ->
NewLocks = [{DepName, Source, LockLevel+Level} ||
{DepName, Source, LockLevel} <- rebar_state:get(S5, {locks, default}, [])],
AppInfo3 = rebar_app_info:deps(AppInfo2, rebar_state:deps_names(Deps)),
- {SrcDeps, PkgDeps} = parse_deps(DepsDir, Deps, S5, Locks, Level+1),
+ {SrcDeps, PkgDeps} = parse_deps(rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo3), DepsDir, Deps, S5, Locks, Level+1),
{AppInfo3, SrcDeps, PkgDeps, Locks++NewLocks, State}.
-spec maybe_fetch(rebar_app_info:t(), atom(), boolean(),
@@ -413,23 +416,22 @@ maybe_fetch(AppInfo, Profile, Upgrade, Seen, State) ->
false ->
case rebar_app_discover:find_app(AppDir, all) of
false ->
- case fetch_app(AppInfo, AppDir, State) of
- true ->
- maybe_symlink_default(State, Profile, AppDir, AppInfo),
- {true, update_app_info(AppDir, AppInfo)};
- Other ->
- {Other, AppInfo}
- end;
+ true = fetch_app(AppInfo, AppDir, State),
+ maybe_symlink_default(State, Profile, AppDir, AppInfo),
+ {true, update_app_info(AppDir, AppInfo)};
{true, AppInfo1} ->
%% Preserve the state we created with overrides
AppState = rebar_app_info:state(AppInfo),
- AppInfo2 = rebar_app_info:state(AppInfo1, AppState),
+ Parent = rebar_app_info:parent(AppInfo),
+ Source = rebar_app_info:source(AppInfo),
+ AppInfo2 = rebar_app_info:parent(rebar_app_info:state(AppInfo1, AppState), Parent),
+ AppInfo3 = rebar_app_info:source(AppInfo2, Source),
case sets:is_element(rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo), Seen) of
true ->
- {false, AppInfo2};
+ {false, AppInfo3};
false ->
- maybe_symlink_default(State, Profile, AppDir, AppInfo2),
- {maybe_upgrade(AppInfo, AppDir, Upgrade, State), AppInfo2}
+ maybe_symlink_default(State, Profile, AppDir, AppInfo3),
+ {maybe_upgrade(AppInfo, AppDir, Upgrade, State), AppInfo3}
@@ -477,8 +479,11 @@ make_relative_to_root(State, Path) when is_list(Path) ->
Root = rebar_dir:root_dir(State),
rebar_dir:make_relative_path(Path, Root).
--spec parse_deps(binary(), list(), rebar_state:t(), list(), integer()) -> {[rebar_app_info:t()], [pkg_dep()]}.
+-spec parse_deps(binary(), list(), rebar_state:t(), list(), integer()) -> {[rebar_app_info:t()], [tuple()]}.
parse_deps(DepsDir, Deps, State, Locks, Level) ->
+ parse_deps(root, DepsDir, Deps, State, Locks, Level).
+parse_deps(Parent, DepsDir, Deps, State, Locks, Level) ->
lists:foldl(fun(Dep, Acc) ->
Name = case Dep of
Dep when is_tuple(Dep) ->
@@ -488,68 +493,69 @@ parse_deps(DepsDir, Deps, State, Locks, Level) ->
case lists:keyfind(ec_cnv:to_binary(Name), 1, Locks) of
false ->
- parse_dep(Dep, Acc, DepsDir, false, State);
+ parse_dep(Parent, Dep, Acc, DepsDir, false, State);
LockedDep ->
LockedLevel = element(3, LockedDep),
case LockedLevel > Level of
true ->
- parse_dep(Dep, Acc, DepsDir, false, State);
+ parse_dep(Parent, Dep, Acc, DepsDir, false, State);
false ->
- parse_dep(LockedDep, Acc, DepsDir, true, State)
+ parse_dep(Parent, LockedDep, Acc, DepsDir, true, State)
end, {[], []}, Deps).
-parse_dep({Name, Vsn}, {SrcDepsAcc, PkgDepsAcc}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_list(Vsn) ->
+parse_dep(Parent, {Name, Vsn}, {SrcDepsAcc, PkgDepsAcc}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_list(Vsn) ->
%% Versioned Package dependency
CheckoutsDir = ec_cnv:to_list(rebar_dir:checkouts_dir(State, Name)),
case rebar_app_info:discover(CheckoutsDir) of
{ok, _App} ->
- Dep = new_dep(DepsDir, Name, [], [], IsLock, State),
+ Dep = new_dep(root, DepsDir, Name, [], [], IsLock, State),
{[Dep | SrcDepsAcc], PkgDepsAcc};
not_found ->
- {SrcDepsAcc, [parse_goal(ec_cnv:to_binary(Name)
+ {SrcDepsAcc, [parse_goal(Parent
+ ,ec_cnv:to_binary(Name)
,ec_cnv:to_binary(Vsn)) | PkgDepsAcc]}
-parse_dep(Name, {SrcDepsAcc, PkgDepsAcc}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_atom(Name); is_binary(Name) ->
+parse_dep(Parent, Name, {SrcDepsAcc, PkgDepsAcc}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_atom(Name); is_binary(Name) ->
%% Unversioned package dependency
{PkgName, PkgVsn} = get_package(ec_cnv:to_binary(Name), State),
CheckoutsDir = ec_cnv:to_list(rebar_dir:checkouts_dir(State, Name)),
case rebar_app_info:discover(CheckoutsDir) of
{ok, _App} ->
- Dep = new_dep(DepsDir, Name, [], [], IsLock, State),
+ Dep = new_dep(root, DepsDir, Name, [], [], IsLock, State),
{[Dep | SrcDepsAcc], PkgDepsAcc};
not_found ->
- {SrcDepsAcc, [{PkgName, PkgVsn} | PkgDepsAcc]}
+ {SrcDepsAcc, [{Parent, PkgName, PkgVsn} | PkgDepsAcc]}
-parse_dep({Name, Source}, {SrcDepsAcc, PkgDepsAcc}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_tuple(Source) ->
- Dep = new_dep(DepsDir, Name, [], Source, IsLock, State),
+parse_dep(Parent, {Name, Source}, {SrcDepsAcc, PkgDepsAcc}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_tuple(Source) ->
+ Dep = new_dep(Parent, DepsDir, Name, [], Source, IsLock, State),
{[Dep | SrcDepsAcc], PkgDepsAcc};
-parse_dep({Name, _Vsn, Source}, {SrcDepsAcc, PkgDepsAcc}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_tuple(Source) ->
- Dep = new_dep(DepsDir, Name, [], Source, IsLock, State),
+parse_dep(Parent, {Name, _Vsn, Source}, {SrcDepsAcc, PkgDepsAcc}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_tuple(Source) ->
+ Dep = new_dep(Parent, DepsDir, Name, [], Source, IsLock, State),
{[Dep | SrcDepsAcc], PkgDepsAcc};
-parse_dep({Name, _Vsn, Source, Opts}, {SrcDepsAcc, PkgDepsAcc}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_tuple(Source) ->
+parse_dep(Parent, {Name, _Vsn, Source, Opts}, {SrcDepsAcc, PkgDepsAcc}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_tuple(Source) ->
?WARN("Dependency option list ~p in ~p is not supported and will be ignored", [Opts, Name]),
- Dep = new_dep(DepsDir, Name, [], Source, IsLock, State),
+ Dep = new_dep(Parent, DepsDir, Name, [], Source, IsLock, State),
{[Dep | SrcDepsAcc], PkgDepsAcc};
-parse_dep({_Name, {pkg, Name, Vsn}, Level}, {SrcDepsAcc, PkgDepsAcc}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_integer(Level) ->
+parse_dep(Parent, {_Name, {pkg, Name, Vsn}, Level}, {SrcDepsAcc, PkgDepsAcc}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_integer(Level) ->
CheckoutsDir = ec_cnv:to_list(rebar_dir:checkouts_dir(State, Name)),
case rebar_app_info:discover(CheckoutsDir) of
{ok, _App} ->
- Dep = new_dep(DepsDir, Name, [], [], IsLock, State),
+ Dep = new_dep(root, DepsDir, Name, [], [], IsLock, State),
{[Dep | SrcDepsAcc], PkgDepsAcc};
not_found ->
- {SrcDepsAcc, [{Name, Vsn} | PkgDepsAcc]}
+ {SrcDepsAcc, [{Parent, Name, Vsn} | PkgDepsAcc]}
-parse_dep({Name, Source, Level}, {SrcDepsAcc, PkgDepsAcc}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_tuple(Source)
- , is_integer(Level) ->
- Dep = new_dep(DepsDir, Name, [], Source, IsLock, State),
+parse_dep(Parent, {Name, Source, Level}, {SrcDepsAcc, PkgDepsAcc}, DepsDir, IsLock, State) when is_tuple(Source)
+ , is_integer(Level) ->
+ Dep = new_dep(Parent, DepsDir, Name, [], Source, IsLock, State),
{[Dep | SrcDepsAcc], PkgDepsAcc};
-parse_dep(Dep, _, _, _, _) ->
+parse_dep(_, Dep, _, _, _, _) ->
throw(?PRV_ERROR({parse_dep, Dep})).
-new_dep(DepsDir, Name, Vsn, Source, IsLock, State) ->
+new_dep(Parent, DepsDir, Name, Vsn, Source, IsLock, State) ->
CheckoutsDir = ec_cnv:to_list(rebar_dir:checkouts_dir(State, Name)),
{ok, Dep} = case rebar_app_info:discover(CheckoutsDir) of
{ok, App} ->
@@ -570,30 +576,28 @@ new_dep(DepsDir, Name, Vsn, Source, IsLock, State) ->
ParentOverrides = rebar_state:overrides(State),
Dep1 = rebar_app_info:state(Dep,
rebar_state:overrides(S, ParentOverrides++Overrides)),
- rebar_app_info:is_lock(rebar_app_info:source(Dep1, Source), IsLock).
+ AppInfo = rebar_app_info:is_lock(rebar_app_info:source(Dep1, Source), IsLock),
+ rebar_app_info:parent(AppInfo, Parent).
fetch_app(AppInfo, AppDir, State) ->
?INFO("Fetching ~s (~p)", [rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo), rebar_app_info:source(AppInfo)]),
Source = rebar_app_info:source(AppInfo),
- case rebar_fetch:download_source(AppDir, Source, State) of
- true ->
- true;
- Error ->
- throw(Error)
- end.
+ true = rebar_fetch:download_source(AppDir, Source, State).
%% This is called after the dep has been downloaded and unpacked, if it hadn't been already.
%% So this is the first time for newly downloaded apps that its .app/.app.src data can
%% be read in an parsed.
update_app_info(AppDir, AppInfo) ->
{ok, Found} = rebar_app_info:discover(AppDir),
+ Parent = rebar_app_info:parent(AppInfo),
+ Source = rebar_app_info:source(AppInfo),
AppDetails = rebar_app_info:app_details(Found),
Applications = proplists:get_value(applications, AppDetails, []),
IncludedApplications = proplists:get_value(included_applications, AppDetails, []),
AppInfo1 = rebar_app_info:applications(
rebar_app_info:app_details(AppInfo, AppDetails),
- rebar_app_info:valid(AppInfo1, false).
+ rebar_app_info:source(rebar_app_info:parent(rebar_app_info:valid(AppInfo1, false), Parent), Source).
maybe_upgrade(AppInfo, AppDir, Upgrade, State) ->
Source = rebar_app_info:source(AppInfo),
@@ -602,12 +606,7 @@ maybe_upgrade(AppInfo, AppDir, Upgrade, State) ->
case rebar_fetch:needs_update(AppDir, Source, State) of
true ->
?INFO("Upgrading ~s", [rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo)]),
- case rebar_fetch:download_source(AppDir, Source, State) of
- true ->
- true;
- Error ->
- throw(Error)
- end;
+ true = rebar_fetch:download_source(AppDir, Source, State);
false ->
case Upgrade of
true ->
@@ -621,13 +620,13 @@ maybe_upgrade(AppInfo, AppDir, Upgrade, State) ->
--spec parse_goal(binary(), binary()) -> pkg_dep().
-parse_goal(Name, Constraint) ->
+-spec parse_goal(binary() | root, binary(), binary()) -> {binary(), binary()} | {binary(), binary(), binary()}.
+parse_goal(Parent, Name, Constraint) ->
case re:run(Constraint, "([^\\d]*)(\\d.*)", [{capture, [1,2], binary}]) of
{match, [<<>>, Vsn]} ->
- {Name, Vsn};
+ {Parent, Name, Vsn};
{match, [Op, Vsn]} ->
- {Name, Vsn, binary_to_atom(Op, utf8)};
+ {Parent, Name, Vsn, binary_to_atom(Op, utf8)};
nomatch ->
throw(?PRV_ERROR({bad_constraint, Name, Constraint}))
diff --git a/src/rebar_prv_lock.erl b/src/rebar_prv_lock.erl
index 1844934..8578979 100644
--- a/src/rebar_prv_lock.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_prv_lock.erl
@@ -29,18 +29,24 @@ init(State) ->
-spec do(rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()} | {error, string()}.
do(State) ->
- OldLocks = rebar_state:get(State, {locks, default}, []),
- Locks = build_locks(State),
- Dir = rebar_state:dir(State),
- file:write_file(filename:join(Dir, ?LOCK_FILE),
- io_lib:format("~p.~n", [Locks])),
- State1 = rebar_state:set(State, {locks, default}, Locks),
+ %% Only lock default profile run
+ case rebar_state:current_profiles(State) of
+ [default] ->
+ OldLocks = rebar_state:get(State, {locks, default}, []),
+ Locks = lists:keysort(1, build_locks(State)),
+ Dir = rebar_state:dir(State),
+ file:write_file(filename:join(Dir, ?LOCK_FILE),
+ io_lib:format("~p.~n", [Locks])),
+ State1 = rebar_state:set(State, {locks, default}, Locks),
- OldLockNames = [element(1,L) || L <- OldLocks],
- NewLockNames = [element(1,L) || L <- Locks],
- rebar_utils:info_useless(OldLockNames, NewLockNames),
+ OldLockNames = [element(1,L) || L <- OldLocks],
+ NewLockNames = [element(1,L) || L <- Locks],
+ rebar_utils:info_useless(OldLockNames, NewLockNames),
- {ok, State1}.
+ {ok, State1};
+ _ ->
+ {ok, State}
+ end.
-spec format_error(any()) -> iolist().
format_error(Reason) ->
diff --git a/src/rebar_prv_packages.erl b/src/rebar_prv_packages.erl
index 9a40734..880d4a6 100644
--- a/src/rebar_prv_packages.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_prv_packages.erl
@@ -27,13 +27,9 @@ init(State) ->
-spec do(rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()} | {error, string()}.
do(State) ->
- case rebar_packages:get_packages(State) of
- {Dict, _} ->
- print_packages(Dict),
- {ok, State};
- error ->
- ?PRV_ERROR(load_registry_fail)
- end.
+ {Dict, _} = rebar_packages:get_packages(State),
+ print_packages(Dict),
+ {ok, State}.
-spec format_error(any()) -> iolist().
format_error(load_registry_fail) ->
diff --git a/src/rebar_prv_shell.erl b/src/rebar_prv_shell.erl
index 431b3e2..d965e1d 100644
--- a/src/rebar_prv_shell.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_prv_shell.erl
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ find_config_relx(State) ->
consult_config(State, Filename)
--spec consult_config(rebar_state:t(), string()) -> {ok, [tuple()]}|{error, tuple()}.
+-spec consult_config(rebar_state:t(), string()) -> [tuple()].
consult_config(State, Filename) ->
Fullpath = filename:join(rebar_dir:root_dir(State), Filename),
?DEBUG("Loading configuration from ~p", [Fullpath]),
diff --git a/src/rebar_prv_update.erl b/src/rebar_prv_update.erl
index 64fe65e..55c70e2 100644
--- a/src/rebar_prv_update.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_prv_update.erl
@@ -15,6 +15,15 @@
-define(PROVIDER, update).
-define(DEPS, []).
+%% Ignore warning of digraph opaque type when running dialyzer
+-dialyzer({no_opaque, do/1}).
+-dialyzer({no_opaque, write_registry/3}).
+%% Ignoring the opaque type warning won't stop dialyzer from warning of
+%% no return for functions that had the opaque type warnings
+-dialyzer({no_return, do/1}).
+-dialyzer({no_return, write_registry/3}).
%% ===================================================================
%% Public API
%% ===================================================================
@@ -50,6 +59,7 @@ do(State) ->
ok = file:write_file(HexFile, Unzipped),
{Dict, Graph} = hex_to_graph(HexFile),
write_registry(Dict, Graph, State),
+ true = digraph:delete(Graph),
_E:C ->
@@ -63,6 +73,7 @@ do(State) ->
format_error(package_index_write) ->
"Failed to write package index.".
+-spec write_registry(rebar_dict(), {digraph, ets:tid(), ets:tid(), ets:tid(), any()}, rebar_state:t()) -> ok | {error, atom()}.
write_registry(Dict, {digraph, Edges, Vertices, Neighbors, _}, State) ->
RegistryDir = rebar_packages:package_dir(State),
filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(RegistryDir, "dummy")),
diff --git a/src/rebar_prv_upgrade.erl b/src/rebar_prv_upgrade.erl
index 3a371ca..f49eafe 100644
--- a/src/rebar_prv_upgrade.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_prv_upgrade.erl
@@ -53,18 +53,21 @@ do(State) ->
{Locks0, _Unlocks0} ->
Deps0 = top_level_deps(Deps, Locks),
State1 = rebar_state:set(State, {deps, default}, Deps0),
- State2 = rebar_state:set(State1, {locks, default}, Locks0),
- State3 = rebar_state:set(State2, upgrade, true),
- UpdatedLocks = [L || L <- rebar_state:lock(State3),
+ DepsDir = rebar_prv_install_deps:profile_dep_dir(State, default),
+ D = rebar_prv_install_deps:parse_deps(root, DepsDir, Deps0, State1, Locks0, 0),
+ State2 = rebar_state:set(State1, {parsed_deps, default}, D),
+ State3 = rebar_state:set(State2, {locks, default}, Locks0),
+ State4 = rebar_state:set(State3, upgrade, true),
+ UpdatedLocks = [L || L <- rebar_state:lock(State4),
lists:keymember(rebar_app_info:name(L), 1, Locks0)],
- Res = rebar_prv_install_deps:do(rebar_state:lock(State3, UpdatedLocks)),
+ Res = rebar_prv_install_deps:do(rebar_state:lock(State4, UpdatedLocks)),
case Res of
- {ok, State4} ->
+ {ok, State5} ->
[element(1,Lock) || Lock <- Locks],
- [rebar_app_info:name(App) || App <- rebar_state:lock(State4)]
+ [rebar_app_info:name(App) || App <- rebar_state:lock(State5)]
- rebar_prv_lock:do(State4);
+ rebar_prv_lock:do(State5);
_ ->
diff --git a/src/rebar_prv_xref.erl b/src/rebar_prv_xref.erl
index 623e946..f600273 100644
--- a/src/rebar_prv_xref.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_prv_xref.erl
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ desc() ->
" - (\"mod\":\".*foo\"/\"4\"))",[]}]}
--spec prepare(rebar_state:t()) -> {[file:filename()], [atom()]}.
+-spec prepare(rebar_state:t()) -> [atom()].
prepare(State) ->
{ok, _} = xref:start(xref),
ok = xref:set_library_path(xref, code_path(State)),
diff --git a/src/rebar_state.erl b/src/rebar_state.erl
index 8c43496..59a9588 100644
--- a/src/rebar_state.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_state.erl
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ default(State, Opts) ->
format_error({profile_not_list, Profile, Other}) ->
io_lib:format("Profile config must be a list but for profile '~p' config given as:~n~p", [Profile, Other]).
--spec has_all_artifacts(rebar_app_info:t()) -> true | providers:error().
+-spec has_all_artifacts(#state_t{}) -> true | {false, file:filename()}.
has_all_artifacts(State) ->
Artifacts = rebar_state:get(State, artifacts, []),
Dir = rebar_dir:base_dir(State),
@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ all(Dir, [File|Artifacts]) ->
all(Dir, Artifacts)
+-spec code_paths(#state_t{}, atom()) -> [file:filename()].
code_paths(#state_t{code_paths=CodePaths}, Key) ->
case dict:find(Key, CodePaths) of
{ok, CodePath} ->
@@ -196,9 +197,11 @@ code_paths(#state_t{code_paths=CodePaths}, Key) ->
+-spec code_paths(#state_t{}, atom(), [file:filename()]) -> #state_t{}.
code_paths(State=#state_t{code_paths=CodePaths}, Key, CodePath) ->
State#state_t{code_paths=dict:store(Key, CodePath, CodePaths)}.
+-spec update_code_paths(#state_t{}, atom(), [file:filename()]) -> #state_t{}.
update_code_paths(State=#state_t{code_paths=CodePaths}, Key, CodePath) ->
case dict:is_key(Key, CodePaths) of
true ->
@@ -451,15 +454,15 @@ registry(#state_t{registry=Registry}) ->
registry(State, Registry) ->
--spec resources(t()) -> rebar_resource:resource().
+-spec resources(t()) -> [{rebar_resource:type(), module()}].
resources(#state_t{resources=Resources}) ->
--spec resources(t(), [rebar_resource:resource()]) -> t().
+-spec resources(t(), [{rebar_resource:type(), module()}]) -> t().
resources(State, NewResources) ->
--spec add_resource(t(), rebar_resource:resource()) -> t().
+-spec add_resource(t(), {rebar_resource:type(), module()}) -> t().
add_resource(State=#state_t{resources=Resources}, Resource) ->
State#state_t{resources=[Resource | Resources]}.
diff --git a/src/rebar_utils.erl b/src/rebar_utils.erl
index c7128fc..02a2262 100644
--- a/src/rebar_utils.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_utils.erl
@@ -510,6 +510,7 @@ log_msg_and_abort(Message) ->
?ABORT(Message, [])
+-spec debug_log_msg_and_abort(string()) -> err_handler().
debug_log_msg_and_abort(Message) ->
fun(Command, {Rc, Output}) ->
@@ -683,7 +684,7 @@ update_code(Paths) ->
{ok, Modules} ->
- code:replace_path(Name, Path),
+ code:replace_path(App, Path),
[begin code:purge(M), code:delete(M) end || M <- Modules]
end, Paths).