/* Copyright (c) 2006-2010, UNINETT AS. * Copyright (c) 2010, UNINETT AS, NORDUnet A/S. * Copyright (c) 2010-2012, NORDUnet A/S. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information. */ #include "radsecproxy.h" #include "debug.h" #include "fticks.h" #include "fticks_hashmac.h" int fticks_configure(struct options *options, uint8_t **reportingp, uint8_t **macp, uint8_t **keyp) { int r = 0; const char *reporting = (const char *) *reportingp; const char *mac = (const char *) *macp; /* Set defaults. */ options->fticks_reporting = RSP_FTICKS_REPORTING_NONE; options->fticks_mac = RSP_FTICKS_MAC_VENDOR_KEY_HASHED; if (reporting != NULL) { if (strcasecmp(reporting, "None") == 0) options->fticks_reporting = RSP_FTICKS_REPORTING_NONE; else if (strcasecmp(reporting, "Basic") == 0) options->fticks_reporting = RSP_FTICKS_REPORTING_BASIC; else if (strcasecmp(reporting, "Full") == 0) options->fticks_reporting = RSP_FTICKS_REPORTING_FULL; else { debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "config error: invalid FTicksReporting value: %s", reporting); r = 1; } } if (mac != NULL) { if (strcasecmp(mac, "Static") == 0) options->fticks_mac = RSP_FTICKS_MAC_STATIC; else if (strcasecmp(mac, "Original") == 0) options->fticks_mac = RSP_FTICKS_MAC_ORIGINAL; else if (strcasecmp(mac, "VendorHashed") == 0) options->fticks_mac = RSP_FTICKS_MAC_VENDOR_HASHED; else if (strcasecmp(mac, "VendorKeyHashed") == 0) options->fticks_mac = RSP_FTICKS_MAC_VENDOR_KEY_HASHED; else if (strcasecmp(mac, "FullyHashed") == 0) options->fticks_mac = RSP_FTICKS_MAC_FULLY_HASHED; else if (strcasecmp(mac, "FullyKeyHashed") == 0) options->fticks_mac = RSP_FTICKS_MAC_FULLY_KEY_HASHED; else { debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "config error: invalid FTicksMAC value: %s", mac); r = 1; } } if (*keyp != NULL) { options->fticks_key = *keyp; if (options->fticks_mac != RSP_FTICKS_MAC_VENDOR_KEY_HASHED && options->fticks_mac != RSP_FTICKS_MAC_FULLY_KEY_HASHED) debugx(1, DBG_WARN, "config warning: FTicksKey not used"); } else if (options->fticks_reporting != RSP_FTICKS_REPORTING_NONE && (options->fticks_mac == RSP_FTICKS_MAC_VENDOR_KEY_HASHED || options->fticks_mac == RSP_FTICKS_MAC_FULLY_KEY_HASHED)) { debugx(1, DBG_ERR, "config error: FTicksMAC values VendorKeyHashed and " "FullyKeyHashed require an FTicksKey"); options->fticks_reporting = RSP_FTICKS_REPORTING_NONE; r = 1; } if (*reportingp != NULL) { free(*reportingp); *reportingp = NULL; } if (*macp != NULL) { free(*macp); *macp = NULL; } return r; } void fticks_log(const struct options *options, const struct client *client, const struct radmsg *msg, const struct rqout *rqout) { uint8_t *username = NULL; uint8_t *realm = NULL; uint8_t visinst[8+40+1+1]; /* Room for 40 octets of VISINST. */ uint8_t *macin = NULL; uint8_t macout[2*32+1]; /* Room for ASCII representation of SHA256. */ username = radattr2ascii(radmsg_gettype(rqout->rq->msg, RAD_Attr_User_Name)); if (username != NULL) { realm = (uint8_t *) strrchr((char *) username, '@'); if (realm != NULL) realm++; } if (realm == NULL) realm = (uint8_t *) ""; memset(visinst, 0, sizeof(visinst)); if (options->fticks_reporting == RSP_FTICKS_REPORTING_FULL) { if (client->conf->fticks_visinst != NULL ) { snprintf((char *) visinst, sizeof(visinst), "VISINST=%s#", client->conf->fticks_visinst); } else { snprintf((char *) visinst, sizeof(visinst), "VISINST=%s#", client->conf->name); } } memset(macout, 0, sizeof(macout)); if (options->fticks_mac == RSP_FTICKS_MAC_STATIC) { strncpy((char *) macout, "undisclosed", sizeof(macout) - 1); } else { macin = radattr2ascii(radmsg_gettype(rqout->rq->msg, RAD_Attr_Calling_Station_Id)); if (macin) { switch (options->fticks_mac) { case RSP_FTICKS_MAC_ORIGINAL: memcpy(macout, macin, sizeof(macout)); break; case RSP_FTICKS_MAC_VENDOR_HASHED: memcpy(macout, macin, 9); fticks_hashmac(macin, NULL, sizeof(macout) - 9, macout + 9); break; case RSP_FTICKS_MAC_VENDOR_KEY_HASHED: memcpy(macout, macin, 9); /* We are hashing the first nine octets too for easier * correlation between vendor-key-hashed and * fully-key-hashed log records. This opens up for a * known plaintext attack on the key but the * consequences of that is considered outweighed by * the convenience gained. */ fticks_hashmac(macin, options->fticks_key, sizeof(macout) - 9, macout + 9); break; case RSP_FTICKS_MAC_FULLY_HASHED: fticks_hashmac(macin, NULL, sizeof(macout), macout); break; case RSP_FTICKS_MAC_FULLY_KEY_HASHED: fticks_hashmac(macin, options->fticks_key, sizeof(macout), macout); break; default: debugx(2, DBG_ERR, "invalid fticks mac configuration: %d", options->fticks_mac); } } } fticks_debug( "F-TICKS/eduroam/1.0#REALM=%s#VISCOUNTRY=%s#%sCSI=%s#RESULT=%s#", realm, client->conf->fticks_viscountry, visinst, macout, msg->code == RAD_Access_Accept ? "OK" : "FAIL"); if (macin != NULL) free(macin); if (username != NULL) free(username); } /* Local Variables: */ /* c-file-style: "stroustrup" */ /* End: */