/* Copyright 2013 NORDUnet A/S. All rights reserved. See LICENSE for licensing information. */ #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <assert.h> #include <radsec/radsec.h> #include <radsec/radsec-impl.h> #if 0 /* This code triggers the memory-stomping-detector of electric fence */ #define MEMCHUNK 30 static int print_to_buf (const struct rs_context *ctx, char **buf_ptr, ssize_t *i_ptr, ssize_t *len_ptr, const char *fmt, ...) { char *buf = *buf_ptr; ssize_t i = *i_ptr; ssize_t len = *len_ptr; va_list args; for (;;) { int n; va_start (args, fmt); fprintf (stdout, "sprintf (%p + %ld, %ld, \"%s\") -->", buf, i, len, buf); fflush (stdout); n = vsnprintf (buf + i, len - i, fmt, args); fprintf (stdout, "%d\n", n); va_end (args); if (n < 0) return -RSE_INTERNAL; if (n >= len - i) { int newlen = len + MEMCHUNK; buf = rs_realloc (ctx, buf, newlen); if (buf == NULL) return -RSE_NOMEM; len = newlen; continue; } len -= n; i += n; *buf_ptr = buf; *i_ptr = i; *len_ptr = len; return RSE_OK; } } #endif /* 0 */ static int pp (char **out, size_t *len, const char *fmt, ...) { int n; va_list args; va_start (args, fmt); n = vsnprintf (*out, *len, fmt, args); va_end (args); if (n == -1 || n >= *len) return -RSE_INTERNAL; *out += n; *len -= n; return RSE_OK; } int rs_context_print_config (struct rs_context *ctx, char **buf_out) { char *buf = rs_malloc (ctx, 8192); char *out = NULL; size_t len = 8192; struct rs_config *cfg = ctx->config; struct rs_realm *r = NULL; struct rs_peer *p = NULL; char *peer_type[] = {"<no type>", "client", "server"}; char *realm_type[] = {"<no type>", "UDP", "TCP", "TLS", "DTLS"}; char *cred_type[] = {"<no type>", "PSK", "DHE_PSK", "RSA_PSK"}; out = buf; assert (out); assert (cfg); for (r = cfg->realms; r != NULL; r = r->next) { if (pp (&out, &len, "realm %s {\n", r->name) || pp (&out, &len, "\ttype = \"%s\"\n\ttimeout = %d\n\tretries = %d\n", realm_type[r->type], r->timeout, r->retries)) return -RSE_INTERNAL; for (p = r->peers; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (pp (&out, &len, "\t%s {\n" "\t\thostname = \"%s\"\n" "\t\tservice = \"%s\"\n" "\t\tsecret = \"%s\"\n", peer_type[p->type], p->hostname, p->service, p->secret)) return -RSE_INTERNAL; if (p->cacertfile) if (pp (&out, &len, "\t\tcacertfile = \"%s\"\n", p->cacertfile)) return -RSE_INTERNAL; if (p->certfile) if (pp (&out, &len, "\t\tcertfile = \"%s\"\n", p->certfile)) return -RSE_INTERNAL; if (p->certkeyfile) if (pp (&out, &len, "\t\tcertkeyfile = \"%s\"\n", p->certkeyfile)) return -RSE_INTERNAL; if (p->transport_cred) { if (pp (&out, &len, "\t\tpskex = \"%s\"\n", cred_type[p->transport_cred->type]) || pp (&out, &len, "\t\tpskid = \"%s\"\n", p->transport_cred->identity) || pp (&out, &len, "\t\t%s = \"%s\"\n", (p->transport_cred->secret_encoding == RS_KEY_ENCODING_ASCII_HEX ? "pskhexstr" : "pskstr"), p->transport_cred->secret)) return -RSE_INTERNAL; } if (pp (&out, &len, "\t}\n")) return -RSE_INTERNAL; } if (pp (&out, &len, "}\n")) return -RSE_INTERNAL; } if (buf_out) *buf_out = buf; return RSE_OK; }