path: root/inttest
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'inttest')
-rwxr-xr-xinttest/retestbin16957 -> 0 bytes
4 files changed, 101 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/inttest/logging/logging_rt.erl b/inttest/logging/logging_rt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b8e54b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inttest/logging/logging_rt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ run/1]).
+-define(APP_FILE, "ebin/").
+files() ->
+ [
+ {copy, "../../rebar", "rebar"},
+ {create, ?APP_FILE, app(invalid_name, [])}
+ ].
+run(_Dir) ->
+ SharedExpected = "==> logging_rt \\(compile\\)",
+ %% provoke ERROR due to an invalid app file
+ retest:log(info, "Check 'compile' failure output~n"),
+ ok = check_output("./rebar compile -q", should_fail,
+ [SharedExpected, "ERROR: "],
+ ["WARN: ", "INFO: ", "DEBUG: "]),
+ %% fix bad app file
+ ok = file:write_file(?APP_FILE, app(logging, [])),
+ retest:log(info, "Check 'compile' success output~n"),
+ ok = check_output("./rebar compile", should_succeed,
+ [SharedExpected],
+ ["ERROR: ", "WARN: ", "INFO: ", "DEBUG: "]),
+ retest:log(info, "Check 'compile -v' success output~n"),
+ ok = check_output("./rebar compile -v", should_succeed,
+ [SharedExpected],
+ ["ERROR: ", "INFO: ", "DEBUG: "]),
+ retest:log(info, "Check 'compile -vv' success output~n"),
+ ok = check_output("./rebar compile -vv", should_succeed,
+ [SharedExpected, "DEBUG: "],
+ ["ERROR: ", "INFO: "]),
+ ok.
+check_output(Cmd, FailureMode, Expected, Unexpected) ->
+ case {retest:sh(Cmd), FailureMode} of
+ {{error, _}=Error, should_succeed} ->
+ retest:log(error, "cmd '~s' failed:~n~p~n", [Cmd, Error]),
+ Error;
+ {{ok, Captured}, should_succeed} ->
+ Joined = string:join(Captured, "\n"),
+ check_output1(Cmd, Joined, Expected, Unexpected);
+ {{error, {stopped, {_Rc, Captured}}}, should_fail} ->
+ Joined = string:join(Captured, "\n"),
+ check_output1(Cmd, Joined, Expected, Unexpected)
+ end.
+check_output1(Cmd, Captured, Expected, Unexpected) ->
+ ReOpts = [{capture, all, list}],
+ ExMatches =
+ lists:zf(
+ fun(Pattern) ->
+ case re:run(Captured, Pattern, ReOpts) of
+ nomatch ->
+ retest:log(error,
+ "Expected pattern '~s' missing "
+ "in the following output:~n"
+ "=== BEGIN ===~n~s~n=== END ===~n",
+ [Pattern, Captured]),
+ {true, Pattern};
+ {match, _} ->
+ false
+ end
+ end, Expected),
+ UnExMatches =
+ lists:zf(
+ fun(Pattern) ->
+ case re:run(Captured, Pattern, ReOpts) of
+ nomatch ->
+ false;
+ {match, [Match]} ->
+ retest:log(
+ console,
+ "Unexpected output when running cmd '~s':~n~s~n",
+ [Cmd, Match]),
+ {true, Match}
+ end
+ end, Unexpected),
+ case {ExMatches, UnExMatches} of
+ {[], []} ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ error
+ end.
+%% Generate the contents of a simple .app file
+app(Name, Modules) ->
+ App = {application, Name,
+ [{description, atom_to_list(Name)},
+ {vsn, "1"},
+ {modules, Modules},
+ {registered, []},
+ {applications, [kernel, stdlib]}]},
+ io_lib:format("~p.\n", [App]).
diff --git a/inttest/retest b/inttest/retest
deleted file mode 100755
index 4e14bde..0000000
--- a/inttest/retest
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/inttest/rgen1/retest.config b/inttest/rgen1/retest.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b569f14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inttest/rgen1/retest.config
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{timeout, 120000}.
diff --git a/inttest/t_custom_config/t_custom_config_rt.erl b/inttest/t_custom_config/t_custom_config_rt.erl
index 864ce5e..b56eb1a 100644
--- a/inttest/t_custom_config/t_custom_config_rt.erl
+++ b/inttest/t_custom_config/t_custom_config_rt.erl
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ files() ->
run(Dir) ->
retest_log:log(debug, "Running in Dir: ~s~n", [Dir]),
- Ref = retest:sh("./rebar -C custom.config check-deps -vvv",
+ Ref = retest:sh("./rebar -C custom.config check-deps -vv",
[{async, true}]),
{ok, Captured} =