/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Stig Venaas * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef SYS_SOLARIS9 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "list.h" #include "radsecproxy.h" #ifdef RADPROT_TLS #include "debug.h" #include "util.h" static void setprotoopts(struct commonprotoopts *opts); static char **getlistenerargs(); void *tlslistener(void *arg); int tlsconnect(struct server *server, struct timeval *when, int timeout, char *text); void *tlsclientrd(void *arg); int clientradputtls(struct server *server, unsigned char *rad); void tlssetsrcres(); static const struct protodefs protodefs = { "tls", "mysecret", /* secretdefault */ SOCK_STREAM, /* socktype */ "2083", /* portdefault */ 0, /* retrycountdefault */ 0, /* retrycountmax */ REQUEST_RETRY_INTERVAL * REQUEST_RETRY_COUNT, /* retryintervaldefault */ 60, /* retryintervalmax */ DUPLICATE_INTERVAL, /* duplicateintervaldefault */ setprotoopts, /* setprotoopts */ getlistenerargs, /* getlistenerargs */ tlslistener, /* listener */ tlsconnect, /* connecter */ tlsclientrd, /* clientconnreader */ clientradputtls, /* clientradput */ NULL, /* addclient */ NULL, /* addserverextra */ tlssetsrcres, /* setsrcres */ NULL /* initextra */ }; static struct addrinfo *srcres = NULL; static uint8_t handle; static struct commonprotoopts *protoopts = NULL; const struct protodefs *tlsinit(uint8_t h) { handle = h; return &protodefs; } static void setprotoopts(struct commonprotoopts *opts) { protoopts = opts; } static char **getlistenerargs() { return protoopts ? protoopts->listenargs : NULL; } void tlssetsrcres() { if (!srcres) srcres = resolve_hostport_addrinfo(handle, protoopts ? protoopts->sourcearg : NULL); } int tlsconnect(struct server *server, struct timeval *when, int timeout, char *text) { struct timeval now; time_t elapsed; X509 *cert; SSL_CTX *ctx = NULL; unsigned long error; debug(DBG_DBG, "tlsconnect: called from %s", text); pthread_mutex_lock(&server->lock); if (when && memcmp(&server->lastconnecttry, when, sizeof(struct timeval))) { /* already reconnected, nothing to do */ debug(DBG_DBG, "tlsconnect(%s): seems already reconnected", text); pthread_mutex_unlock(&server->lock); return 1; } for (;;) { gettimeofday(&now, NULL); elapsed = now.tv_sec - server->lastconnecttry.tv_sec; if (timeout && server->lastconnecttry.tv_sec && elapsed > timeout) { debug(DBG_DBG, "tlsconnect: timeout"); if (server->sock >= 0) close(server->sock); SSL_free(server->ssl); server->ssl = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&server->lock); return 0; } if (server->connectionok) { server->connectionok = 0; sleep(2); } else if (elapsed < 1) sleep(2); else if (elapsed < 60) { debug(DBG_INFO, "tlsconnect: sleeping %lds", elapsed); sleep(elapsed); } else if (elapsed < 100000) { debug(DBG_INFO, "tlsconnect: sleeping %ds", 60); sleep(60); } else server->lastconnecttry.tv_sec = now.tv_sec; /* no sleep at startup */ debug(DBG_WARN, "tlsconnect: trying to open TLS connection to %s port %s", server->conf->host, server->conf->port); if (server->sock >= 0) close(server->sock); if ((server->sock = connecttcp(server->conf->addrinfo, srcres)) < 0) { debug(DBG_ERR, "tlsconnect: connecttcp failed"); continue; } SSL_free(server->ssl); server->ssl = NULL; ctx = tlsgetctx(handle, server->conf->tlsconf); if (!ctx) continue; server->ssl = SSL_new(ctx); if (!server->ssl) continue; SSL_set_fd(server->ssl, server->sock); if (SSL_connect(server->ssl) <= 0) { while ((error = ERR_get_error())) debug(DBG_ERR, "tlsconnect: TLS: %s", ERR_error_string(error, NULL)); continue; } cert = verifytlscert(server->ssl); if (!cert) continue; if (verifyconfcert(cert, server->conf)) { X509_free(cert); break; } X509_free(cert); } debug(DBG_WARN, "tlsconnect: TLS connection to %s port %s up", server->conf->host, server->conf->port); server->connectionok = 1; gettimeofday(&server->lastconnecttry, NULL); pthread_mutex_unlock(&server->lock); return 1; } /* timeout in seconds, 0 means no timeout (blocking), returns when num bytes have been read, or timeout */ /* returns 0 on timeout, -1 on error and num if ok */ int sslreadtimeout(SSL *ssl, unsigned char *buf, int num, int timeout) { int s, ndesc, cnt, len; fd_set readfds, writefds; struct timeval timer; s = SSL_get_fd(ssl); if (s < 0) return -1; /* make socket non-blocking? */ for (len = 0; len < num; len += cnt) { FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(s, &readfds); writefds = readfds; if (timeout) { timer.tv_sec = timeout; timer.tv_usec = 0; } ndesc = select(s + 1, &readfds, &writefds, NULL, timeout ? &timer : NULL); if (ndesc < 1) return ndesc; cnt = SSL_read(ssl, buf + len, num - len); if (cnt <= 0) switch (SSL_get_error(ssl, cnt)) { case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: cnt = 0; continue; case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: /* remote end sent close_notify, send one back */ SSL_shutdown(ssl); return -1; default: return -1; } } return num; } /* timeout in seconds, 0 means no timeout (blocking) */ unsigned char *radtlsget(SSL *ssl, int timeout) { int cnt, len; unsigned char buf[4], *rad; for (;;) { cnt = sslreadtimeout(ssl, buf, 4, timeout); if (cnt < 1) { debug(DBG_DBG, cnt ? "radtlsget: connection lost" : "radtlsget: timeout"); return NULL; } len = RADLEN(buf); rad = malloc(len); if (!rad) { debug(DBG_ERR, "radtlsget: malloc failed"); continue; } memcpy(rad, buf, 4); cnt = sslreadtimeout(ssl, rad + 4, len - 4, timeout); if (cnt < 1) { debug(DBG_DBG, cnt ? "radtlsget: connection lost" : "radtlsget: timeout"); free(rad); return NULL; } if (len >= 20) break; free(rad); debug(DBG_WARN, "radtlsget: packet smaller than minimum radius size"); } debug(DBG_DBG, "radtlsget: got %d bytes", len); return rad; } int clientradputtls(struct server *server, unsigned char *rad) { int cnt; size_t len; unsigned long error; struct clsrvconf *conf = server->conf; if (!server->connectionok) return 0; len = RADLEN(rad); if ((cnt = SSL_write(server->ssl, rad, len)) <= 0) { while ((error = ERR_get_error())) debug(DBG_ERR, "clientradputtls: TLS: %s", ERR_error_string(error, NULL)); return 0; } debug(DBG_DBG, "clientradputtls: Sent %d bytes, Radius packet of length %d to TLS peer %s", cnt, len, conf->host); return 1; } void *tlsclientrd(void *arg) { struct server *server = (struct server *)arg; unsigned char *buf; struct timeval now, lastconnecttry; for (;;) { /* yes, lastconnecttry is really necessary */ lastconnecttry = server->lastconnecttry; buf = radtlsget(server->ssl, server->dynamiclookuparg ? IDLE_TIMEOUT : 0); if (!buf) { if (server->dynamiclookuparg) break; tlsconnect(server, &lastconnecttry, 0, "tlsclientrd"); continue; } replyh(server, buf); if (server->dynamiclookuparg) { gettimeofday(&now, NULL); if (now.tv_sec - server->lastreply.tv_sec > IDLE_TIMEOUT) { debug(DBG_INFO, "tlsclientrd: idle timeout for %s", server->conf->name); break; } } } ERR_remove_state(0); server->clientrdgone = 1; return NULL; } void *tlsserverwr(void *arg) { int cnt; unsigned long error; struct client *client = (struct client *)arg; struct gqueue *replyq; struct request *reply; debug(DBG_DBG, "tlsserverwr: starting for %s", addr2string(client->addr)); replyq = client->replyq; for (;;) { pthread_mutex_lock(&replyq->mutex); while (!list_first(replyq->entries)) { if (client->ssl) { debug(DBG_DBG, "tlsserverwr: waiting for signal"); pthread_cond_wait(&replyq->cond, &replyq->mutex); debug(DBG_DBG, "tlsserverwr: got signal"); } if (!client->ssl) { /* ssl might have changed while waiting */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&replyq->mutex); debug(DBG_DBG, "tlsserverwr: exiting as requested"); ERR_remove_state(0); pthread_exit(NULL); } } reply = (struct request *)list_shift(replyq->entries); pthread_mutex_unlock(&replyq->mutex); cnt = SSL_write(client->ssl, reply->replybuf, RADLEN(reply->replybuf)); if (cnt > 0) debug(DBG_DBG, "tlsserverwr: sent %d bytes, Radius packet of length %d to %s", cnt, RADLEN(reply->replybuf), addr2string(client->addr)); else while ((error = ERR_get_error())) debug(DBG_ERR, "tlsserverwr: SSL: %s", ERR_error_string(error, NULL)); freerq(reply); } } void tlsserverrd(struct client *client) { struct request *rq; uint8_t *buf; pthread_t tlsserverwrth; debug(DBG_DBG, "tlsserverrd: starting for %s", addr2string(client->addr)); if (pthread_create(&tlsserverwrth, NULL, tlsserverwr, (void *)client)) { debug(DBG_ERR, "tlsserverrd: pthread_create failed"); return; } for (;;) { buf = radtlsget(client->ssl, 0); if (!buf) { debug(DBG_ERR, "tlsserverrd: connection from %s lost", addr2string(client->addr)); break; } debug(DBG_DBG, "tlsserverrd: got Radius message from %s", addr2string(client->addr)); rq = newrequest(); if (!rq) { free(buf); continue; } rq->buf = buf; rq->from = client; if (!radsrv(rq)) { debug(DBG_ERR, "tlsserverrd: message authentication/validation failed, closing connection from %s", addr2string(client->addr)); break; } } /* stop writer by setting ssl to NULL and give signal in case waiting for data */ client->ssl = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&client->replyq->mutex); pthread_cond_signal(&client->replyq->cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&client->replyq->mutex); debug(DBG_DBG, "tlsserverrd: waiting for writer to end"); pthread_join(tlsserverwrth, NULL); debug(DBG_DBG, "tlsserverrd: reader for %s exiting", addr2string(client->addr)); } void *tlsservernew(void *arg) { int s; struct sockaddr_storage from; socklen_t fromlen = sizeof(from); struct clsrvconf *conf; struct list_node *cur = NULL; SSL *ssl = NULL; X509 *cert = NULL; SSL_CTX *ctx = NULL; unsigned long error; struct client *client; s = *(int *)arg; if (getpeername(s, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen)) { debug(DBG_DBG, "tlsservernew: getpeername failed, exiting"); goto exit; } debug(DBG_WARN, "tlsservernew: incoming TLS connection from %s", addr2string((struct sockaddr *)&from)); conf = find_clconf(handle, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &cur); if (conf) { ctx = tlsgetctx(handle, conf->tlsconf); if (!ctx) goto exit; ssl = SSL_new(ctx); if (!ssl) goto exit; SSL_set_fd(ssl, s); if (SSL_accept(ssl) <= 0) { while ((error = ERR_get_error())) debug(DBG_ERR, "tlsservernew: SSL: %s", ERR_error_string(error, NULL)); debug(DBG_ERR, "tlsservernew: SSL_accept failed"); goto exit; } cert = verifytlscert(ssl); if (!cert) goto exit; } while (conf) { if (verifyconfcert(cert, conf)) { X509_free(cert); client = addclient(conf, 1); if (client) { client->ssl = ssl; client->addr = addr_copy((struct sockaddr *)&from); tlsserverrd(client); removeclient(client); } else debug(DBG_WARN, "tlsservernew: failed to create new client instance"); goto exit; } conf = find_clconf(handle, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &cur); } debug(DBG_WARN, "tlsservernew: ignoring request, no matching TLS client"); if (cert) X509_free(cert); exit: if (ssl) { SSL_shutdown(ssl); SSL_free(ssl); } ERR_remove_state(0); shutdown(s, SHUT_RDWR); close(s); pthread_exit(NULL); } void *tlslistener(void *arg) { pthread_t tlsserverth; int s, *sp = (int *)arg; struct sockaddr_storage from; socklen_t fromlen = sizeof(from); listen(*sp, 0); for (;;) { s = accept(*sp, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen); if (s < 0) { debug(DBG_WARN, "accept failed"); continue; } if (pthread_create(&tlsserverth, NULL, tlsservernew, (void *)&s)) { debug(DBG_ERR, "tlslistener: pthread_create failed"); shutdown(s, SHUT_RDWR); close(s); continue; } pthread_detach(tlsserverth); } free(sp); return NULL; } #else const struct protodefs *tlsinit(uint8_t h) { return NULL; } #endif