#Master config file, must be in /etc/radsecproxy or proxy's current directory # All possible config options are listed below # First you may define any global options, these are: # # You can optionally specify addresses and ports to listen on # Max one of each, below are just multiple examples #ListenUDP *:1814 #listenUDP localhost #listenTCP #ListenTCP [2001:700:1:7:215:f2ff:fe35:307d]:2084 # Optional log level. 3 is default, 1 is less, 4 is more #LogLevel 3 #Optional LogDestinatinon, else stderr used for logging # Logging to file #LogDestination file:///tmp/rp.log # Or logging with Syslog. LOG_DAEMON used if facility not specified # The supported facilities are LOG_DAEMON, LOG_MAIL, LOG_USER and # LOG_LOCAL0, ..., LOG_LOCAL7 #LogDestination x-syslog:// #LogDestination x-syslog://log_local2 #If we have TLS clients or servers we must define at least one tls block. #You can name them whatever you like and then reference them by name when #specifying clients or servers later. There are however three special names #"default", "defaultclient" and "defaultserver". If no name is defined for #a client, the "defaultclient" block will be used if it exists, if not the #"default" will be used. For a server, "defaultserver" followed by "default" #will be checked. # #The simplest configuration you can do is: tls default { # You must specify at least one of CACertificateFile or CACertificatePath # for TLS to work. We always verify peer certificate (client and server) # CACertificateFile /etc/cacerts/CA.pem CACertificatePath /etc/cacerts # You must specify the below for TLS, we always present our certificate CertificateFile /etc/hostcertkey/host.example.com.pem CertificateKeyFile /etc/hostcertkey/host.example.com.key.pem # Optionally specify password if key is encrypted (not very secure) CertificateKeyPassword "follow the white rabbit" } #If you want one cert for all clients and another for all servers, use #defaultclient and defaultserver instead of default. If we wanted some #particular server to use something else you could specify a block #"tls myserver" and then reference that for that server. If you always #name the tls block in the client/server config you don't need a default #Now we configure clients, servers and realms. Note that these and #also the lines above may be in any order, except that a realm #can only be configured to use a server that is previously configured. #A realm can be a literal domain name, * which matches all, or a #regexp. A regexp is specified by the character prefix / #For regexp we do case insensitive matching of the entire username string. #The matching of realms is done in the order they are specified, using the #first match found. Some examples are #"@example\.com$", "\.com$", ".*" and "^[a-z].*@example\.com$". #To treat local users separately you might try first specifying "@" #and after that "*". client 2001:db8::1 { type tls secret verysecret #we could specify tls here, e.g. # tls myclient #in order to use tls parameters named myclient. We don't, so we will #use "tls defaultclient" if defined, or look for "tls default" as a #last resort } client { type udp secret secret } client radius.example.com { type TLS # secret is optional for TLS } server { type UDP secret secret } realm eduroam.cc { server } server 2001:db8::1 { type TLS port 2283 # secret is optional for TLS #we could specify tls here, e.g. # tls myserver #in order to use tls parameters named myserver. We don't, so we will #use "tls defaultserver" if defined, or look for "tls default" as a #last resort } server radius.example.com { type tls secret verysecret StatusServer on # statusserver is optional, can be on or off. Off is default } # Equivalent to example.com realm /@example\.com$ { server 2001:db8::1 } # One can define a realm without servers, the proxy will then reject # and requests matching this. Optionally one can specify ReplyMessage # attribute to be included in the reject message. # realm /\.com$ { } realm /^anonymous$ { replymessage "No Access" } # The realm below is equivalent to /.* realm * { server radius.example.com } #If you don't have a default server you probably want to #reject all unknowns. Optionally you can also include a message #realm * { # replymessage "User unknown" #}