# Simplify running cosmos, with serialization if flock is available.

readonly PROGNAME=$(basename "$0")
readonly LOCKFILE_DIR=/tmp
readonly LOCK_FD=200

lock() {
    local prefix=$1
    local fd=${2:-$LOCK_FD}
    local lock_file=$LOCKFILE_DIR/$prefix.lock

    # create lock file
    eval "exec $fd>$lock_file"

    # acquier the lock
    flock -n $fd \
        && return 0 \
        || return 1

eexit() {
    local error_str="$@"

    echo $error_str
    exit 1

main () {
   lock $PROGNAME || eexit "Only one instance of $PROGNAME can run at one time."
   cosmos $* update
   cosmos $* apply

   touch /var/run/last-cosmos-ok.stamp

   find /var/lib/puppet/reports/ -type f -mtime +10 | xargs rm -f

main $*

if [ -f /cosmos-reboot ]; then
   rm -f /cosmos-reboot