#include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "list.h" /* allocates and initialises list structure; returns NULL if malloc fails */ struct list *list_create() { struct list *list = malloc(sizeof(struct list)); if (list) memset(list, 0, sizeof(struct list)); return list; } /* frees all memory associated with the list */ void list_destroy(struct list *list) { struct list_node *node, *next; if (!list) return; for (node = list->first; node; node = next) { free(node->data); next = node->next; free(node); } free(list); } /* appends entry to list; returns 1 if ok, 0 if malloc fails */ int list_push(struct list *list, void *data) { struct list_node *node; node = malloc(sizeof(struct list_node)); if (!node) return 0; node->next = NULL; node->data = data; if (list->first) list->last->next = node; else list->first = node; list->last = node; return 1; } /* removes first entry from list and returns data */ void *list_shift(struct list *list) { struct list_node *node; void *data; if (!list || !list->first) return NULL; node = list->first; list->first = node->next; if (!list->first) list->last = NULL; data = node->data; free(node); return data; } /* removes first entry with matching data pointer */ void list_removedata(struct list *list, void *data) { struct list_node *node, *t; if (!list->first) return; node = list->first; if (node->data == data) { list->first = node->next; if (!list->first) list->last = NULL; free(node); return; } for (; node->next; node = node->next) if (node->next->data == data) { t = node->next; node->next = node->next->next; if (!node->next) /* we removed the last one */ list->last = node; free(t); return; } } /* returns first node */ struct list_node *list_first(struct list *list) { return list ? list->first : NULL; } /* returns the next node after the argument */ struct list_node *list_next(struct list_node *node) { return node->next; }