2007-09-21 1.0
2007-10-16 1.0p1
	Fixed crash when servers were configured after first realm block
2007-12-24 1.1-alpha
	Pretend option for validating configuration
	Include option for including additional config files
	Allows clients configured by IP prefix, dynamic clients
	Server failover support
	Rewriting of username attribute
	Source address and port can be specified for requests
2008-05-14 1.1-beta
	No longer looks for radsecproxy.conf in current directory
	Rewrite block that allows removal of specified attributes
	certificateNameCheck option for disabling CN/SubjectAltName check
	matchCertificateAttribute now also supports CN matching
	Forwarding of accounting messages, accountingServer option for realms
	Supports multiple client blocks for same source address with different
	  certificate checks
	Removed weekday from log timestamps
2008-07-24 1.1
	Logging stationid attribute
	Added LoopPrevention option
	Failover also without status-server
	Options for RetryCount and RetryInterval
	Working accounting and AccountingResponse option
	CRL checking and option for enabling it
2008-10-07 1.2
	listenTCP and sourceTCP options renamed to listenTLS and sourceTLS
	  Old options deprecated but available for backwards compatiblity
	Logging reply-message attribute from Reject messages
	  Contribution from Arne Schwabe
	Rewrite blocks have new options addAttribute and modifyAttribute
	rewriteIn (replacing rewrite) and rewriteOut in client and server
	  blocks for specifying rewrite on input/output. rewrite deprecated
	  but available as an alias for rewriteIn for backwards compatibility.
	rewritein rewriteout rewrite
	regular expressions in realms etc can now be more advanced, including
	  use of "or".
        cacheExpiry option in tls blocks for specifying expiry time for the
	  cache of CA certificates and CRLs. This is particularly useful for
	  regularly updating CRLs.
	Some logging has been made more informative
2008-12-04 1.3-alpha
	Support for TCP and DTLS transports (type tcp, type dtls)
	Listen... options can be specified multiple times
	Dynamic server discovery
	DuplicateInterval option in client block for specifying for how
	  long a request/reply shall be stored for duplicate detection
	Support for RADIUS TTL (hopcount) attribute. Decrements value of
	  the TTL attribute if present, discards message if becomes 0.
	  If addTTL option is used, the TTL attribute is added with the
	    specified value if the forwarded message does not have one.
        PolicyOID option can be used to require certain CA policies.
2009-02-18 1.3-beta
	Client and Server blocks may contain multiple host options.
	Configure (Makefile) options for specifying which transports
	  should be supported in a build.
2009-03-12 1.3
	Fixed some very minor bugs
	Changed log levels for some messages, made loglevel 2 default
2009-07-22 1.3.1
	Fixed header files for FreeBSD
	Fix for multiple UDP servers on same IP address, solves accounting
2010-06-12 1.4
	Incompatible changes:
	- Log level 4 used to be DBG_DBG but is now DBG_NOTICE.  In order
	to keep the same behaviour as in previous versions of radsecproxy,
	those who have LogLevel set to 4 need to change this to 5.  Log
	levels 1, 2 and 3 are unaffected.

	New features and various improvements:
	- LoopPrevention per server has been added.
	- AddVendorAttribute rewrite configuration has been added.
	- New log level, DBG_NOTICE, added.
	- Diagnostics improved for errors resulting from failing syscalls.
	- Removed all compiler warnings (compiling with -Wall).

	Bug fixes:
	- A UDP fragmentation issue.
	- Build on Solaris when compiling with gcc.
	- A bug in pwdencrypt() with passwords of a length greater than
	16 octets.
2010-11-17 1.4.1
	Bug fixes:
	- OpenSSL session caching is disabled when built against OpenSSL
	  older than 1.0.0b to mitigate possible effects of
	  http://openssl.org/news/secadv_20101116.txt (RADSECPROXY-14).
	- Crash bug when reading improper config file fixed.
2010-11-18 1.4-dev
	Bug fixes:
	- Don't disable OpenSSL session caching for 0.9.8p and newer in
	  the 0.9.x track.