path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
11 files changed, 588 insertions, 342 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_core.erl b/src/rebar_core.erl
index 3a4f205..212365b 100644
--- a/src/rebar_core.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_core.erl
@@ -496,8 +496,9 @@ run_modules([Module | Rest], Command, Config, File) ->
{Module, Error}
-apply_hooks(Mode, Config, Command, Env) ->
+apply_hooks(Mode, Config, Command, Env0) ->
Hooks = rebar_config:get_local(Config, Mode, []),
+ Env = rebar_utils:patch_env(Config, Env0),
lists:foreach(fun apply_hook/1,
[{Env, Hook} || Hook <- Hooks,
element(1, Hook) =:= Command orelse
diff --git a/src/rebar_cover_utils.erl b/src/rebar_cover_utils.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3195fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rebar_cover_utils.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+%% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% rebar: Erlang Build Tools
+%% Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Dave Smith (
+%% Copyright (c) 2013 Andras Horvath (
+%% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+%% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+%% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+%% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+%% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+%% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+%% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+%% all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% for internal use only
+ perform_cover/4,
+ close/1,
+ exit/0]).
+%% ====================================================================
+%% Internal functions
+%% ====================================================================
+perform_cover(Config, BeamFiles, SrcModules, TargetDir) ->
+ perform_cover(rebar_config:get(Config, cover_enabled, false),
+ Config, BeamFiles, SrcModules, TargetDir).
+perform_cover(false, _Config, _BeamFiles, _SrcModules, _TargetDir) ->
+ ok;
+perform_cover(true, Config, BeamFiles, SrcModules, TargetDir) ->
+ analyze(Config, BeamFiles, SrcModules, TargetDir).
+close(not_enabled) ->
+ ok;
+close(F) ->
+ ok = file:close(F).
+exit() ->
+ cover:stop().
+init(false, _BeamFiles, _TargetDir) ->
+ {ok, not_enabled};
+init(true, BeamFiles, TargetDir) ->
+ %% Attempt to start the cover server, then set its group leader to
+ %% TargetDir/cover.log, so all cover log messages will go there instead of
+ %% to stdout. If the cover server is already started, we'll kill that
+ %% server and start a new one in order not to inherit a polluted
+ %% cover_server state.
+ {ok, CoverPid} = case whereis(cover_server) of
+ undefined ->
+ cover:start();
+ _ ->
+ cover:stop(),
+ cover:start()
+ end,
+ {ok, F} = OkOpen = file:open(
+ filename:join([TargetDir, "cover.log"]),
+ [write]),
+ group_leader(F, CoverPid),
+ ?INFO("Cover compiling ~s\n", [rebar_utils:get_cwd()]),
+ Compiled = [{Beam, cover:compile_beam(Beam)} || Beam <- BeamFiles],
+ case [Module || {_, {ok, Module}} <- Compiled] of
+ [] ->
+ %% No modules compiled
+ ?ERROR("Cover failed to compile any modules; aborting.~n", []),
+ ?FAIL;
+ _ ->
+ %% At least one module compiled successfully
+ %% It's not an error for cover compilation to fail partially,
+ %% but we do want to warn about them
+ PrintWarning =
+ fun(Beam, Desc) ->
+ ?CONSOLE("Cover compilation warning for ~p: ~p",
+ [Beam, Desc])
+ end,
+ _ = [PrintWarning(Beam, Desc) || {Beam, {error, Desc}} <- Compiled],
+ OkOpen
+ end;
+init(Config, BeamFiles, TargetDir) ->
+ init(rebar_config:get(Config, cover_enabled, false), BeamFiles, TargetDir).
+analyze(_Config, [], _SrcModules, _TargetDir) ->
+ ok;
+analyze(Config, FilteredModules, SrcModules, TargetDir) ->
+ %% Generate coverage info for all the cover-compiled modules
+ Coverage = lists:flatten([analyze_mod(M)
+ || M <- FilteredModules,
+ cover:is_compiled(M) =/= false]),
+ %% Write index of coverage info
+ write_index(lists:sort(Coverage), SrcModules, TargetDir),
+ %% Write coverage details for each file
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun({M, _, _}) ->
+ {ok, _} = cover:analyze_to_file(M,
+ cover_file(M, TargetDir),
+ [html])
+ end, Coverage),
+ Index = filename:join([rebar_utils:get_cwd(), TargetDir, "index.html"]),
+ ?CONSOLE("Cover analysis: ~s\n", [Index]),
+ %% Export coverage data, if configured
+ case rebar_config:get(Config, cover_export_enabled, false) of
+ true ->
+ export_coverdata(TargetDir);
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ %% Print coverage report, if configured
+ case rebar_config:get(Config, cover_print_enabled, false) of
+ true ->
+ print_coverage(lists:sort(Coverage));
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end.
+analyze_mod(Module) ->
+ case cover:analyze(Module, coverage, module) of
+ {ok, {Module, {Covered, NotCovered}}} ->
+ %% Modules that include the eunit header get an implicit
+ %% test/0 fun, which cover considers a runnable line, but
+ %% eunit:test(TestRepresentation) never calls. Decrement
+ %% NotCovered in this case.
+ [align_notcovered_count(Module, Covered, NotCovered,
+ is_eunitized(Module))];
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?ERROR("Cover analyze failed for ~p: ~p ~p\n",
+ [Module, Reason, code:which(Module)]),
+ []
+ end.
+is_eunitized(Mod) ->
+ has_eunit_test_fun(Mod) andalso
+ has_header(Mod, "include/eunit.hrl").
+has_eunit_test_fun(Mod) ->
+ [F || {exports, Funs} <- Mod:module_info(),
+ {F, 0} <- Funs, F =:= test] =/= [].
+has_header(Mod, Header) ->
+ Mod1 = case code:which(Mod) of
+ cover_compiled ->
+ {file, File} = cover:is_compiled(Mod),
+ File;
+ non_existing -> Mod;
+ preloaded -> Mod;
+ L -> L
+ end,
+ {ok, {_, [{abstract_code, {_, AC}}]}} =
+ beam_lib:chunks(Mod1, [abstract_code]),
+ [F || {attribute, 1, file, {F, 1}} <- AC,
+ string:str(F, Header) =/= 0] =/= [].
+align_notcovered_count(Module, Covered, NotCovered, false) ->
+ {Module, Covered, NotCovered};
+align_notcovered_count(Module, Covered, NotCovered, true) ->
+ {Module, Covered, NotCovered - 1}.
+write_index(Coverage, SrcModules, TargetDir) ->
+ {ok, F} = file:open(filename:join([TargetDir, "index.html"]), [write]),
+ ok = file:write(F, "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html>\n"
+ "<head><meta charset=\"utf-8\">"
+ "<title>Coverage Summary</title></head>\n"
+ "<body>\n"),
+ IsSrcCoverage = fun({Mod,_C,_N}) -> lists:member(Mod, SrcModules) end,
+ {SrcCoverage, TestCoverage} = lists:partition(IsSrcCoverage, Coverage),
+ write_index_section(F, "Source", SrcCoverage),
+ write_index_section(F, "Test", TestCoverage),
+ ok = file:write(F, "</body></html>"),
+ ok = file:close(F).
+write_index_section(_F, _SectionName, []) ->
+ ok;
+write_index_section(F, SectionName, Coverage) ->
+ %% Calculate total coverage
+ {Covered, NotCovered} = lists:foldl(fun({_Mod, C, N}, {CAcc, NAcc}) ->
+ {CAcc + C, NAcc + N}
+ end, {0, 0}, Coverage),
+ TotalCoverage = percentage(Covered, NotCovered),
+ %% Write the report
+ ok = file:write(F, ?FMT("<h1>~s Summary</h1>\n", [SectionName])),
+ ok = file:write(F, ?FMT("<h3>Total: ~s</h3>\n", [TotalCoverage])),
+ ok = file:write(F, "<table><tr><th>Module</th><th>Coverage %</th></tr>\n"),
+ FmtLink =
+ fun(Module, Cov, NotCov) ->
+ ?FMT("<tr><td><a href='~s.COVER.html'>~s</a></td><td>~s</td>\n",
+ [Module, Module, percentage(Cov, NotCov)])
+ end,
+ lists:foreach(fun({Module, Cov, NotCov}) ->
+ ok = file:write(F, FmtLink(Module, Cov, NotCov))
+ end, Coverage),
+ ok = file:write(F, "</table>\n").
+print_coverage(Coverage) ->
+ {Covered, NotCovered} = lists:foldl(fun({_Mod, C, N}, {CAcc, NAcc}) ->
+ {CAcc + C, NAcc + N}
+ end, {0, 0}, Coverage),
+ TotalCoverage = percentage(Covered, NotCovered),
+ %% Determine the longest module name for right-padding
+ Width = lists:foldl(fun({Mod, _, _}, Acc) ->
+ case length(atom_to_list(Mod)) of
+ N when N > Acc ->
+ N;
+ _ ->
+ Acc
+ end
+ end, 0, Coverage) * -1,
+ %% Print the output the console
+ ?CONSOLE("~nCode Coverage:~n", []),
+ lists:foreach(fun({Mod, C, N}) ->
+ ?CONSOLE("~*s : ~3s~n",
+ [Width, Mod, percentage(C, N)])
+ end, Coverage),
+ ?CONSOLE("~n~*s : ~s~n", [Width, "Total", TotalCoverage]).
+cover_file(Module, TargetDir) ->
+ filename:join([TargetDir, atom_to_list(Module) ++ ".COVER.html"]).
+export_coverdata(TargetDir) ->
+ ExportFile = filename:join(TargetDir, "cover.coverdata"),
+ case cover:export(ExportFile) of
+ ok ->
+ ?CONSOLE("Coverdata export: ~s~n", [ExportFile]);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?ERROR("Coverdata export failed: ~p~n", [Reason])
+ end.
+percentage(0, 0) ->
+ "not executed";
+percentage(Cov, NotCov) ->
+ integer_to_list(trunc((Cov / (Cov + NotCov)) * 100)) ++ "%".
diff --git a/src/rebar_ct.erl b/src/rebar_ct.erl
index f3ed29f..6bccb82 100644
--- a/src/rebar_ct.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_ct.erl
@@ -210,22 +210,20 @@ make_cmd(TestDir, RawLogDir, Config) ->
CodeDirs = [io_lib:format("\"~s\"", [Dir]) ||
Dir <- [EbinDir|NonLibCodeDirs]],
CodePathString = string:join(CodeDirs, " "),
- Cmd = case get_ct_specs(Cwd) of
+ Cmd = case get_ct_specs(Config, Cwd) of
undefined ->
" -pa ~s"
" ~s"
" ~s"
" -logdir \"~s\""
- " -env TEST_DIR \"~s\""
- " ~s",
+ " -env TEST_DIR \"~s\"",
- filename:join(Cwd, TestDir),
- get_extra_params(Config)]) ++
+ filename:join(Cwd, TestDir)]) ++
get_cover_config(Config, Cwd) ++
get_ct_config_file(TestDir) ++
get_config_file(TestDir) ++
@@ -237,19 +235,18 @@ make_cmd(TestDir, RawLogDir, Config) ->
" ~s"
" ~s"
" -logdir \"~s\""
- " -env TEST_DIR \"~s\""
- " ~s",
+ " -env TEST_DIR \"~s\"",
- filename:join(Cwd, TestDir),
- get_extra_params(Config)]) ++
+ filename:join(Cwd, TestDir)]) ++
SpecFlags ++ get_cover_config(Config, Cwd)
+ Cmd1 = Cmd ++ get_extra_params(Config),
RawLog = filename:join(LogDir, "raw.log"),
- {Cmd, RawLog}.
+ {Cmd1, RawLog}.
build_name(Config) ->
case rebar_config:get_local(Config, ct_use_short_names, false) of
@@ -258,10 +255,15 @@ build_name(Config) ->
get_extra_params(Config) ->
- rebar_config:get_local(Config, ct_extra_params, "").
+ case rebar_config:get_local(Config, ct_extra_params, undefined) of
+ undefined ->
+ "";
+ Defined ->
+ " " ++ Defined
+ end.
-get_ct_specs(Cwd) ->
- case collect_glob(Cwd, ".*\.test\.spec\$") of
+get_ct_specs(Config, Cwd) ->
+ case collect_glob(Config, Cwd, ".*\.test\.spec\$") of
[] -> undefined;
[Spec] ->
" -spec " ++ Spec;
@@ -275,31 +277,38 @@ get_cover_config(Config, Cwd) ->
false ->
true ->
- case collect_glob(Cwd, ".*cover\.spec\$") of
+ case collect_glob(Config, Cwd, ".*cover\.spec\$") of
[] ->
?DEBUG("No cover spec found: ~s~n", [Cwd]),
[Spec] ->
- ?DEBUG("Found cover file ~w~n", [Spec]),
+ ?DEBUG("Found cover file ~s~n", [Spec]),
" -cover " ++ Spec;
Specs ->
?ABORT("Multiple cover specs found: ~p~n", [Specs])
-collect_glob(Cwd, Glob) ->
- filelib:fold_files(Cwd, Glob, true, fun collect_files/2, []).
-collect_files(F, Acc) ->
- %% Ignore any specs under the deps/ directory. Do this pulling
- %% the dirname off the the F and then splitting it into a list.
- Parts = filename:split(filename:dirname(F)),
- case lists:member("deps", Parts) of
- true ->
- Acc; % There is a directory named "deps" in path
- false ->
- [F | Acc] % No "deps" directory in path
- end.
+collect_glob(Config, Cwd, Glob) ->
+ {true, Deps} = rebar_deps:get_deps_dir(Config),
+ CwdParts = filename:split(Cwd),
+ filelib:fold_files(Cwd, Glob, true, fun(F, Acc) ->
+ %% Ignore any specs under the deps/ directory. Do this pulling
+ %% the dirname off the F and then splitting it into a list.
+ Parts = filename:split(filename:dirname(F)),
+ Parts2 = remove_common_prefix(Parts, CwdParts),
+ case lists:member(Deps, Parts2) of
+ true ->
+ Acc; % There is a directory named "deps" in path
+ false ->
+ [F | Acc] % No "deps" directory in path
+ end
+ end, []).
+remove_common_prefix([H1|T1], [H1|T2]) ->
+ remove_common_prefix(T1, T2);
+remove_common_prefix(L1, _) ->
+ L1.
get_ct_config_file(TestDir) ->
Config = filename:join(TestDir, "test.config"),
diff --git a/src/rebar_deps.erl b/src/rebar_deps.erl
index 43bde04..bd94921 100644
--- a/src/rebar_deps.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_deps.erl
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
%% for internal use only
-record(dep, { dir,
@@ -277,7 +278,8 @@ info_help(Description) ->
{app_name, ".*", {svn, "svn://"}},
{app_name, ".*", {bzr, "", "Rev"}},
{app_name, ".*", {fossil, ""}},
- {app_name, ".*", {fossil, "", "Vsn"}}]}
+ {app_name, ".*", {fossil, "", "Vsn"}},
+ {app_name, ".*", {p4, "//depot/subdir/app_dir"}}]}
%% Added because of trans deps,
@@ -507,6 +509,40 @@ use_source(Config, Dep, Count) ->
use_source(Config, Dep#dep { dir = TargetDir }, Count-1)
+-record(p4_settings, {
+ client=undefined,
+ transport="tcp4:perforce:1666",
+ username,
+ password
+ }).
+init_p4_settings(Basename) ->
+ #p4_settings{client =
+ case inet:gethostname() of
+ {ok,HostName} ->
+ HostName ++ "-"
+ ++ os:getenv("USER") ++ "-"
+ ++ Basename
+ ++ "-Rebar-automated-download"
+ end}.
+download_source(AppDir, {p4, Url}) ->
+ download_source(AppDir, {p4, Url, "#head"});
+download_source(AppDir, {p4, Url, Rev}) ->
+ download_source(AppDir, {p4, Url, Rev, init_p4_settings(filename:basename(AppDir))});
+download_source(AppDir, {p4, Url, _Rev, Settings}) ->
+ ok = filelib:ensure_dir(AppDir),
+ rebar_utils:sh_send("p4 client -i",
+ ?FMT("Client: ~s~n"
+ ++"Description: generated by Rebar~n"
+ ++"Root: ~s~n"
+ ++"View:~n"
+ ++" ~s/... //~s/...~n",
+ [Settings#p4_settings.client,
+ AppDir,
+ Url,
+ Settings#p4_settings.client]),
+ []),
+ rebar_utils:sh(?FMT("p4 -c ~s sync -f", [Settings#p4_settings.client]), []);
download_source(AppDir, {hg, Url, Rev}) ->
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(AppDir),
rebar_utils:sh(?FMT("hg clone -U ~s ~s", [Url, filename:basename(AppDir)]),
@@ -573,6 +609,8 @@ update_source(Config, Dep) ->
+update_source1(AppDir, Args) when element(1, Args) =:= p4 ->
+ download_source(AppDir, Args);
update_source1(AppDir, {git, Url}) ->
update_source1(AppDir, {git, Url, {branch, "HEAD"}});
update_source1(AppDir, {git, Url, ""}) ->
@@ -696,7 +734,7 @@ source_engine_avail(Source) ->
source_engine_avail(Name, Source)
when Name == hg; Name == git; Name == svn; Name == bzr; Name == rsync;
- Name == fossil ->
+ Name == fossil; Name == p4 ->
case vcs_client_vsn(Name) >= required_vcs_client_vsn(Name) of
true ->
@@ -717,6 +755,7 @@ vcs_client_vsn(Path, VsnArg, VsnRegex) ->
+required_vcs_client_vsn(p4) -> {2013, 1};
required_vcs_client_vsn(hg) -> {1, 1};
required_vcs_client_vsn(git) -> {1, 5};
required_vcs_client_vsn(bzr) -> {2, 0};
@@ -724,6 +763,9 @@ required_vcs_client_vsn(svn) -> {1, 6};
required_vcs_client_vsn(rsync) -> {2, 0};
required_vcs_client_vsn(fossil) -> {1, 0}.
+vcs_client_vsn(p4) ->
+ vcs_client_vsn(rebar_utils:find_executable("p4"), " -V",
+ "Rev\\. .*/(\\d+)\\.(\\d)/");
vcs_client_vsn(hg) ->
vcs_client_vsn(rebar_utils:find_executable("hg"), " --version",
"version (\\d+).(\\d+)");
@@ -743,6 +785,8 @@ vcs_client_vsn(fossil) ->
vcs_client_vsn(rebar_utils:find_executable("fossil"), " version",
"version (\\d+).(\\d+)").
+has_vcs_dir(p4, _) ->
+ true;
has_vcs_dir(git, Dir) ->
filelib:is_dir(filename:join(Dir, ".git"));
has_vcs_dir(hg, Dir) ->
@@ -760,6 +804,8 @@ has_vcs_dir(_, _) ->
print_source(#dep{app=App, source=Source}) ->
?CONSOLE("~s~n", [format_source(App, Source)]).
+format_source(App, {p4, Url}) ->
+ format_source(App, {p4, Url, "#head"});
format_source(App, {git, Url}) ->
?FMT("~p BRANCH ~s ~s", [App, "HEAD", Url]);
format_source(App, {git, Url, ""}) ->
diff --git a/src/rebar_erlc_compiler.erl b/src/rebar_erlc_compiler.erl
index 5f541d9..376cde5 100644
--- a/src/rebar_erlc_compiler.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_erlc_compiler.erl
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ info_help(Description) ->
"(linux|solaris|freebsd|darwin)", 'HAVE_SENDFILE'},
{platform_define, "(linux|freebsd)", 'BACKLOG', 128},
{platform_define, "R13", 'old_inets'}]},
- {erl_first_files, ["mymib1", "mymib2"]},
+ {erl_first_files, ["src/mymib1.erl", "src/mymib2.erl"]},
{mib_opts, []},
{mib_first_files, []},
{xrl_opts, []},
@@ -230,6 +230,13 @@ test_compile_config_and_opts(Config, ErlOpts, Cmd) ->
{Config2, PropErOpts} = proper_opts(Config1),
{Config3, EqcOpts} = eqc_opts(Config2),
+ %% NOTE: For consistency, all *_first_files lists should be
+ %% retrieved via rebar_config:get_local. Right now
+ %% erl_first_files, eunit_first_files, and qc_first_files use
+ %% rebar_config:get_list and are inherited, but xrl_first_files
+ %% and yrl_first_files use rebar_config:get_local. Inheritance of
+ %% *_first_files is questionable as the file would need to exist
+ %% in all project directories for it to work.
OptsAtom = list_to_atom(Cmd ++ "_compile_opts"),
TestOpts = rebar_config:get_list(Config3, OptsAtom, []),
Opts0 = [{d, 'TEST'}] ++
@@ -285,20 +292,28 @@ doterl_compile(Config, OutDir) ->
doterl_compile(Config, OutDir, [], ErlOpts).
doterl_compile(Config, OutDir, MoreSources, ErlOpts) ->
- ErlFirstFiles = rebar_config:get_list(Config, erl_first_files, []),
+ ErlFirstFilesConf = rebar_config:get_list(Config, erl_first_files, []),
?DEBUG("erl_opts ~p~n", [ErlOpts]),
%% Support the src_dirs option allowing multiple directories to
%% contain erlang source. This might be used, for example, should
%% eunit tests be separated from the core application source.
SrcDirs = rebar_utils:src_dirs(proplists:append_values(src_dirs, ErlOpts)),
- RestErls = [Source || Source <- gather_src(SrcDirs, []) ++ MoreSources,
- not lists:member(Source, ErlFirstFiles)],
+ AllErlFiles = gather_src(SrcDirs, []) ++ MoreSources,
+ %% NOTE: If and when erl_first_files is not inherited anymore
+ %% (rebar_config:get_local instead of rebar_config:get_list), consider
+ %% logging a warning message for any file listed in erl_first_files which
+ %% wasn't found via gather_src.
+ {ErlFirstFiles, RestErls} =
+ lists:partition(
+ fun(Source) ->
+ lists:member(Source, ErlFirstFilesConf)
+ end, AllErlFiles),
%% Make sure that ebin/ exists and is on the path
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join("ebin", "dummy.beam")),
CurrPath = code:get_path(),
true = code:add_path(filename:absname("ebin")),
OutDir1 = proplists:get_value(outdir, ErlOpts, OutDir),
- G = init_erlcinfo(Config, RestErls),
+ G = init_erlcinfo(Config, AllErlFiles),
%% Split RestErls so that files which are depended on are treated
%% like erl_first_files.
{OtherFirstErls, OtherErls} =
@@ -395,8 +410,8 @@ check_erlcinfo(Config, _) ->
?ABORT("~s file is invalid. Please delete before next run.~n",
-erlcinfo_file(Config) ->
- filename:join([rebar_utils:base_dir(Config), ".rebar", ?ERLCINFO_FILE]).
+erlcinfo_file(_Config) ->
+ filename:join([rebar_utils:get_cwd(), ".rebar", ?ERLCINFO_FILE]).
init_erlcinfo(Config, Erls) ->
G = restore_erlcinfo(Config),
diff --git a/src/rebar_eunit.erl b/src/rebar_eunit.erl
index d969f96..a5b7b00 100644
--- a/src/rebar_eunit.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_eunit.erl
@@ -155,22 +155,22 @@ run_eunit(Config, CodePath, SrcErls) ->
[filename:rootname(N) ++ "_tests.beam" || N <- AllBeamFiles],
ModuleBeamFiles = randomize_suites(Config, BeamFiles ++ OtherBeamFiles),
- %% Get modules to be run in eunit
+ %% Get matching tests and modules
AllModules = [rebar_utils:beam_to_mod(?EUNIT_DIR, N) || N <- AllBeamFiles],
- {SuitesProvided, FilteredModules} = filter_suites(Config, AllModules),
- %% Get matching tests
- Tests = get_tests(Config, SuitesProvided, ModuleBeamFiles, FilteredModules),
+ {Tests, FilteredModules} =
+ get_tests_and_modules(Config, ModuleBeamFiles, AllModules),
SrcModules = [rebar_utils:erl_to_mod(M) || M <- SrcErls],
- {ok, CoverLog} = cover_init(Config, ModuleBeamFiles),
+ {ok, CoverLog} = rebar_cover_utils:init(Config, ModuleBeamFiles,
+ eunit_dir()),
StatusBefore = status_before_eunit(),
EunitResult = perform_eunit(Config, Tests),
- perform_cover(Config, FilteredModules, SrcModules),
- cover_close(CoverLog),
+ rebar_cover_utils:perform_cover(Config, FilteredModules, SrcModules,
+ eunit_dir()),
+ rebar_cover_utils:close(CoverLog),
case proplists:get_value(reset_after_eunit, get_eunit_opts(Config),
true) of
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ run_eunit(Config, CodePath, SrcErls) ->
%% Stop cover to clean the cover_server state. This is important if we want
%% eunit+cover to not slow down when analyzing many Erlang modules.
- ok = cover:stop(),
+ ok = rebar_cover_utils:exit(),
case EunitResult of
ok ->
@@ -214,18 +214,23 @@ setup_code_path() ->
-%% == filter suites ==
+%% == get matching tests ==
+get_tests_and_modules(Config, ModuleBeamFiles, AllModules) ->
+ SelectedSuites = get_selected_suites(Config, AllModules),
+ {Tests, QualifiedTests} = get_qualified_and_unqualified_tests(Config),
+ Modules = get_test_modules(SelectedSuites, Tests,
+ QualifiedTests, ModuleBeamFiles),
+ FilteredModules = get_matching_modules(AllModules, Modules, QualifiedTests),
+ MatchedTests = get_matching_tests(Modules, Tests, QualifiedTests),
+ {MatchedTests, FilteredModules}.
-filter_suites(Config, Modules) ->
+%% == get suites specified via 'suites' option ==
+get_selected_suites(Config, Modules) ->
RawSuites = get_suites(Config),
- SuitesProvided = RawSuites =/= "",
Suites = [list_to_atom(Suite) || Suite <- string:tokens(RawSuites, ",")],
- {SuitesProvided, filter_suites1(Modules, Suites)}.
-filter_suites1(Modules, []) ->
- Modules;
-filter_suites1(Modules, Suites) ->
[M || M <- Suites, lists:member(M, Modules)].
get_suites(Config) ->
@@ -236,6 +241,32 @@ get_suites(Config) ->
+get_qualified_and_unqualified_tests(Config) ->
+ RawFunctions = rebar_utils:get_experimental_global(Config, tests, ""),
+ FunctionNames = [FunctionName ||
+ FunctionName <- string:tokens(RawFunctions, ",")],
+ get_qualified_and_unqualified_tests1(FunctionNames, [], []).
+get_qualified_and_unqualified_tests1([], Functions, QualifiedFunctions) ->
+ {Functions, QualifiedFunctions};
+get_qualified_and_unqualified_tests1([TestName|TestNames], Functions,
+ QualifiedFunctions) ->
+ case string:tokens(TestName, ":") of
+ [TestName] ->
+ Function = list_to_atom(TestName),
+ get_qualified_and_unqualified_tests1(
+ TestNames, [Function|Functions], QualifiedFunctions);
+ [ModuleName, FunctionName] ->
+ M = list_to_atom(ModuleName),
+ F = list_to_atom(FunctionName),
+ get_qualified_and_unqualified_tests1(TestNames, Functions,
+ [{M, F}|QualifiedFunctions]);
+ _ ->
+ ?ABORT("Unsupported test function specification: ~s~n", [TestName])
+ end.
+%% Provide modules which are to be searched for tests.
+%% Several scenarios are possible:
%% == randomize suites ==
@@ -265,60 +296,66 @@ randomize_suites1(Modules, Seed) ->
%% == get matching tests ==
+%% 1) Specific tests have been provided and/or
+%% no unqualified tests have been specified and
+%% there were some qualified tests, then we can search for
+%% functions in specified suites (or in empty set of suites).
-get_tests(Config, SuitesProvided, ModuleBeamFiles, FilteredModules) ->
- Modules = case SuitesProvided of
- false ->
- %% No specific suites have been provided, use
- %% ModuleBeamFiles which filters out "*_tests" modules
- %% so eunit won't doubly run them and cover only
- %% calculates coverage on production code. However,
- %% keep "*_tests" modules that are not automatically
- %% included by eunit.
- %%
- %% From 'Primitives' in the EUnit User's Guide
- %%
- %% "In addition, EUnit will also look for another
- %% module whose name is ModuleName plus the suffix
- %% _tests, and if it exists, all the tests from that
- %% module will also be added. (If ModuleName already
- %% contains the suffix _tests, this is not done.) E.g.,
- %% the specification {module, mymodule} will run all
- %% tests in the modules mymodule and mymodule_tests.
- %% Typically, the _tests module should only contain
- %% test cases that use the public interface of the main
- %% module (and no other code)."
- [rebar_utils:beam_to_mod(?EUNIT_DIR, N) ||
- N <- ModuleBeamFiles];
- true ->
- %% Specific suites have been provided, return the
- %% filtered modules
- FilteredModules
- end,
- get_matching_tests(Config, Modules).
-get_tests(Config) ->
- case rebar_config:get_global(Config, tests, "") of
- "" ->
- rebar_config:get_global(Config, test, "");
- Suites ->
- Suites
+%% 2) Neither specific suites nor qualified test names have been
+%% provided use ModuleBeamFiles which filters out "*_tests"
+%% modules so EUnit won't doubly run them and cover only
+%% calculates coverage on production code. However,
+%% keep "*_tests" modules that are not automatically
+%% included by EUnit.
+%% From 'Primitives' in the EUnit User's Guide
+%% "In addition, EUnit will also look for another
+%% module whose name is ModuleName plus the suffix
+%% _tests, and if it exists, all the tests from that
+%% module will also be added. (If ModuleName already
+%% contains the suffix _tests, this is not done.) E.g.,
+%% the specification {module, mymodule} will run all
+%% tests in the modules mymodule and mymodule_tests.
+%% Typically, the _tests module should only contain
+%% test cases that use the public interface of the main
+%% module (and no other code)."
+get_test_modules(SelectedSuites, Tests, QualifiedTests, ModuleBeamFiles) ->
+ SuitesProvided = SelectedSuites =/= [],
+ OnlyQualifiedTestsProvided = QualifiedTests =/= [] andalso Tests =:= [],
+ if
+ SuitesProvided orelse OnlyQualifiedTestsProvided ->
+ SelectedSuites;
+ true ->
+ [rebar_utils:beam_to_mod(?EUNIT_DIR, N) ||
+ N <- ModuleBeamFiles]
-get_matching_tests(Config, Modules) ->
- RawFunctions = get_tests(Config),
- Tests = [list_to_atom(F1) || F1 <- string:tokens(RawFunctions, ",")],
- case Tests of
- [] ->
- Modules;
- Functions ->
- case get_matching_tests1(Modules, Functions, []) of
- [] ->
- [];
- RawTests ->
- make_test_primitives(RawTests)
- end
- end.
+get_matching_modules(AllModules, Modules, QualifiedTests) ->
+ ModuleFilterMapper =
+ fun({M, _}) ->
+ case lists:member(M, AllModules) of
+ true -> {true, M};
+ _-> false
+ end
+ end,
+ ModulesFromQualifiedTests = lists:zf(ModuleFilterMapper, QualifiedTests),
+ lists:usort(Modules ++ ModulesFromQualifiedTests).
+get_matching_tests(Modules, [], []) ->
+ Modules;
+get_matching_tests(Modules, [], QualifiedTests) ->
+ FilteredQualifiedTests = filter_qualified_tests(Modules, QualifiedTests),
+ lists:merge(Modules, make_test_primitives(FilteredQualifiedTests));
+get_matching_tests(Modules, Tests, QualifiedTests) ->
+ AllTests = lists:merge(QualifiedTests,
+ get_matching_tests1(Modules, Tests, [])),
+ make_test_primitives(AllTests).
+filter_qualified_tests(Modules, QualifiedTests) ->
+ TestsFilter = fun({Module, _Function}) ->
+ lists:all(fun(M) -> M =/= Module end, Modules) end,
+ lists:filter(TestsFilter, QualifiedTests).
get_matching_tests1([], _Functions, TestFunctions) ->
@@ -464,226 +501,6 @@ get_eunit_opts(Config) ->
BaseOpts ++ rebar_config:get_list(Config, eunit_opts, []).
-%% == code coverage ==
-perform_cover(Config, BeamFiles, SrcModules) ->
- perform_cover(rebar_config:get(Config, cover_enabled, false),
- Config, BeamFiles, SrcModules).
-perform_cover(false, _Config, _BeamFiles, _SrcModules) ->
- ok;
-perform_cover(true, Config, BeamFiles, SrcModules) ->
- cover_analyze(Config, BeamFiles, SrcModules).
-cover_analyze(_Config, [], _SrcModules) ->
- ok;
-cover_analyze(Config, FilteredModules, SrcModules) ->
- %% Generate coverage info for all the cover-compiled modules
- Coverage = lists:flatten([cover_analyze_mod(M)
- || M <- FilteredModules,
- cover:is_compiled(M) =/= false]),
- %% Write index of coverage info
- cover_write_index(lists:sort(Coverage), SrcModules),
- %% Write coverage details for each file
- lists:foreach(fun({M, _, _}) ->
- {ok, _} = cover:analyze_to_file(M, cover_file(M),
- [html])
- end, Coverage),
- Index = filename:join([rebar_utils:get_cwd(), ?EUNIT_DIR, "index.html"]),
- ?CONSOLE("Cover analysis: ~s\n", [Index]),
- %% Export coverage data, if configured
- case rebar_config:get(Config, cover_export_enabled, false) of
- true ->
- cover_export_coverdata();
- false ->
- ok
- end,
- %% Print coverage report, if configured
- case rebar_config:get(Config, cover_print_enabled, false) of
- true ->
- cover_print_coverage(lists:sort(Coverage));
- false ->
- ok
- end.
-cover_close(not_enabled) ->
- ok;
-cover_close(F) ->
- ok = file:close(F).
-cover_init(false, _BeamFiles) ->
- {ok, not_enabled};
-cover_init(true, BeamFiles) ->
- %% Attempt to start the cover server, then set its group leader to
- %% .eunit/cover.log, so all cover log messages will go there instead of
- %% to stdout. If the cover server is already started, we'll kill that
- %% server and start a new one in order not to inherit a polluted
- %% cover_server state.
- {ok, CoverPid} = case whereis(cover_server) of
- undefined ->
- cover:start();
- _ ->
- cover:stop(),
- cover:start()
- end,
- {ok, F} = OkOpen = file:open(
- filename:join([?EUNIT_DIR, "cover.log"]),
- [write]),
- group_leader(F, CoverPid),
- ?INFO("Cover compiling ~s\n", [rebar_utils:get_cwd()]),
- Compiled = [{Beam, cover:compile_beam(Beam)} || Beam <- BeamFiles],
- case [Module || {_, {ok, Module}} <- Compiled] of
- [] ->
- %% No modules compiled
- ?ERROR("Cover failed to compile any modules; aborting.~n", []),
- ?FAIL;
- _ ->
- %% At least one module compiled successfully
- %% It's not an error for cover compilation to fail partially,
- %% but we do want to warn about them
- PrintWarning =
- fun(Beam, Desc) ->
- ?CONSOLE("Cover compilation warning for ~p: ~p",
- [Beam, Desc])
- end,
- _ = [PrintWarning(Beam, Desc) || {Beam, {error, Desc}} <- Compiled],
- OkOpen
- end;
-cover_init(Config, BeamFiles) ->
- cover_init(rebar_config:get(Config, cover_enabled, false), BeamFiles).
-cover_analyze_mod(Module) ->
- case cover:analyze(Module, coverage, module) of
- {ok, {Module, {Covered, NotCovered}}} ->
- %% Modules that include the eunit header get an implicit
- %% test/0 fun, which cover considers a runnable line, but
- %% eunit:test(TestRepresentation) never calls. Decrement
- %% NotCovered in this case.
- [align_notcovered_count(Module, Covered, NotCovered,
- is_eunitized(Module))];
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?ERROR("Cover analyze failed for ~p: ~p ~p\n",
- [Module, Reason, code:which(Module)]),
- []
- end.
-is_eunitized(Mod) ->
- has_eunit_test_fun(Mod) andalso
- has_header(Mod, "include/eunit.hrl").
-has_eunit_test_fun(Mod) ->
- [F || {exports, Funs} <- Mod:module_info(),
- {F, 0} <- Funs, F =:= test] =/= [].
-has_header(Mod, Header) ->
- Mod1 = case code:which(Mod) of
- cover_compiled ->
- {file, File} = cover:is_compiled(Mod),
- File;
- non_existing -> Mod;
- preloaded -> Mod;
- L -> L
- end,
- {ok, {_, [{abstract_code, {_, AC}}]}} = beam_lib:chunks(Mod1,
- [abstract_code]),
- [F || {attribute, 1, file, {F, 1}} <- AC,
- string:str(F, Header) =/= 0] =/= [].
-align_notcovered_count(Module, Covered, NotCovered, false) ->
- {Module, Covered, NotCovered};
-align_notcovered_count(Module, Covered, NotCovered, true) ->
- {Module, Covered, NotCovered - 1}.
-cover_write_index(Coverage, SrcModules) ->
- {ok, F} = file:open(filename:join([?EUNIT_DIR, "index.html"]), [write]),
- ok = file:write(F, "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html>\n"
- "<head><meta charset=\"utf-8\">"
- "<title>Coverage Summary</title></head>\n"
- "<body>\n"),
- IsSrcCoverage = fun({Mod,_C,_N}) -> lists:member(Mod, SrcModules) end,
- {SrcCoverage, TestCoverage} = lists:partition(IsSrcCoverage, Coverage),
- cover_write_index_section(F, "Source", SrcCoverage),
- cover_write_index_section(F, "Test", TestCoverage),
- ok = file:write(F, "</body></html>"),
- ok = file:close(F).
-cover_write_index_section(_F, _SectionName, []) ->
- ok;
-cover_write_index_section(F, SectionName, Coverage) ->
- %% Calculate total coverage
- {Covered, NotCovered} = lists:foldl(fun({_Mod, C, N}, {CAcc, NAcc}) ->
- {CAcc + C, NAcc + N}
- end, {0, 0}, Coverage),
- TotalCoverage = percentage(Covered, NotCovered),
- %% Write the report
- ok = file:write(F, ?FMT("<h1>~s Summary</h1>\n", [SectionName])),
- ok = file:write(F, ?FMT("<h3>Total: ~s</h3>\n", [TotalCoverage])),
- ok = file:write(F, "<table><tr><th>Module</th><th>Coverage %</th></tr>\n"),
- FmtLink =
- fun(Module, Cov, NotCov) ->
- ?FMT("<tr><td><a href='~s.COVER.html'>~s</a></td><td>~s</td>\n",
- [Module, Module, percentage(Cov, NotCov)])
- end,
- lists:foreach(fun({Module, Cov, NotCov}) ->
- ok = file:write(F, FmtLink(Module, Cov, NotCov))
- end, Coverage),
- ok = file:write(F, "</table>\n").
-cover_print_coverage(Coverage) ->
- {Covered, NotCovered} = lists:foldl(fun({_Mod, C, N}, {CAcc, NAcc}) ->
- {CAcc + C, NAcc + N}
- end, {0, 0}, Coverage),
- TotalCoverage = percentage(Covered, NotCovered),
- %% Determine the longest module name for right-padding
- Width = lists:foldl(fun({Mod, _, _}, Acc) ->
- case length(atom_to_list(Mod)) of
- N when N > Acc ->
- N;
- _ ->
- Acc
- end
- end, 0, Coverage) * -1,
- %% Print the output the console
- ?CONSOLE("~nCode Coverage:~n", []),
- lists:foreach(fun({Mod, C, N}) ->
- ?CONSOLE("~*s : ~3s~n",
- [Width, Mod, percentage(C, N)])
- end, Coverage),
- ?CONSOLE("~n~*s : ~s~n", [Width, "Total", TotalCoverage]).
-cover_file(Module) ->
- filename:join([?EUNIT_DIR, atom_to_list(Module) ++ ".COVER.html"]).
-cover_export_coverdata() ->
- ExportFile = filename:join(eunit_dir(), "eunit.coverdata"),
- case cover:export(ExportFile) of
- ok ->
- ?CONSOLE("Coverdata export: ~s~n", [ExportFile]);
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?ERROR("Coverdata export failed: ~p~n", [Reason])
- end.
-percentage(0, 0) ->
- "not executed";
-percentage(Cov, NotCov) ->
- integer_to_list(trunc((Cov / (Cov + NotCov)) * 100)) ++ "%".
%% == reset_after_eunit ==
diff --git a/src/rebar_port_compiler.erl b/src/rebar_port_compiler.erl
index fec8e04..35adc3c 100644
--- a/src/rebar_port_compiler.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_port_compiler.erl
@@ -565,10 +565,10 @@ default_env() ->
{"EXE_CFLAGS" , "-g -Wall -fPIC $ERL_CFLAGS"},
- {"ERL_CFLAGS", lists:concat([" -I", erl_interface_dir(include),
- " -I", filename:join(erts_dir(), "include"),
- " "])},
- {"ERL_EI_LIBDIR", erl_interface_dir(lib)},
+ {"ERL_CFLAGS", lists:concat([" -I\"", erl_interface_dir(include),
+ "\" -I\"", filename:join(erts_dir(), "include"),
+ "\" "])},
+ {"ERL_EI_LIBDIR", lists:concat(["\"", erl_interface_dir(lib), "\""])},
{"ERL_LDFLAGS" , " -L$ERL_EI_LIBDIR -lerl_interface -lei"},
{"ERLANG_ARCH" , rebar_utils:wordsize()},
{"ERLANG_TARGET", rebar_utils:get_arch()},
diff --git a/src/rebar_qc.erl b/src/rebar_qc.erl
index 1976722..e08833b 100644
--- a/src/rebar_qc.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_qc.erl
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
%% rebar: Erlang Build Tools
-%% Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Tuncer Ayaz
+%% Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Tuncer Ayaz
%% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
%% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -68,11 +68,17 @@ info(help, qc) ->
" {qc_opts, [{qc_mod, module()}, Options]}~n"
" ~p~n"
" ~p~n"
+ " ~p~n"
+ " ~p~n"
+ " ~p~n"
"Valid command line options:~n"
" compile_only=true (Compile but do not test properties)",
{qc_compile_opts, []},
- {qc_first_files, []}
+ {qc_first_files, []},
+ {cover_enabled, false},
+ {cover_print_enabled, false},
+ {cover_export_enabled, false}
info(help, clean) ->
Description = ?FMT("Delete QuickCheck test dir (~s)", [?QC_DIR]),
@@ -151,21 +157,40 @@ run(Config, QC, QCOpts) ->
%% Compile erlang code to ?QC_DIR, using a tweaked config
%% with appropriate defines, and include all the test modules
%% as well.
- {ok, _SrcErls} = rebar_erlc_compiler:test_compile(Config, "qc", ?QC_DIR),
+ {ok, SrcErls} = rebar_erlc_compiler:test_compile(Config, "qc", ?QC_DIR),
case CompileOnly of
"true" ->
true = code:set_path(CodePath),
?CONSOLE("Compiled modules for qc~n", []);
false ->
- run1(QC, QCOpts, CodePath)
+ run1(QC, QCOpts, Config, CodePath, SrcErls)
-run1(QC, QCOpts, CodePath) ->
+run1(QC, QCOpts, Config, CodePath, SrcErls) ->
+ AllBeamFiles = rebar_utils:beams(?QC_DIR),
+ AllModules = [rebar_utils:beam_to_mod(?QC_DIR, N)
+ || N <- AllBeamFiles],
+ PropMods = find_prop_mods(),
+ FilteredModules = AllModules -- PropMods,
+ SrcModules = [rebar_utils:erl_to_mod(M) || M <- SrcErls],
+ {ok, CoverLog} = rebar_cover_utils:init(Config, AllBeamFiles, qc_dir()),
TestModule = fun(M) -> qc_module(QC, QCOpts, M) end,
- case lists:flatmap(TestModule, find_prop_mods()) of
+ QCResult = lists:flatmap(TestModule, PropMods),
+ rebar_cover_utils:perform_cover(Config, FilteredModules, SrcModules,
+ qc_dir()),
+ rebar_cover_utils:close(CoverLog),
+ ok = rebar_cover_utils:exit(),
+ true = code:set_path(CodePath),
+ case QCResult of
[] ->
- true = code:set_path(CodePath),
Errors ->
?ABORT("One or more QC properties didn't hold true:~n~p~n",
diff --git a/src/rebar_shell.erl b/src/rebar_shell.erl
index 348e540..0220a79 100644
--- a/src/rebar_shell.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_shell.erl
@@ -41,10 +41,20 @@
shell(_Config, _AppFile) ->
true = code:add_pathz(rebar_utils:ebin_dir()),
+ %% scan all processes for any with references to the old user and save them to
+ %% update later
+ NeedsUpdate = [Pid || Pid <- erlang:processes(),
+ proplists:get_value(group_leader, erlang:process_info(Pid)) == whereis(user)
+ ],
%% terminate the current user
ok = supervisor:terminate_child(kernel_sup, user),
%% start a new shell (this also starts a new user under the correct group)
- user_drv:start(),
+ _ = user_drv:start(),
+ %% wait until user_drv and user have been registered (max 3 seconds)
+ ok = wait_until_user_started(3000),
+ %% set any process that had a reference to the old user's group leader to the
+ %% new user process
+ _ = [erlang:group_leader(whereis(user), Pid) || Pid <- NeedsUpdate],
%% enable error_logger's tty output
ok = error_logger:swap_handler(tty),
%% disable the simple error_logger (which may have been added multiple
@@ -56,9 +66,10 @@ shell(_Config, _AppFile) ->
info(help, shell) ->
- "Start a shell with project and deps preloaded similar to~n"
- "'erl -pa ebin -pa deps/*/ebin'.~n",
- []).
+ "Start a shell with project and deps preloaded similar to~n"
+ "'erl -pa ebin -pa deps/*/ebin'.~n",
+ []
+ ).
remove_error_handler(0) ->
?WARN("Unable to remove simple error_logger handler~n", []);
@@ -66,4 +77,15 @@ remove_error_handler(N) ->
case gen_event:delete_handler(error_logger, error_logger, []) of
{error, module_not_found} -> ok;
{error_logger, _} -> remove_error_handler(N-1)
+ end.
+%% Timeout is a period to wait before giving up
+wait_until_user_started(0) ->
+ ?ABORT("Timeout exceeded waiting for `user` to register itself~n", []),
+ erlang:error(timeout);
+wait_until_user_started(Timeout) ->
+ case whereis(user) of
+ %% if user is not yet registered wait a tenth of a second and try again
+ undefined -> timer:sleep(100), wait_until_user_started(Timeout - 100);
+ _ -> ok
end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/rebar_templater.erl b/src/rebar_templater.erl
index fef4627..4abf404 100644
--- a/src/rebar_templater.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_templater.erl
@@ -397,6 +397,18 @@ execute_template(Files, [{'if', Cond, True, False} | Rest], TemplateType,
execute_template(Files, prepend_instructions(Instructions, Rest),
TemplateType, TemplateName, Context, Force,
+execute_template(Files, [{'case', Variable, Values, Instructions} | Rest], TemplateType,
+ TemplateName, Context, Force, ExistingFiles) ->
+ {ok, Value} = dict:find(Variable, Context),
+ Instructions2 = case lists:member(Value, Values) of
+ true ->
+ Instructions;
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end,
+ execute_template(Files, prepend_instructions(Instructions2, Rest),
+ TemplateType, TemplateName, Context, Force,
+ ExistingFiles);
execute_template(Files, [{template, Input, Output} | Rest], TemplateType,
TemplateName, Context, Force, ExistingFiles) ->
InputName = filename:join(filename:dirname(TemplateName), Input),
diff --git a/src/rebar_utils.erl b/src/rebar_utils.erl
index 517ac33..fa35fed 100644
--- a/src/rebar_utils.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_utils.erl
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ sh_send/3,
find_files/2, find_files/3,
@@ -53,7 +54,8 @@
- processing_base_dir/1, processing_base_dir/2]).
+ processing_base_dir/1, processing_base_dir/2,
+ patch_env/2]).
@@ -87,6 +89,24 @@ wordsize() ->
integer_to_list(8 * erlang:system_info(wordsize))
+sh_send(Command0, String, Options0) ->
+ ?INFO("sh_send info:\n\tcwd: ~p\n\tcmd: ~s < ~s\n", [get_cwd(), Command0, String]),
+ ?DEBUG("\topts: ~p\n", [Options0]),
+ DefaultOptions = [use_stdout, abort_on_error],
+ Options = [expand_sh_flag(V)
+ || V <- proplists:compact(Options0 ++ DefaultOptions)],
+ Command = patch_on_windows(Command0, proplists:get_value(env, Options, [])),
+ PortSettings = proplists:get_all_values(port_settings, Options) ++
+ [exit_status, {line, 16384}, use_stdio, stderr_to_stdout, hide],
+ Port = open_port({spawn, Command}, PortSettings),
+ %% allow us to send some data to the shell command's STDIN
+ %% Erlang doesn't let us get any reply after sending an EOF, though...
+ Port ! {self(), {command, String}},
+ port_close(Port).
%% Options = [Option] -- defaults to [use_stdout, abort_on_error]
%% Option = ErrorOption | OutputOption | {cd, string()} | {env, Env}
@@ -319,6 +339,23 @@ processing_base_dir(Config, Dir) ->
AbsDir = filename:absname(Dir),
AbsDir =:= base_dir(Config).
+%% @doc Returns the list of environment variables including 'REBAR' which points to the
+%% rebar executable used to execute the currently running command. The environment is
+%% not modified if rebar was invoked programmatically.
+-spec patch_env(rebar_config:config(), [{string(), string()}]) -> [{string(), string()}].
+patch_env(Config, []) ->
+ % if we reached an empty list the env did not contain the REBAR variable
+ case rebar_config:get_xconf(Config, escript, "") of
+ "" -> % rebar was invoked programmatically
+ [];
+ Path ->
+ [{"REBAR", Path}]
+ end;
+patch_env(_Config, [{"REBAR", _} | _]=All) ->
+ All;
+patch_env(Config, [E | Rest]) ->
+ [E | patch_env(Config, Rest)].
%% ====================================================================
%% Internal functions
%% ====================================================================
@@ -480,6 +517,7 @@ vcs_vsn_1(Vcs, Dir) ->
vcs_vsn_cmd(git) -> "git describe --always --tags";
+vcs_vsn_cmd(p4) -> "echo #head";
vcs_vsn_cmd(hg) -> "hg identify -i";
vcs_vsn_cmd(bzr) -> "bzr revno";
vcs_vsn_cmd(svn) -> "svnversion";