/** \file radsec.h
    \brief Public interface for libradsec.  */

/* See the file COPYING for licensing information.  */

#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

enum rs_error_code {
    RSE_OK = 0,
    RSE_NOMEM = 1,
    RSE_NOSYS = 2,
    RSE_FR = 6,			/* FreeRADIUS error.  */
    RSE_BADADDR = 7,
    RSE_NOPEER = 8,
    RSE_EVENT = 9,		/* libevent error.  */
    RSE_SOCKERR = 10,
    RSE_CONFIG = 11,
    RSE_BADAUTH = 12,
    RSE_INTERNAL = 13,
    RSE_SSLERR = 14,		/* OpenSSL error.  */
    RSE_TIMEOUT_CONN = 16,	/* Connection timeout.  */
    RSE_INVAL = 17,		/* Invalid argument.  */
    RSE_TIMEOUT_IO = 18,	/* I/O timeout.  */
    RSE_TIMEOUT = 19,		/* High level timeout.  */
    RSE_DISCO = 20,

enum rs_conn_type {
typedef unsigned int rs_conn_type_t;

#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

/* Data types.  */
struct rs_context;		/* radsec-impl.h */
struct rs_connection;		/* radsec-impl.h */
struct rs_packet;		/* radsec-impl.h */
struct rs_conn;			/* radsec-impl.h */
struct rs_error;		/* radsec-impl.h */
struct rs_peer;			/* radsec-impl.h */
struct radius_packet;		/* <freeradius/libradius.h> */
struct event_base;		/* <event2/event-internal.h> */

typedef void *(*rs_calloc_fp) (size_t nmemb, size_t size);
typedef void *(*rs_malloc_fp) (size_t size);
typedef void (*rs_free_fp) (void *ptr);
typedef void *(*rs_realloc_fp) (void *ptr, size_t size);
struct rs_alloc_scheme {
    rs_calloc_fp calloc;
    rs_malloc_fp malloc;
    rs_free_fp free;
    rs_realloc_fp realloc;

typedef void (*rs_conn_connected_cb) (void *user_data /* FIXME: peer? */ );
typedef void (*rs_conn_disconnected_cb) (void *user_data /* FIXME: reason? */ );
typedef void (*rs_conn_packet_received_cb) (struct rs_packet *packet,
					    void *user_data);
typedef void (*rs_conn_packet_sent_cb) (void *user_data);
struct rs_conn_callbacks {
    /** Callback invoked when the connection has been established.  */
    rs_conn_connected_cb connected_cb;
    /** Callback invoked when the connection has been torn down.  */
    rs_conn_disconnected_cb disconnected_cb;
    /** Callback invoked when a packet was received.  */
    rs_conn_packet_received_cb received_cb;
    /** Callback invoked when a packet was successfully sent.  */
    rs_conn_packet_sent_cb sent_cb;

/* Function prototypes.  */

/* Context.  */
/** Create a context.  Freed by calling \a rs_context_destroy.  Note
    that the context must not be freed before all other libradsec
    objects have been freed.

    \a ctx Address of pointer to a struct rs_context.  This is the output.

    \a dict Name of a FreeRADIUS dictionary.

    \return RSE_OK (0) on success, RSE_NOMEM on out of memory or
    RSE_FR on FreeRADIUS initialization error.  */
int rs_context_create(struct rs_context **ctx, const char *dict);

/** Free a context.  Note that the context must not be freed before
    all other libradsec objects have been freed.  */
void rs_context_destroy(struct rs_context *ctx);

/** Set allocation scheme to use.  \a scheme is the allocation scheme
    to use, see \a rs_alloc_scheme.  \return On success, RSE_OK (0) is
    returned.  On error, !0 is returned and a struct \a rs_error is
    pushed on the error stack for the context.  The error can be
    accessed using \a rs_err_ctx_pop.  */
int rs_context_set_alloc_scheme(struct rs_context *ctx,
				struct rs_alloc_scheme *scheme);

/** Read configuration file. \a config_file is the path of the
    configuration file to read.  \return On success, RSE_OK (0) is
    returned.  On error, !0 is returned and a struct \a rs_error is
    pushed on the error stack for the context.  The error can be
    accessed using \a rs_err_ctx_pop.  */
int rs_context_read_config(struct rs_context *ctx, const char *config_file);

/* Connection.  */
/** Create a connection.  \a conn is the address of a pointer to an \a
    rs_connection, the output.  Free the connection using \a
    rs_conn_destroy.  Note that a connection must not be freed before
    all packets associated with the connection have been freed.  A
    packet is associated with a connection when it's created (\a
    rs_packet_create) or received (\a rs_conn_receive_packet).

    If \a config is not NULL it should be the name of a configuration
    found in the config file read in using \a rs_context_read_config.
    \return On success, RSE_OK (0) is returned.  On error, !0 is
    returned and a struct \a rs_error is pushed on the error stack for
    the context.  The error can be accessed using \a
    rs_err_ctx_pop.  */
int rs_conn_create(struct rs_context *ctx,
		   struct rs_connection **conn,
		   const char *config);

/** Not implemented.  */
int rs_conn_add_listener(struct rs_connection *conn,
			 rs_conn_type_t type,
			 const char *hostname,
			 int port);
/** Disconnect connection \a conn.  \return RSE_OK (0) on success, !0
 * on error.  On error, errno is set appropriately.  */
int rs_conn_disconnect (struct rs_connection *conn);

/** Disconnect and free memory allocated for connection \a conn.  Note
    that a connection must not be freed before all packets associated
    with the connection have been freed.  A packet is associated with
    a connection when it's created (\a rs_packet_create) or received
    (\a rs_conn_receive_packet).  \return RSE_OK (0) on success, !0 *
    on error.  On error, errno is set appropriately. */
int rs_conn_destroy(struct rs_connection *conn);

/** Set connection type for \a conn.  */
void rs_conn_set_type(struct rs_connection *conn, rs_conn_type_t type);

/** Not implemented.  */
int rs_conn_set_eventbase(struct rs_connection *conn, struct event_base *eb);

/** Register callbacks \a cb for connection \a conn.  */
void rs_conn_set_callbacks(struct rs_connection *conn,
			   struct rs_conn_callbacks *cb);

/** Remove callbacks for connection \a conn.  */
void rs_conn_del_callbacks(struct rs_connection *conn);

/** Return callbacks registered for connection \a conn.  \return
    Installed callbacks are returned.  */
struct rs_conn_callbacks *rs_conn_get_callbacks(struct rs_connection *conn);

/** Not implemented.  */
int rs_conn_select_peer(struct rs_connection *conn, const char *name);

/** Not implemented.  */
int rs_conn_get_current_peer(struct rs_connection *conn,
			     const char *name,
			     size_t buflen);

/** Special function used in blocking mode, i.e. with no callbacks
    registered.  For any other use of libradsec, a \a received_cb
    callback should be registered using \a rs_conn_set_callbacks.

    If \a req_msg is not NULL, a successfully received RADIUS message
    is verified against it.  If \a pkt_out is not NULL it will upon
    return contain a pointer to an \a rs_packet containing the new

    \return On error or if the connect (TCP only) or read times out,
    \a pkt_out will not be changed and one or more errors are pushed
    on \a conn (available through \a rs_err_conn_pop).  */
int rs_conn_receive_packet(struct rs_connection *conn,
			   struct rs_packet *request,
			   struct rs_packet **pkt_out);

/** Get the file descriptor associated with connection \a conn.
 * \return File descriptor.  */
int rs_conn_fd(struct rs_connection *conn);

/** Set the timeout value for connection \a conn.  */
void rs_conn_set_timeout(struct rs_connection *conn, struct timeval *tv);

/* Peer -- client and server.  */
int rs_peer_create(struct rs_connection *conn, struct rs_peer **peer_out);
int rs_peer_set_address(struct rs_peer *peer,
			const char *hostname,
			const char *service);
int rs_peer_set_secret(struct rs_peer *peer, const char *secret);
void rs_peer_set_timeout(struct rs_peer *peer, int timeout);
void rs_peer_set_retries(struct rs_peer *peer, int retries);

/* Packet.  */
/** Create a packet associated with connection \a conn.  */
int rs_packet_create(struct rs_connection *conn, struct rs_packet **pkt_out);

/** Free all memory allocated for packet \a pkt.  */
void rs_packet_destroy(struct rs_packet *pkt);

/** Send packet \a pkt on the connection associated with \a pkt.  \a
    user_data is sent to the \a rs_conn_packet_received_cb callback
    registered with the connection.  If no callback is registered with
    the connection, the event loop is run by \a rs_packet_send and it
    blocks until the packet has been succesfully sent.

    \return On success, RSE_OK (0) is returned.  On error, !0 is
    returned and a struct \a rs_error is pushed on the error stack for
    the connection.  The error can be accessed using \a
    rs_err_conn_pop.  */
int rs_packet_send(struct rs_packet *pkt, void *user_data);

/** Return the FreeRADIUS packet associated with packet \a pkt.  */
struct radius_packet *rs_packet_frpkt(struct rs_packet *pkt);

/** Create a RADIUS authentication request packet associated with
    connection \a conn.  Optionally, User-Name and User-Password
    attributes are added to the packet using the data in \a user_name
    and \a user_pw.  */
int rs_packet_create_authn_request(struct rs_connection *conn,
				   struct rs_packet **pkt,
				   const char *user_name,
				   const char *user_pw);

/* Config.  */
/** Find the realm named \a name in the configuration file previoiusly
    read in using \a rs_context_read_config.  */
struct rs_realm *rs_conf_find_realm(struct rs_context *ctx, const char *name);

/* Error.  */
/** Create a struct \a rs_error and push it on a FIFO associated with
    context \a ctx.  Note: The depth of the error stack is one (1) at
    the moment.  This will change in a future release.  */
int rs_err_ctx_push(struct rs_context *ctx, int code, const char *fmt, ...);
int rs_err_ctx_push_fl(struct rs_context *ctx,
		       int code,
		       const char *file,
		       int line,
		       const char *fmt,
/** Pop the first error from the error FIFO associated with context \a
    ctx or NULL if there are no errors in the FIFO.  */
struct rs_error *rs_err_ctx_pop(struct rs_context *ctx);

/** Create a struct \a rs_error and push it on a FIFO associated with
    connection \a conn.  Note: The depth of the error stack is one (1)
    at the moment.  This will change in a future release.  */
int rs_err_conn_push(struct rs_connection *conn,
		     int code,
		     const char *fmt,
int rs_err_conn_push_fl(struct rs_connection *conn,
			int code,
			const char *file,
			int line,
			const char *fmt,
/** Pop the first error from the error FIFO associated with connection
    \a conn or NULL if there are no errors in the FIFO.  */
struct rs_error *rs_err_conn_pop(struct rs_connection *conn);

int rs_err_conn_peek_code (struct rs_connection *conn);
void rs_err_free(struct rs_error *err);
char *rs_err_msg(struct rs_error *err);
int rs_err_code(struct rs_error *err, int dofree_flag);

#if defined (__cplusplus)

/* Local Variables: */
/* c-file-style: "stroustrup" */
/* End: */