{% extends "base.html" %} {% load prefix %} {% load datehumanize %} {% load roomurl %} {% load prefix %} {% load tagging_tags %} {% block widgets %} $("#rooms").accordion({ header: 'h3', active: false, event: "click", collapsible: true, navigation: true, animated: true, autoHeight: false }); {% endblock %} {% block content %}


{% if rooms %}
{% for r in rooms %}


    • Created by {{r.creator}} {{r.timecreated|datehumanize}}.
    • {% if r.self_cleaning %}
    • Room will be reset when empty.
    • {%else%}
    • Room state is preserved between sessions.
    • {% endif %} {% if r.lastvisited %}
    • Last visited {{r.lastvisited|datehumanize}}
    • {%endif%}
    • Meeting room URL: {{r|roomurl}}
    • Hosted on {{r.acc.name}}
  • {% tags_for_object r as tags %}
    • {{r.name}}

      {% if r.description %}{{r.description|safe}}{% else %}No description available...{% endif %}

    • Tags: {% for tag in tags %}{{tag}}{% endfor %} {%if edit %}... manage room tags{%endif%}

{% endfor %}
{% else %}

You don't have any rooms listed right now...

{% endif %}
{% if edit %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}