path: root/src/rebar_compiler_mib.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rebar_compiler_mib.erl')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/rebar_compiler_mib.erl b/src/rebar_compiler_mib.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..499976d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rebar_compiler_mib.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ needed_files/4,
+ dependencies/3,
+ compile/4,
+ clean/2]).
+context(AppInfo) ->
+ Dir = rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo),
+ Mappings = [{".bin", filename:join([Dir, "priv", "mibs"])},
+ {".hrl", filename:join(Dir, "include")}],
+ #{src_dirs => ["mibs"],
+ include_dirs => [],
+ src_ext => ".mib",
+ out_mappings => Mappings}.
+needed_files(_, FoundFiles, _, AppInfo) ->
+ RebarOpts = rebar_app_info:opts(AppInfo),
+ MibFirstConf = rebar_opts:get(RebarOpts, mib_first_files, []),
+ valid_mib_first_conf(MibFirstConf),
+ Dir = rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo),
+ MibFirstFiles = [filename:join(Dir, File) || File <- MibFirstConf],
+ %% Remove first files from found files
+ RestFiles = [Source || Source <- FoundFiles, not lists:member(Source, MibFirstFiles)],
+ Opts = rebar_opts:get(rebar_app_info:opts(AppInfo), mib_opts, []),
+ {{MibFirstFiles, Opts}, {RestFiles, Opts}}.
+valid_mib_first_conf(FileList) ->
+ Strs = filter_file_list(FileList),
+ case rebar_utils:is_list_of_strings(Strs) of
+ true -> true;
+ false -> ?ABORT("An invalid file list (~p) was provided as part of your mib_first_files directive",
+ [FileList])
+ end.
+filter_file_list(FileList) ->
+ Atoms = lists:filter( fun(X) -> is_atom(X) end, FileList),
+ case Atoms of
+ [] ->
+ FileList;
+ _ ->
+ atoms_in_mib_first_files_warning(Atoms),
+ lists:filter( fun(X) -> not(is_atom(X)) end, FileList)
+ end.
+atoms_in_mib_first_files_warning(Atoms) ->
+ W = "You have provided atoms as file entries in mib_first_files; "
+ "mib_first_files only expects lists of filenames as strings. "
+ "The following MIBs (~p) may not work as expected and it is advised "
+ "that you change these entires to string format "
+ "(e.g., \"mibs/SOME-MIB.mib\") ",
+ ?WARN(W, [Atoms]).
+dependencies(_, _, _) ->
+ [].
+compile(Source, OutDirs, _, Opts) ->
+ {_, BinOut} = lists:keyfind(".bin", 1, OutDirs),
+ {_, HrlOut} = lists:keyfind(".hrl", 1, OutDirs),
+ ok = rebar_file_utils:ensure_dir(BinOut),
+ ok = rebar_file_utils:ensure_dir(HrlOut),
+ Mib = filename:join(BinOut, filename:basename(Source, ".mib")),
+ HrlFilename = Mib ++ ".hrl",
+ AllOpts = [{outdir, BinOut}, {i, [BinOut]}] ++ Opts,
+ case snmpc:compile(Source, AllOpts) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ MibToHrlOpts =
+ case proplists:get_value(verbosity, AllOpts, undefined) of
+ undefined ->
+ #options{specific = [],
+ cwd = rebar_dir:get_cwd()};
+ Verbosity ->
+ #options{specific = [{verbosity, Verbosity}],
+ cwd = rebar_dir:get_cwd()}
+ end,
+ ok = snmpc:mib_to_hrl(Mib, Mib, MibToHrlOpts),
+ rebar_file_utils:mv(HrlFilename, HrlOut),
+ ok;
+ {error, compilation_failed} ->
+ end.
+clean(MibFiles, AppInfo) ->
+ AppDir = rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo),
+ MIBs = [filename:rootname(filename:basename(MIB)) || MIB <- MibFiles],
+ rebar_file_utils:delete_each(
+ [filename:join([AppDir, "include", MIB++".hrl"]) || MIB <- MIBs]),
+ ok = rebar_file_utils:rm_rf(filename:join([AppDir, "priv/mibs/*.bin"])).