/* Copyright 2011,2013 NORDUnet A/S. All rights reserved. See LICENSE for licensing information. */ #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "event.h" #include "compat.h" #include "udp.h" #include "conn.h" /* Send one packet, the first in queue. */ static int _send (struct rs_connection *conn, int fd) { ssize_t r = 0; struct rs_message *msg = conn->out_queue; assert (msg->rpkt); assert (msg->rpkt->data); /* Send. */ r = compat_send (fd, msg->rpkt->data, msg->rpkt->length, 0); if (r == -1) { int sockerr = evutil_socket_geterror (msg->conn->fd); if (sockerr != EAGAIN) return rs_err_conn_push_fl (msg->conn, RSE_SOCKERR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "%d: send: %d (%s)", fd, sockerr, evutil_socket_error_to_string (sockerr)); } assert (r == msg->rpkt->length); /* Unlink the message. */ conn->out_queue = msg->next; /* If there are more messages in queue, add the write event again. */ if (msg->conn->out_queue) { r = event_add (msg->conn->base_.wev, NULL); if (r < 0) return rs_err_conn_push_fl (msg->conn, RSE_EVENT, __FILE__, __LINE__, "event_add: %s", evutil_gai_strerror (r)); rs_debug (("%s: re-adding the write event\n", __func__)); } return RSE_OK; } /** Callback for conn->wev and conn->rev. FIXME: Rename. \a user_data holds a message. */ static void _evcb (evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *user_data) { int err; struct rs_message *msg = (struct rs_message *) user_data; rs_debug (("%s: fd=%d what =", __func__, fd)); if (what & EV_TIMEOUT) rs_debug ((" TIMEOUT -- shouldn't happen!")); if (what & EV_READ) rs_debug ((" READ")); if (what & EV_WRITE) rs_debug ((" WRITE")); rs_debug (("\n")); assert (msg); assert (msg->conn); if (what & EV_READ) { /* Read a single UDP packet and stick it in the struct rs_message passed in user_data. */ /* TODO: Verify that unsolicited packets are dropped. */ ssize_t r = 0; assert (msg->rpkt); assert (msg->rpkt->data); r = compat_recv (fd, msg->rpkt->data, RS_MAX_PACKET_LEN, MSG_TRUNC); if (r == -1) { int sockerr = evutil_socket_geterror (msg->conn->fd); if (sockerr == EAGAIN) { /* FIXME: Really shouldn't happen since we've been told that fd is readable! */ rs_debug (("%s: EAGAIN reading UDP packet -- wot?")); goto err_out; } /* Hard error. */ rs_err_conn_push (msg->conn, RSE_SOCKERR, "%d: recv: %d (%s)", fd, sockerr, evutil_socket_error_to_string (sockerr)); event_del (msg->conn->tev); goto err_out; } event_del (msg->conn->tev); if (r < 20 || r > RS_MAX_PACKET_LEN) /* Short or long packet. */ { rs_err_conn_push (msg->conn, RSE_INVALID_MSG, "invalid message length: %d", r); goto err_out; } msg->rpkt->length = (msg->rpkt->data[2] << 8) + msg->rpkt->data[3]; err = nr_packet_ok (msg->rpkt); if (err) { rs_err_conn_push (msg->conn, -err, "invalid message"); goto err_out; } /* Hand over message to user. This changes ownership of msg. Don't touch it afterwards -- it might have been freed. */ if (msg->conn->callbacks.received_cb) msg->conn->callbacks.received_cb (msg, msg->conn->base_.user_data); } else if (what & EV_WRITE) { if (conn_originating_p (msg->conn)) { /* We're a client. */ if (msg->conn->state == RS_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING) event_on_connect_orig (msg->conn, msg); } else { /* We're a server. */ rs_debug (("%s: write event on terminating conn %p\n", __func__, msg->conn)); } if (msg->conn->out_queue) if (_send (msg->conn, fd) == RSE_OK) if (msg->conn->callbacks.sent_cb) msg->conn->callbacks.sent_cb (msg->conn->base_.user_data); } return; err_out: rs_conn_disconnect (msg->conn); } int udp_init (struct rs_connection *conn, struct rs_message *msg) { assert (!conn->base_.bev); /* FIXME: Explain why we set EV_PERSIST on the read event but not on the write event. */ conn->base_.rev = event_new (conn->base_.ctx->evb, conn->base_.fd, EV_READ|EV_PERSIST, _evcb, NULL); conn->base_.wev = event_new (conn->base_.ctx->evb, conn->base_.fd, EV_WRITE, _evcb, NULL); if (!conn->base_.rev || !conn->base_.wev) { if (conn->base_.rev) { event_free (conn->base_.rev); conn->base_.rev = NULL; } /* ENOMEM _or_ EINVAL but EINVAL only if we use EV_SIGNAL, at least for now (libevent-2.0.5). */ return rs_err_conn_push_fl (conn, RSE_NOMEM, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL); } return RSE_OK; } int udp_init_retransmit_timer (struct rs_connection *conn) { assert (conn); assert (conn->base_.ctx); assert (conn->base_.ctx->evb); if (conn->tev) event_free (conn->tev); conn->tev = evtimer_new (conn->base_.ctx->evb, event_retransmit_timeout_cb, conn); if (!conn->tev) return rs_err_conn_push_fl (conn, RSE_EVENT, __FILE__, __LINE__, "evtimer_new"); return RSE_OK; }