path: root/src/rebar_deps.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rebar_deps.erl')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_deps.erl b/src/rebar_deps.erl
index be6283d..43bde04 100644
--- a/src/rebar_deps.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_deps.erl
@@ -68,37 +68,57 @@ preprocess(Config, _) ->
%% Add available deps to code path
Config3 = update_deps_code_path(Config2, AvailableDeps),
- %% If skip_deps=true, mark each dep dir as a skip_dir w/ the core so that
- %% the current command doesn't run on the dep dir. However, pre/postprocess
- %% WILL run (and we want it to) for transitivity purposes.
- %%
- %% Also, if skip_deps=comma,separated,app,list, then only the given
- %% dependencies are skipped.
- NewConfig = case rebar_config:get_global(Config3, skip_deps, false) of
- "true" ->
- lists:foldl(
- fun(#dep{dir = Dir}, C) ->
- rebar_config:set_skip_dir(C, Dir)
- end, Config3, AvailableDeps);
- Apps when is_list(Apps) ->
- SkipApps = [list_to_atom(App) || App <- string:tokens(Apps, ",")],
- lists:foldl(
- fun(#dep{dir = Dir, app = App}, C) ->
- case lists:member(App, SkipApps) of
- true -> rebar_config:set_skip_dir(C, Dir);
- false -> C
- end
- end, Config3, AvailableDeps);
- _ ->
- Config3
- end,
%% Filtering out 'raw' dependencies so that no commands other than
%% deps-related can be executed on their directories.
NonRawAvailableDeps = [D || D <- AvailableDeps, not D#dep.is_raw],
- %% Return all the available dep directories for process
- {ok, NewConfig, dep_dirs(NonRawAvailableDeps)}.
+ case rebar_config:get_xconf(Config, current_command, undefined) of
+ 'update-deps' ->
+ %% Skip ALL of the dep folders, we do this because we don't want
+ %% any other calls to preprocess() for update-deps beyond the
+ %% toplevel directory. They aren't actually harmful, but they slow
+ %% things down unnecessarily.
+ NewConfig = lists:foldl(
+ fun(D, Acc) ->
+ rebar_config:set_skip_dir(Acc, D#dep.dir)
+ end,
+ Config3,
+ collect_deps(rebar_utils:get_cwd(), Config3)),
+ %% Return the empty list, as we don't want anything processed before
+ %% us.
+ {ok, NewConfig, []};
+ _ ->
+ %% If skip_deps=true, mark each dep dir as a skip_dir w/ the core
+ %% so that the current command doesn't run on the dep dir.
+ %% However, pre/postprocess WILL run (and we want it to) for
+ %% transitivity purposes.
+ %%
+ %% Also, if skip_deps=comma,separated,app,list, then only the given
+ %% dependencies are skipped.
+ NewConfig =
+ case rebar_config:get_global(Config3, skip_deps, false) of
+ "true" ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(#dep{dir = Dir}, C) ->
+ rebar_config:set_skip_dir(C, Dir)
+ end, Config3, AvailableDeps);
+ Apps when is_list(Apps) ->
+ SkipApps = [list_to_atom(App) ||
+ App <- string:tokens(Apps, ",")],
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(#dep{dir = Dir, app = App}, C) ->
+ case lists:member(App, SkipApps) of
+ true -> rebar_config:set_skip_dir(C, Dir);
+ false -> C
+ end
+ end, Config3, AvailableDeps);
+ _ ->
+ Config3
+ end,
+ %% Return all the available dep directories for process
+ {ok, NewConfig, dep_dirs(NonRawAvailableDeps)}
+ end.
postprocess(Config, _) ->
case rebar_config:get_xconf(Config, ?MODULE, undefined) of
@@ -169,17 +189,24 @@ do_check_deps(Config) ->
{ok, save_dep_dirs(Config2, lists:reverse(PulledDeps))}.
'update-deps'(Config, _) ->
- %% Determine what deps are required
- RawDeps = rebar_config:get_local(Config, deps, []),
- {Config1, Deps} = find_deps(Config, read, RawDeps),
- %% Update each dep
- UpdatedDeps = [update_source(Config1, D)
- || D <- Deps, D#dep.source =/= undefined],
+ Config1 = rebar_config:set_xconf(Config, depowner, dict:new()),
+ {Config2, UpdatedDeps} = update_deps_int(Config1, []),
+ DepOwners = rebar_config:get_xconf(Config2, depowner, dict:new()),
+ %% check for conflicting deps
+ _ = [?ERROR("Conflicting dependencies for ~p: ~p~n",
+ [K, [{"From: " ++ string:join(dict:fetch(D, DepOwners), ", "),
+ {D#dep.vsn_regex, D#dep.source}} || D <- V]])
+ || {K, V} <- dict:to_list(
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(Dep, Acc) ->
+ dict:append(, Dep, Acc)
+ end, dict:new(), UpdatedDeps)),
+ length(V) > 1],
%% Add each updated dep to our list of dirs for post-processing. This yields
%% the necessary transitivity of the deps
- {ok, save_dep_dirs(Config1, UpdatedDeps)}.
+ {ok, save_dep_dirs(Config, UpdatedDeps)}.
'delete-deps'(Config, _) ->
%% Delete all the available deps in our deps/ directory, if any
@@ -230,13 +257,27 @@ info_help(Description) ->
{deps_dir, "deps"},
- {deps, [application_name,
- {application_name, "1.0.*"},
- {application_name, "1.0.*",
- {git, "git://", {branch, "master"}}},
- {application_name, "",
- {git, "git://", {branch, "master"}},
- [raw]}]}
+ {deps,
+ [app_name,
+ {rebar, "1.0.*"},
+ {rebar, ".*",
+ {git, "git://"}},
+ {rebar, ".*",
+ {git, "git://", "Rev"}},
+ {rebar, "1.0.*",
+ {git, "git://", {branch, "master"}}},
+ {rebar, "1.0.0",
+ {git, "git://", {tag, "1.0.0"}}},
+ {rebar, "",
+ {git, "git://", {branch, "master"}},
+ [raw]},
+ {app_name, ".*", {hg, ""}},
+ {app_name, ".*", {rsync, "Url"}},
+ {app_name, ".*", {svn, ""}},
+ {app_name, ".*", {svn, "svn://"}},
+ {app_name, ".*", {bzr, "", "Rev"}},
+ {app_name, ".*", {fossil, ""}},
+ {app_name, ".*", {fossil, "", "Vsn"}}]}
%% Added because of trans deps,
@@ -263,7 +304,7 @@ get_deps_dir(Config) ->
get_deps_dir(Config, "").
get_deps_dir(Config, App) ->
- BaseDir = rebar_config:get_xconf(Config, base_dir, []),
+ BaseDir = rebar_utils:base_dir(Config),
DepsDir = get_shared_deps_dir(Config, "deps"),
{true, filename:join([BaseDir, DepsDir, App])}.
@@ -419,7 +460,8 @@ is_app_available(Config, App, VsnRegex, Path, _IsRaw = false) ->
{Config, {false, {missing_app_file, Path}}}
is_app_available(Config, App, _VsnRegex, Path, _IsRaw = true) ->
- ?DEBUG("is_app_available, looking for Raw Depencency ~p with Path ~p~n", [App, Path]),
+ ?DEBUG("is_app_available, looking for Raw Depencency ~p with Path ~p~n",
+ [App, Path]),
case filelib:is_dir(Path) of
true ->
%% TODO: look for version string in <Path>/VERSION file? Not clear
@@ -442,8 +484,8 @@ use_source(Config, Dep, Count) ->
case filelib:is_dir(Dep#dep.dir) of
true ->
%% Already downloaded -- verify the versioning matches the regex
- case is_app_available(Config,,
- Dep#dep.vsn_regex, Dep#dep.dir, Dep#dep.is_raw) of
+ case is_app_available(Config,, Dep#dep.vsn_regex,
+ Dep#dep.dir, Dep#dep.is_raw) of
{Config1, {true, _}} ->
Dir = filename:join(Dep#dep.dir, "ebin"),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(Dir, "dummy")),
@@ -504,8 +546,6 @@ download_source(AppDir, {rsync, Url}) ->
rebar_utils:sh(?FMT("rsync -az --delete ~s/ ~s", [Url, AppDir]), []);
download_source(AppDir, {fossil, Url}) ->
download_source(AppDir, {fossil, Url, ""});
-download_source(AppDir, {fossil, Url, latest}) ->
- download_source(AppDir, {fossil, Url, ""});
download_source(AppDir, {fossil, Url, Version}) ->
Repository = filename:join(AppDir, filename:basename(AppDir) ++ ".fossil"),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Repository),
@@ -540,10 +580,12 @@ update_source1(AppDir, {git, Url, ""}) ->
update_source1(AppDir, {git, _Url, {branch, Branch}}) ->
ShOpts = [{cd, AppDir}],
rebar_utils:sh("git fetch origin", ShOpts),
- rebar_utils:sh(?FMT("git checkout -q origin/~s", [Branch]), ShOpts);
+ rebar_utils:sh(?FMT("git checkout -q ~s", [Branch]), ShOpts),
+ rebar_utils:sh(
+ ?FMT("git pull --ff-only --no-rebase -q origin ~s", [Branch]),ShOpts);
update_source1(AppDir, {git, _Url, {tag, Tag}}) ->
ShOpts = [{cd, AppDir}],
- rebar_utils:sh("git fetch --tags origin", ShOpts),
+ rebar_utils:sh("git fetch origin", ShOpts),
rebar_utils:sh(?FMT("git checkout -q ~s", [Tag]), ShOpts);
update_source1(AppDir, {git, _Url, Refspec}) ->
ShOpts = [{cd, AppDir}],
@@ -559,13 +601,90 @@ update_source1(AppDir, {rsync, Url}) ->
rebar_utils:sh(?FMT("rsync -az --delete ~s/ ~s",[Url,AppDir]),[]);
update_source1(AppDir, {fossil, Url}) ->
update_source1(AppDir, {fossil, Url, ""});
-update_source1(AppDir, {fossil, Url, latest}) ->
- update_source1(AppDir, {fossil, Url, ""});
update_source1(AppDir, {fossil, _Url, Version}) ->
ok = file:set_cwd(AppDir),
rebar_utils:sh("fossil pull", [{cd, AppDir}]),
rebar_utils:sh(?FMT("fossil update ~s", [Version]), []).
+%% Recursively update deps, this is not done via rebar's usual dep traversal as
+%% that is the wrong order (tips are updated before branches). Instead we do a
+%% traverse the deps at each level completely before traversing *their* deps.
+%% This allows updates to actually propogate down the tree, rather than fail to
+%% flow up the tree, which was the previous behaviour.
+update_deps_int(Config0, UDD) ->
+ %% Determine what deps are required
+ ConfDir = filename:basename(rebar_utils:get_cwd()),
+ RawDeps = rebar_config:get_local(Config0, deps, []),
+ {Config1, Deps} = find_deps(Config0, read, RawDeps),
+ %% Update each dep
+ UpdatedDeps = [update_source(Config1, D)
+ || D <- Deps, D#dep.source =/= undefined,
+ not lists:member(D, UDD),
+ not should_skip_update_dep(Config1, D)
+ ],
+ lists:foldl(fun(Dep, {Config, Updated}) ->
+ {true, AppDir} = get_deps_dir(Config,,
+ Config2 = case has_vcs_dir(element(1, Dep#dep.source),
+ AppDir) of
+ false ->
+ %% If the dep did not exist (maybe it
+ %% was added), clone it.
+ %% We'll traverse ITS deps below and
+ %% clone them if needed.
+ {C1, _D1} = use_source(Config, Dep),
+ C1;
+ true ->
+ Config
+ end,
+ ok = file:set_cwd(AppDir),
+ Config3 = rebar_config:new(Config2),
+ %% track where a dep comes from...
+ DepOwner = dict:append(
+ Dep, ConfDir,
+ rebar_config:get_xconf(Config3, depowner,
+ dict:new())),
+ Config4 = rebar_config:set_xconf(Config3, depowner,
+ DepOwner),
+ {Config5, Res} = update_deps_int(Config4, Updated),
+ {Config5, lists:umerge(lists:sort(Res),
+ lists:sort(Updated))}
+ end, {Config1, lists:umerge(lists:sort(UpdatedDeps),
+ lists:sort(UDD))}, UpdatedDeps).
+should_skip_update_dep(Config, Dep) ->
+ {true, AppDir} = get_deps_dir(Config,,
+ case rebar_app_utils:is_app_dir(AppDir) of
+ false ->
+ false;
+ {true, AppFile} ->
+ case rebar_app_utils:is_skipped_app(Config, AppFile) of
+ {_Config, {true, _SkippedApp}} ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end
+ end.
+%% Recursively walk the deps and build a list of them.
+collect_deps(Dir, C) ->
+ case file:set_cwd(Dir) of
+ ok ->
+ Config = rebar_config:new(C),
+ RawDeps = rebar_config:get_local(Config, deps, []),
+ {Config1, Deps} = find_deps(Config, read, RawDeps),
+ lists:flatten(Deps ++ [begin
+ {true, AppDir} = get_deps_dir(
+ Config1,,
+ collect_deps(AppDir, C)
+ end || Dep <- Deps]);
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end.
%% ===================================================================
%% Source helper functions