path: root/src/rebar_templater.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rebar_templater.erl')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_templater.erl b/src/rebar_templater.erl
index 746e440..0a9a07c 100644
--- a/src/rebar_templater.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_templater.erl
@@ -29,14 +29,10 @@
-%% API for other utilities that need templating functionality
- render/2]).
-define(TEMPLATE_RE, "^[^._].*\\.template\$").
--define(ERLYDTL_COMPILE_OPTS, [report_warnings, return_errors, {auto_escape, false}, {out_dir, false}]).
%% ===================================================================
%% Public API
@@ -45,7 +41,7 @@
%% Apply a template
new(Template, Vars, Force, State) ->
{AvailTemplates, Files} = find_templates(State),
- ?DEBUG("Looking for ~p~n", [Template]),
+ ?DEBUG("Looking for ~p", [Template]),
case lists:keyfind(Template, 1, AvailTemplates) of
false -> {not_found, Template};
TemplateTup -> create(TemplateTup, Files, Vars, Force, State)
@@ -57,34 +53,6 @@ list_templates(State) ->
[list_template(Files, Template, State) || Template <- AvailTemplates].
%% ===================================================================
-%% Rendering API / legacy?
-%% ===================================================================
-%% Given a list of key value pairs, for each string value attempt to
-%% render it using Dict as the context. Storing the result in Dict as Key.
-resolve_variables([], Dict) ->
- Dict;
-resolve_variables([{Key, Value0} | Rest], Dict) when is_list(Value0) ->
- Value = render(Value0, Dict),
- resolve_variables(Rest, dict:store(Key, Value, Dict));
-resolve_variables([{Key, {list, Dicts}} | Rest], Dict) when is_list(Dicts) ->
- %% just un-tag it so erlydtl can use it
- resolve_variables(Rest, dict:store(Key, Dicts, Dict));
-resolve_variables([_Pair | Rest], Dict) ->
- resolve_variables(Rest, Dict).
-%% Render a binary to a string, using erlydtl and the specified context
-render(Template, Context) when is_atom(Template) ->
- Template:render(Context);
-render(Template, Context) ->
- Module = list_to_atom(Template++"_dtl"),
- Module:render(Context).
-%% ===================================================================
%% Internal Functions
%% ===================================================================
@@ -191,7 +159,7 @@ create({Template, Type, File}, Files, UserVars, Force, State) ->
%% Run template instructions one at a time.
execute_template([], _, {Template,_,_}, _, _) ->
- ?DEBUG("Template ~s applied~n", [Template]),
+ ?DEBUG("Template ~s applied", [Template]),
%% We can't execute the description
execute_template([{description, _} | Terms], Files, Template, Vars, Force) ->
@@ -201,13 +169,13 @@ execute_template([{variables, _} | Terms], Files, Template, Vars, Force) ->
execute_template(Terms, Files, Template, Vars, Force);
%% Create a directory
execute_template([{dir, Path} | Terms], Files, Template, Vars, Force) ->
- ?DEBUG("Creating directory ~p~n", [Path]),
+ ?DEBUG("Creating directory ~p", [Path]),
case ec_file:mkdir_p(expand_path(Path, Vars)) of
ok ->
{error, Reason} ->
?ABORT("Failed while processing template instruction "
- "{dir, ~p}: ~p~n", [Path, Reason])
+ "{dir, ~p}: ~p", [Path, Reason])
execute_template(Terms, Files, Template, Vars, Force);
%% Change permissions on a file
@@ -218,29 +186,28 @@ execute_template([{chmod, File, Perm} | Terms], Files, Template, Vars, Force) ->
execute_template(Terms, Files, Template, Vars, Force);
{error, Reason} ->
?ABORT("Failed while processing template instruction "
- "{chmod, ~.8#, ~p}: ~p~n", [Perm, File, Reason])
+ "{chmod, ~.8#, ~p}: ~p", [Perm, File, Reason])
%% Create a raw untemplated file
execute_template([{file, From, To} | Terms], Files, {Template, Type, Cwd}, Vars, Force) ->
- ?DEBUG("Creating file ~p~n", [To]),
+ ?DEBUG("Creating file ~p", [To]),
Data = load_file(Files, Type, filename:join(Cwd, From)),
Out = expand_path(To,Vars),
case write_file(Out, Data, Force) of
ok -> ok;
- {error, exists} -> ?INFO("File ~p already exists.~n", [Out])
+ {error, exists} -> ?INFO("File ~p already exists.", [Out])
execute_template(Terms, Files, {Template, Type, Cwd}, Vars, Force);
%% Operate on a django template
execute_template([{template, From, To} | Terms], Files, {Template, Type, Cwd}, Vars, Force) ->
- ?DEBUG("Executing template file ~p~n", [From]),
+ ?DEBUG("Executing template file ~p", [From]),
Out = expand_path(To, Vars),
Tpl = load_file(Files, Type, filename:join(Cwd, From)),
- TplName = make_template_name("rebar_template", Out),
- {ok, Mod} = erlydtl:compile_template(Tpl, TplName, ?ERLYDTL_COMPILE_OPTS),
- {ok, Output} = Mod:render(Vars),
- case write_file(Out, Output, Force) of
- ok -> ok;
- {error, exists} -> ?INFO("File ~p already exists~n", [Out])
+ case write_file(Out, render(Tpl, Vars), Force) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, exists} ->
+ ?INFO("File ~p already exists", [Out])
execute_template(Terms, Files, {Template, Type, Cwd}, Vars, Force);
%% Unknown
@@ -342,11 +309,11 @@ prioritize_templates([{Name, Type, File} | Rest], Valid) ->
prioritize_templates(Rest, [{Name, Type, File} | Valid]);
{_, escript, _} ->
?DEBUG("Skipping template ~p, due to presence of a built-in "
- "template with the same name~n", [Name]),
+ "template with the same name", [Name]),
prioritize_templates(Rest, Valid);
{_, file, _} ->
?DEBUG("Skipping template ~p, due to presence of a custom "
- "template at ~s~n", [Name, File]),
+ "template at ~s", [Name, File]),
prioritize_templates(Rest, Valid)
@@ -409,12 +376,12 @@ write_file(Output, Data, Force) ->
{error, exists}
--spec make_template_name(string(), term()) -> module().
-make_template_name(Base, Value) ->
- %% Seed so we get different values each time
- random:seed(os:timestamp()),
- Hash = erlang:phash2(Value),
- Ran = random:uniform(10000000),
- erlang:list_to_atom(Base ++ "_" ++
- erlang:integer_to_list(Hash) ++
- "_" ++ erlang:integer_to_list(Ran)).
+%% Render a binary to a string, using mustache and the specified context
+render(Bin, Context) ->
+ %% Be sure to escape any double-quotes before rendering...
+ ReOpts = [global, {return, list}],
+ Str0 = re:replace(Bin, "\\\\", "\\\\\\", ReOpts),
+ Str1 = re:replace(Str0, "\"", "\\\\\"", ReOpts),
+ rebar_mustache:render(Str1, dict:from_list(Context)).