This is the README file for the test directory of libradsec.


In order to build and run the tests, you'll need to have CUnit

Source code:
Debian package: libcunit1-dev
FreeBSD port: devel/cunit


NOTE: To run the tests you currently need
- a RADIUS server running at localhost:1820 with the shared RADIUS
  secret "sikrit" configured (or whatever "test-udp-auth" in test.conf
- a user "molgan@PROJECT-MOONSHOT.ORG" with password "password"
  present in the RADIUS database
These requirements will be removed in a future libradsec release.

Run the tests by typing

  make check

The output should read something like

    --Run Summary: Type      Total     Ran  Passed  Failed
                   suites        2       2     n/a       0
                   tests         2       2       2       0
                   asserts      23      23      23       0
    PASS: test-udp
    1 test passed