FROM dockerfile/java:oracle-java7 MAINTAINER Johan Lundberg # Install packages RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get update --fix-missing && \ apt-get install -y wget # Download and install jetty ENV JETTY_VERSION 9.2.10 ENV RELEASE_DATE v20150310 RUN wget${JETTY_VERSION}.${RELEASE_DATE}.tar.gz && \ tar -xzvf jetty-distribution-${JETTY_VERSION}.${RELEASE_DATE}.tar.gz && \ rm -rf jetty-distribution-${JETTY_VERSION}.${RELEASE_DATE}.tar.gz && \ mv jetty-distribution-${JETTY_VERSION}.${RELEASE_DATE}/ /opt/jetty # Configure Jetty user and clean up install RUN useradd jetty && \ chown -R jetty:jetty /opt/jetty && \ rm -rf /opt/jetty/webapps.demo # Add configuration files ADD jetty_conf /jetty_conf RUN mv /jetty_conf/start.ini /opt/jetty/start.ini && \ mv /jetty_conf/jetty-ssl.xml /opt/jetty/etc/jetty-ssl.xml && \ mv /jetty_conf/jetty-https.xml /opt/jetty/etc/jetty-https.xml && \ mv /jetty_conf/ssl.mod /opt/jetty/modules/ssl.mod && \ mv /jetty_conf/idp.xml /opt/jetty/webapps/idp.xml # Download shibboleth-idp ENV IDP_VERSION 3.0.0 RUN wget${IDP_VERSION}/shibboleth-identity-provider-${IDP_VERSION}.tar.gz && \ tar -xzvf shibboleth-identity-provider-${IDP_VERSION}.tar.gz && \ rm -rf shibboleth-identity-provider-${IDP_VERSION}.tar.gz && \ mv shibboleth-identity-provider-${IDP_VERSION} /opt/shibboleth-identity-provider-${IDP_VERSION} ADD / RUN chmod a+x / # Set defaults for docker run ENTRYPOINT ["/"] CMD ["start"]