path: root/global/overlay/etc/puppet/manifests/cosmos-site.pp
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Add ssh key for 'map'.ct-ops-2017-10-18-v01Linus Nordberg2017-10-181-0/+7
* Add 'control' VM.ct-ops-2017-08-31-v02Linus Nordberg2017-08-311-0/+15
* add jonasct-ops-2017-08-31-v01Linus Nordberg2017-08-311-0/+7
* Harden installations with class bastion.ct-ops-2017-07-29-v09Linus Nordberg2017-07-291-0/+12
* Add SSH keys to ctops.ct-ops-2017-07-29-v08Linus Nordberg2017-07-291-0/+14
| | | | Also, let's see if the db changes in 42da513 will bite now.
* Add entropclient to all systems.ct-ops-2017-07-29-v06Linus Nordberg2017-07-291-0/+6
* Include 'sunet'.ct-ops-2017-07-29-v05Linus Nordberg2017-07-291-0/+2
| | | | | Not sure it's necessary but might remove the mailclient error: Error: Could not find class mailclient for on node
* Update class mailclient from nunoc-ops.ct-ops-2017-07-29-v04Linus Nordberg2017-07-291-1/+1
* Use docker version 17.05.0~ce-0~ubuntu-*.ct-ops-2017-07-29-v03Linus Nordberg2017-07-291-1/+3
| | | | | E: Version '1.10.3-0~xenial' for 'docker-engine' was not found Error: /Stage[main]/Sunet::Dockerhost/Package[docker-engine]/ensure: change from purged to 1.10.3-0~xenial failed: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold --force-yes install docker-engine=1.10.3-0~xenial' returned 100: Reading package lists...
* Run Ubuntu 16.04 and set MAC address for all cloudimage VM's.ct-ops-2017-07-29-v02Linus Nordberg2017-07-291-0/+14
| | | | Without a MAC address, ens02 won't be renamed to eth0.
* Try running ubuntu 16.04 on merge-1.ct-ops-2017-07-29-v01Linus Nordberg2017-07-291-0/+1
| | | | Maybe cloud-init works better in 16.04.
* Move class nrpe into cosmos-site.pp.ct-ops-2017-07-28-v13Linus Nordberg2017-07-281-2/+32
| | | | include nrpe doesn't seem to create class ::nrpe.
* Syntax.Linus Nordberg2017-07-281-1/+1
* Empty the default node and add stuff to cosmos-rules.ct-ops-2017-07-28-v10Linus Nordberg2017-07-281-44/+13
* Add SSH key for linus to all VM:s.ct-ops-2017-07-28-v09Linus Nordberg2017-07-281-0/+3
* Use https rather than git, the protocol.Linus Nordberg2017-07-281-5/+5
* Update SSH keys.ct-ops-2017-07-28-v08Linus Nordberg2017-07-281-12/+5
* sunet::cloudimage argument 'resolver' is a list.Linus Nordberg2017-07-281-5/+5
* no need to include kvmtoolsLeif Johansson2015-12-161-3/+0
* oops - pretty silly configct-ops-2015-06-05-v04Leif Johansson2015-06-051-1/+1
* known roots, nw configct-ops-2015-05-26-v01Leif Johansson2015-05-261-7/+16
* basic classes to stick on vm'sct-ops-2015-05-22-v03Leif Johansson2015-05-221-0/+13
* wrong key typect-ops-2015-05-20-v02Leif Johansson2015-05-201-1/+1
* wrong key typect-ops-2015-05-20-v01Leif Johansson2015-05-201-1/+1
* meh2ct-ops-2015-05-18-v03Leif Johansson2015-05-181-1/+1
* mehct-ops-2015-05-18-v02Leif Johansson2015-05-181-5/+5
* initial keyct-ops-2015-05-18-v01Leif Johansson2015-05-181-2/+4
* right bridgect-ops-2015-05-12-v03Leif Johansson2015-05-121-0/+2
* Fix VM addrs and some CPU and RAM.ct-ops-2015-05-12-v01ct-ops-2015-05-11-v12Linus Nordberg2015-05-111-9/+9
| | | | I'm not sure that the signing VM:s have correct DNS resolver addresses.
* oopsct-ops-2015-05-11-v11Leif Johansson2015-05-111-5/+5
* fix address hellct-ops-2015-05-11-v10Leif Johansson2015-05-111-21/+21
* lets try thisct-ops-2015-05-11-v09Leif Johansson2015-05-111-0/+3
* spin VMsct-ops-2015-05-11-v08ct-ops-2015-05-11-v07Leif Johansson2015-05-111-3/+3
* spin VMsct-ops-2015-05-11-v06Leif Johansson2015-05-111-0/+64
* basic rulesct-ops-2015-03-22-v08Leif Johansson2015-03-221-0/+4
* ssh server & packagect-ops-2015-03-22-v05Leif Johansson2015-03-221-0/+2
* trust anchorsct-ops-2015-03-22-v02Leif Johansson2015-03-221-27/+0
* launchLeif Johansson2014-11-171-34/+82
* importLeif Johansson2013-09-021-0/+52