''' Created on Jan 31, 2011 @author: leifj ''' from StringIO import StringIO import hashlib from django.core.cache import get_cache import httplib2 from urllib import quote_plus import logging from pprint import pformat import os import tempfile import time from lxml import etree from meetingtools.site_logging import logger import lxml from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from celery.execute import send_task class ACPException(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return etree.tostring(self.value) def _first_or_none(x): if not x: return None return x[0] def strip_control_characters(input): if input: import re # unicode invalid characters RE_XML_ILLEGAL = u'([\u0000-\u0008\u000b-\u000c\u000e-\u001f\ufffe-\uffff])' + \ u'|' + \ u'([%s-%s][^%s-%s])|([^%s-%s][%s-%s])|([%s-%s]$)|(^[%s-%s])' % \ (unichr(0xd800), unichr(0xdbff), unichr(0xdc00), unichr(0xdfff), unichr(0xd800), unichr(0xdbff), unichr(0xdc00), unichr(0xdfff), unichr(0xd800), unichr(0xdbff), unichr(0xdc00), unichr(0xdfff), ) input = re.sub(RE_XML_ILLEGAL, "", input) # ascii control characters input = re.sub(r"[\x01-\x1F\x7F]", "", input) return input class ACPResult(): def __init__(self, content): self.et = etree.fromstring(strip_control_characters(content)) self.status = _first_or_none(self.et.xpath('//status')) def is_error(self): return self.status_code() != 'ok' def status_code(self): return self.status.get('code') def subcode(self): return self.status.get('subcode') def exception(self): raise ACPException, self.status def get_principal(self): logger.debug(lxml.etree.tostring(self.et)) return _first_or_none(self.et.xpath('//principal')) def pretty_print(self): return lxml.etree.tostring(self.et, pretty_print=True) def _enc(v): ev = v if isinstance(ev, str) or isinstance(ev, unicode): ev = ev.encode('iso-8859-1') return ev def _getset(d, key, value=None): if value: if d.has_key(key): return d[key] else: return None else: d[key] = value class ACPClient(): def __init__(self, url, username=None, password=None, cache=True, cpool=None): self._cpool = cpool self.age = 0 self.createtime = time.time() self.lastused = self.createtime self.url = url self.session = None if username and password: self.login(username, password) if cache: self._cache = {'login': {}, 'group': {}} def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if self._cpool and not value: self._cpool._q.put_nowait(self) def __enter__(self): return self class CacheWrapper(): def __init__(self, cache): self._cache = cache def _shorten(self, key): h = hashlib.sha1() h.update(key) return h.hexdigest() def add(self, key, value, timeout=0): return self._cache.add(self._shorten(key), value) def get(self, key, default=None): return self._cache.get(self._shorten(key), default) def set(self, key, value, timeout=0): return self._cache.set(self._shorten(key), value) def request(self, method, p={}, raise_error=False): self.age += 1 self.lastused = time.time() u = list() u.append("action=%s" % method) if self.session: u.append("session=%s" % self.session) for k, v in p.items(): value = v if type(v) == int: value = "%d" % value u.append('%s=%s' % (k, quote_plus(value.encode("utf-8")))) url = self.url + '?' + '&'.join(u) #cache = ACPClient.CacheWrapper(get_cache('default')) cache = None h = httplib2.Http(cache, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True); logging.debug(url) resp, content = h.request(url, "GET") logging.debug(pformat(resp)) logging.debug(pformat(content)) if resp.status != 200: raise ACPException, resp.reason if resp.has_key('set-cookie'): cookie = resp['set-cookie'] if cookie: avp = cookie.split(";") if len(avp) > 0: av = avp[0].split('=') self.session = av[1] r = ACPResult(content) if r.is_error() and raise_error: raise r.exception() return r def redirect_to(self, url): if self.session: return HttpResponseRedirect("%s?session=%s" % (url, self.session)) else: return HttpResponseRedirect(url) def login(self, username, password): result = self.request('login', {'login': username, 'password': password}) if result.is_error(): raise result.exception() return result def find_or_create_principal(self, key, value, t, d): if not self._cache.has_key(t): self._cache[t] = {} cache = self._cache[t] # lxml etree Elements are not picklable p = None if not cache.has_key(key): p = self._find_or_create_principal(key, value, t, d) cache[key] = etree.tostring(p) else: p = etree.parse(StringIO(cache[key])).getroot() return p def find_principal(self, key, value, t): return self.find_or_create_principal(key, value, t, None) def _find_or_create_principal(self, key, value, t, d): result = self.request('principal-list', {'filter-%s' % key: value, 'filter-type': t}, True) principal = result.get_principal() if result.is_error(): if result.status_code() != 'no_data': result.exception() elif principal and d: d['principal-id'] = principal.get('principal-id') rp = principal if d: update_result = self.request('principal-update', d) rp = update_result.get_principal() if not rp: rp = principal return rp def find_builtin(self, t): result = self.request('principal-list', {'filter-type': t}, True) return result.get_principal() def find_group(self, name): result = self.request('principal-list', {'filter-name': name, 'filter-type': 'group'}, True) return result.get_principal() def find_user(self, login): return self.find_principal("login", login, "user") def add_remove_member(self, principal_id, group_id, is_member): m = "0" if is_member: m = "1" self.request('group-membership-update', {'group-id': group_id, 'principal-id': principal_id, 'is-member': m}, True) def add_member(self, principal_id, group_id): return self.add_remove_member(principal_id, group_id, True) def remove_member(self, principal_id, group_id): return self.add_remove_member(principal_id, group_id, False) def user_counts(self, sco_id): user_count = None host_count = None userlist = self.request('meeting-usermanager-user-list', {'sco-id': sco_id}, False) if userlist.status_code() == 'ok': user_count = int(userlist.et.xpath("count(.//userdetails)")) host_count = int(userlist.et.xpath("count(.//userdetails/role[text() = 'host'])")) elif userlist.status_code() == 'no-access' and userlist.subcode() == 'not-available': #no active session user_count = 0 host_count = 0 return (user_count, host_count) def poll_user_counts(self, room): (room.user_count, room.host_count) = self.user_counts(room.sco_id) room.save() return (room.user_count, room.host_count) def get_byte_count(self, sco_id): sco_sizes = self.request('sco-sizes', {'filter-sco-id': sco_id}, False) if sco_sizes.status_code() == 'ok': byte_count = sco_sizes.et.xpath('.//sco[@byte-count]') if byte_count: try: return int(byte_count[0].get('byte-count')) except ValueError: pass return None def get_sco_info(self, sco_id): sco_info = self.request('sco-info', {'sco-id': sco_id}, False) if sco_info.status_code() == 'ok': info = sco_info.et.xpath('//sco') if info: return info[0] return None def get_permissions(self, acl_id, principal_id=None): """ acl-id is an ID of a SCO, principal, or account. """ principals = [] p = {'acl-id': acl_id} if principal_id: p['principal-id'] = principal_id permissions = self.request('permissions-info', p, False) if permissions.status_code() == 'ok': for principal in permissions.et.xpath('//principal'): if principal.get('permission-id') != '': d = { 'principal-id': principal.get('principal-id'), 'permission-id': principal.get('permission-id'), 'type': principal.get('type'), 'login': principal.findtext('login') } principals.append(d) return principals