path: root/src/rebar_utils.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/rebar_utils.erl')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_utils.erl b/src/rebar_utils.erl
index be16610..2a14503 100644
--- a/src/rebar_utils.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_utils.erl
@@ -384,14 +384,32 @@ otp_release1([$R,N|_]=Rel) when is_integer(N) ->
%% If OTP >= 17.x, erlang:system_info(otp_release) returns just the
%% major version number, we have to read the full version from
%% a file. See
+%% Read vsn strinf from the 'OTP_VERSION' file and return as list without
+%% the "\n".
otp_release1(Rel) ->
File = filename:join([code:root_dir(), "releases", Rel, "OTP_VERSION"]),
{ok, Vsn} = file:read_file(File),
%% NOTE: It's fine to rely on the binary module here because we
%% can be sure that it's available when the otp_release string
%% does not begin with $R.
- %% Return as list without the "\n".
- binary:bin_to_list(Vsn, {0, byte_size(Vsn) - 1}).
+ Size = byte_size(Vsn),
+ %% The shortest vsn string consists of at least two digits
+ %% followed by "\n". Therefore, it's safe to assume Size >= 3.
+ case binary:part(Vsn, {Size, -3}) of
+ <<"**\n">> ->
+ %% The OTP documentation mentions that a system patched
+ %% using the otp_patch_apply tool available to licensed
+ %% customers will leave a '**' suffix in the version as a
+ %% flag saying the system consists of application versions
+ %% from multiple OTP versions. We ignore this flag and
+ %% drop the suffix, given for all intents and purposes, we
+ %% cannot obtain relevant information from it as far as
+ %% tooling is concerned.
+ binary:bin_to_list(Vsn, {0, Size - 3});
+ _ ->
+ binary:bin_to_list(Vsn, {0, Size - 1})
+ end.
get_deprecated_3(Get, Config, OldOpt, NewOpt, Default, When) ->
case Get(Config, NewOpt, Default) of