# P11-KIT

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Provides a way to load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules. Provides a standard
configuration setup for installing PKCS#11 modules in such a way that they're

Also solves problems with coordinating the use of PKCS#11 by different
components or libraries living in the same process.

# Documentation

 * Main site: https://p11-glue.github.io/p11-glue/p11-kit.html
 * Manual: https://p11-glue.github.io/p11-glue/p11-kit/manual/

# Releases

Releases are made available via the [primary github site](https://github.com/p11-glue/p11-kit/releases).

They are signed with Daiki Ueno's OpenPGP key:

pub   4096R/D7E69871 2009-07-23
      Key fingerprint = 4622 25C3 B46F 3487 9FC8  496C D605 848E D7E6 9871
uid                  Daiki Ueno <ueno@unixuser.org>
uid                  Daiki Ueno <ueno@gnu.org>
sub   4096R/C8C530D6 2010-02-04

# Reporting security issues

If you find an issue that could potentially impact security, report it
to ueno@gnu.org, encrypted with the above mentioned OpenPGP key.