# This manifest is managed using cosmos Exec { path => "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", } # include some of this stuff for additional features #include cosmos::tools #include cosmos::motd #include cosmos::ntp #include cosmos::rngtools #include cosmos::preseed include ufw include apt include cosmos # you need a default node node default { } # edit and uncomment to manage ssh root keys in a simple way #class { 'cosmos::access': # keys => [ # "ssh-rsa ..." # ] #} # example config for the nameserver class which is matched in cosmos-rules.yaml #class nameserver { # package {'bind9': # ensure => latest # } # service {'bind9': # ensure => running # } # ufw::allow { "allow-dns-udp": # ip => 'any', # port => 53, # proto => "udp" # } # ufw::allow { "allow-dns-tcp": # ip => 'any', # port => 53, # proto => "tcp" # } #}