path: root/src/rebar_paths.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/rebar_paths.erl')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_paths.erl b/src/rebar_paths.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb43897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rebar_paths.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+-type target() :: deps | plugins.
+-type targets() :: [target(), ...].
+-export_type([target/0, targets/0]).
+-export([set_paths/2, unset_paths/2]).
+-spec set_paths(targets(), rebar_state:t()) -> ok.
+set_paths(UserTargets, State) ->
+ Targets = normalize_targets(UserTargets),
+ GroupPaths = path_groups(Targets, State),
+ Paths = lists:append([P || {_, P} <- GroupPaths]),
+ [code:del_path(P) || P <- Paths],
+ code:add_pathsa(lists:reverse(Paths)),
+ % set path breaks with escripts
+ %true = code:set_path(lists:append([P || {_, P} <- GroupPaths])),
+ AppGroups = app_groups(Targets, State),
+ purge_and_load(AppGroups, code:all_loaded(), sets:new()),
+ ok.
+-spec unset_paths(targets(), rebar_state:t()) -> ok.
+unset_paths(UserTargets, State) ->
+ Targets = normalize_targets(UserTargets),
+ GroupPaths = path_groups(Targets, State),
+ Paths = lists:append([P || {_, P} <- GroupPaths]),
+ [code:del_path(P) || P <- Paths],
+ purge(Paths, code:all_loaded()),
+ ok.
+%% The paths are to be set in the reverse order; i.e. the default
+%% path is always last when possible (minimize cases where a build
+%% tool version clashes with an app's), and put the highest priorities
+%% first.
+-spec normalize_targets(targets()) -> targets().
+normalize_targets(List) ->
+ %% Plan for the eventuality of getting values piped in
+ %% from future versions of rebar3, possibly from plugins and so on,
+ %% which means we'd risk failing kind of violently. We only support
+ %% deps and plugins
+ TmpList = lists:foldl(
+ fun(deps, [deps | _] = Acc) -> Acc;
+ (plugins, [plugins | _] = Acc) -> Acc;
+ (deps, Acc) -> [deps | Acc -- [deps]];
+ (plugins, Acc) -> [plugins | Acc -- [plugins]];
+ (_, Acc) -> Acc
+ end,
+ [],
+ List
+ ),
+ lists:reverse(TmpList).
+purge_and_load([], _, _) ->
+ ok;
+purge_and_load([{_Group, Apps}|Rest], ModPaths, Seen) ->
+ %% We have: a list of all applications in the current priority group,
+ %% a list of all loaded modules with their active path, and a list of
+ %% seen applications.
+ %%
+ %% We do the following:
+ %% 1. identify the apps that have not been solved yet
+ %% 2. find the paths for all apps in the current group
+ %% 3. unload and reload apps that may have changed paths in order
+ %% to get updated module lists and specs
+ %% (we ignore started apps and apps that have not run for this)
+ %% 4. create a list of modules to check from that app list
+ %% 5. check the modules to match their currently loaded paths with
+ %% the path set from the apps in the current group; modules
+ %% that differ must be purged; others can stay
+ %% 1)
+ AppNames = [AppName || App <- Apps,
+ AppName <- [rebar_app_info:name(App)],
+ not sets:is_element(AppName, Seen)],
+ GoodApps = [App || AppName <- AppNames,
+ App <- Apps,
+ rebar_app_info:name(App) =:= AppName],
+ %% 2)
+ %% TODO: add extra dirs (and test), and possibly the stdlib
+ GoodAppPaths = [rebar_app_info:ebin_dir(App) || App <- GoodApps],
+ %% ++ [code:lib_dir()],
+ %% 3)
+ [begin
+ AtomApp = binary_to_atom(AppName, utf8),
+ %% blind load/unload won't interrupt an already-running app,
+ %% preventing odd errors, maybe!
+ case application:unload(AtomApp) of
+ ok -> application:load(AtomApp);
+ _ -> ok
+ end
+ end || AppName <- AppNames,
+ %% Shouldn't unload ourselves; rebar runs without ever
+ %% being started and unloading breaks logging!
+ AppName =/= <<"rebar">>],
+ %% 4)
+ CandidateMods = lists:append(
+ %% Start by asking the currently loaded app (if loaded)
+ %% since it would be the primary source of conflicting modules
+ [case application:get_key(AppName, modules) of
+ {ok, Mods} ->
+ Mods;
+ undefined ->
+ %% if not found, parse the app file on disk, in case
+ %% the app's modules are used without it being loaded
+ case rebar_app_info:app_details(App) of
+ [] -> [];
+ Details -> proplists:get_value(modules, Details, [])
+ end
+ end || App <- GoodApps,
+ AppName <- [binary_to_atom(rebar_app_info:name(App), utf8)]]
+ ),
+ %% 5)
+ Mods = misloaded_modules(CandidateMods, GoodAppPaths, ModPaths),
+ [purge_mod(Mod) || Mod <- Mods],
+ purge_and_load(Rest, ModPaths,
+ sets:union(Seen, sets:from_list(AppNames))).
+purge(Paths, ModPaths) ->
+ lists:map(fun purge_mod/1, lists:usort(
+ [Mod || {Mod, Path} <- ModPaths,
+ is_list(Path), % not 'preloaded' or mocked
+ any_prefix(Path, Paths)]
+ )).
+misloaded_modules(Mods, GoodAppPaths, ModPaths) ->
+ %% Identify paths that are invalid; i.e. app paths that cover an
+ %% app in the desired group, but are not in the desired group.
+ lists:usort(
+ [purge_mod(Mod)
+ || Mod <- Mods,
+ {_, Path} <- [lists:keyfind(Mod, 1, ModPaths)],
+ is_list(Path), % not 'preloaded' or mocked
+ not any_prefix(Path, GoodAppPaths)]
+ ).
+any_prefix(Path, Paths) ->
+ lists:any(fun(P) -> lists:prefix(P, Path) end, Paths).
+%% assume paths currently set are good; only unload a module so next call
+%% uses the correctly set paths
+purge_mod(Mod) ->
+ case erlang:check_process_code(self(), Mod) of
+ false ->
+ code:purge(Mod),
+ code:delete(Mod);
+ _ ->
+ %% cannot purge safely without killing ourselves
+ code:soft_purge(Mod) andalso
+ code:delete(Mod)
+ end.
+path_groups(Targets, State) ->
+ [{Target, get_paths(Target, State)} || Target <- Targets].
+app_groups(Targets, State) ->
+ [{Target, get_apps(Target, State)} || Target <- Targets].
+get_paths(deps, State) ->
+ rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_deps);
+get_paths(plugins, State) ->
+ rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_plugin_deps).
+get_apps(deps, State) ->
+ %% The code paths for deps also include the top level apps
+ %% and the extras, which we don't have here; we have to
+ %% add the apps by hand
+ rebar_state:all_deps(State) ++
+ case rebar_state:project_apps(State) of
+ undefined -> [];
+ List -> List
+ end;
+get_apps(plugins, State) ->
+ rebar_state:all_plugin_deps(State).