define sunet::server() { # Set up encrypted swap sunet::encrypted_swap { 'sunet_encrypted_swap': } # Add prerequisites for ethernet bonding, if physical server sunet::ethernet_bonding { 'sunet_ethernet_bonding': } # Removed until SWAMID hosts can have their ufw module updated / ft # # Ignore IPv6 multicast # ufw::deny { 'ignore_v6_multicast': # ip => 'ff02::1', # proto => 'any' # 'ufw' has a hard-coded list of protocols, which does not include 'ipv6-icmp' :( # } # # Ignore IPv6 multicast PIM router talk # ufw::deny { 'ignore_v6_multicast_PIM': # ip => 'ff02::d', # proto => 'any' # 'ufw' has a hard-coded list of protocols, which does not include 'ipv6-icmp' :( # } include augeas augeas { "sshd_config": context => "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config", changes => [ "set PasswordAuthentication no", "set X11Forwarding no", "set LogLevel VERBOSE", # log pubkey used for root login ], notify => Service['ssh'], } -> file_line { 'no_sftp_subsystem': path => '/etc/ssh/sshd_config', match => 'Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server', line => '#Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server', notify => Service['ssh'], } }