/** * WYSIWYG - jQuery plugin 0.6 * * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Juan M Martinez * http://plugins.jquery.com/project/jWYSIWYG * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * $Id: $ */ (function( $ ) { $.fn.document = function() { var element = this.get(0); if ( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'iframe' ) { return element.contentWindow.document; /* return ( $.browser.msie ) ? document.frames[element.id].document : element.contentWindow.document // contentDocument; */ } return this; }; $.fn.documentSelection = function() { var element = this.get(0); if ( element.contentWindow.document.selection ) return element.contentWindow.document.selection.createRange().text; else return element.contentWindow.getSelection().toString(); }; $.fn.wysiwyg = function( options ) { if ( arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0].constructor == String ) { var action = arguments[0].toString(); var params = []; for ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ ) params[i - 1] = arguments[i]; if ( action in Wysiwyg ) { return this.each(function() { $.data(this, 'wysiwyg') .designMode(); Wysiwyg[action].apply(this, params); }); } else return this; } var controls = {}; /** * If the user set custom controls, we catch it, and merge with the * defaults controls later. */ if ( options && options.controls ) { var controls = options.controls; delete options.controls; } options = $.extend({ html : '<'+'?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?'+'>STYLE_SHEETINITIAL_CONTENT', css : {}, debug : false, autoSave : true, // http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=11 rmUnwantedBr : true, // http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=15 brIE : true, controls : {}, messages : {} }, options); options.messages = $.extend(true, options.messages, Wysiwyg.MSGS_EN); options.controls = $.extend(true, options.controls, Wysiwyg.TOOLBAR); for ( var control in controls ) { if ( control in options.controls ) $.extend(options.controls[control], controls[control]); else options.controls[control] = controls[control]; } // not break the chain return this.each(function() { Wysiwyg(this, options); }); }; function Wysiwyg( element, options ) { return this instanceof Wysiwyg ? this.init(element, options) : new Wysiwyg(element, options); } $.extend(Wysiwyg, { insertImage : function( szURL, attributes ) { var self = $.data(this, 'wysiwyg'); if ( self.constructor == Wysiwyg && szURL && szURL.length > 0 ) { if ($.browser.msie) self.focus(); if ( attributes ) { self.editorDoc.execCommand('insertImage', false, '#jwysiwyg#'); var img = self.getElementByAttributeValue('img', 'src', '#jwysiwyg#'); if ( img ) { img.src = szURL; for ( var attribute in attributes ) { img.setAttribute(attribute, attributes[attribute]); } } } else { self.editorDoc.execCommand('insertImage', false, szURL); } } }, createLink : function( szURL ) { var self = $.data(this, 'wysiwyg'); if ( self.constructor == Wysiwyg && szURL && szURL.length > 0 ) { var selection = $(self.editor).documentSelection(); if ( selection.length > 0 ) { if ($.browser.msie) self.focus(); self.editorDoc.execCommand('unlink', false, []); self.editorDoc.execCommand('createLink', false, szURL); } else if ( self.options.messages.nonSelection ) alert(self.options.messages.nonSelection); } }, insertHtml : function( szHTML ) { var self = $.data(this, 'wysiwyg'); if ( self.constructor == Wysiwyg && szHTML && szHTML.length > 0 ) { if ($.browser.msie) { self.focus(); self.editorDoc.execCommand('insertImage', false, '#jwysiwyg#'); var img = self.getElementByAttributeValue('img', 'src', '#jwysiwyg#'); if (img) { $(img).replaceWith(szHTML); } } else { self.editorDoc.execCommand('insertHTML', false, szHTML); } } }, setContent : function( newContent ) { var self = $.data(this, 'wysiwyg'); self.setContent( newContent ); self.saveContent(); }, clear : function() { var self = $.data(this, 'wysiwyg'); self.setContent(''); self.saveContent(); }, MSGS_EN : { nonSelection : 'select the text you wish to link' }, TOOLBAR : { bold : { visible : true, tags : ['b', 'strong'], css : { fontWeight : 'bold' }, tooltip : "Bold" }, italic : { visible : true, tags : ['i', 'em'], css : { fontStyle : 'italic' }, tooltip : "Italic" }, strikeThrough : { visible : true, tags : ['s', 'strike'], css : { textDecoration : 'line-through' }, tooltip : "Strike-through" }, underline : { visible : true, tags : ['u'], css : { textDecoration : 'underline' }, tooltip : "Underline" }, separator00 : { visible : true, separator : true }, justifyLeft : { visible : true, css : { textAlign : 'left' }, tooltip : "Justify Left" }, justifyCenter : { visible : true, tags : ['center'], css : { textAlign : 'center' }, tooltip : "Justify Center" }, justifyRight : { visible : true, css : { textAlign : 'right' }, tooltip : "Justify Right" }, justifyFull : { visible : true, css : { textAlign : 'justify' }, tooltip : "Justify Full" }, separator01 : { visible : true, separator : true }, indent : { visible : true, tooltip : "Indent" }, outdent : { visible : true, tooltip : "Outdent" }, separator02 : { visible : false, separator : true }, subscript : { visible : true, tags : ['sub'], tooltip : "Subscript" }, superscript : { visible : true, tags : ['sup'], tooltip : "Superscript" }, separator03 : { visible : true, separator : true }, undo : { visible : true, tooltip : "Undo" }, redo : { visible : true, tooltip : "Redo" }, separator04 : { visible : true, separator : true }, insertOrderedList : { visible : true, tags : ['ol'], tooltip : "Insert Ordered List" }, insertUnorderedList : { visible : true, tags : ['ul'], tooltip : "Insert Unordered List" }, insertHorizontalRule : { visible : true, tags : ['hr'], tooltip : "Insert Horizontal Rule" }, separator05 : { separator : true }, createLink : { visible : true, exec : function() { var selection = $(this.editor).documentSelection(); if ( selection.length > 0 ) { if ( $.browser.msie ) { this.focus(); this.editorDoc.execCommand('createLink', true, null); } else { var szURL = prompt('URL', 'http://'); if ( szURL && szURL.length > 0 ) { this.editorDoc.execCommand('unlink', false, []); this.editorDoc.execCommand('createLink', false, szURL); } } } else if ( this.options.messages.nonSelection ) alert(this.options.messages.nonSelection); }, tags : ['a'], tooltip : "Create link" }, insertImage : { visible : true, exec : function() { if ( $.browser.msie ) { this.focus(); this.editorDoc.execCommand('insertImage', true, null); } else { var szURL = prompt('URL', 'http://'); if ( szURL && szURL.length > 0 ) this.editorDoc.execCommand('insertImage', false, szURL); } }, tags : ['img'], tooltip : "Insert image" }, separator06 : { separator : true }, h1mozilla : { visible : true && $.browser.mozilla, className : 'h1', command : 'heading', arguments : ['h1'], tags : ['h1'], tooltip : "Header 1" }, h2mozilla : { visible : true && $.browser.mozilla, className : 'h2', command : 'heading', arguments : ['h2'], tags : ['h2'], tooltip : "Header 2" }, h3mozilla : { visible : true && $.browser.mozilla, className : 'h3', command : 'heading', arguments : ['h3'], tags : ['h3'], tooltip : "Header 3" }, h1 : { visible : true && !( $.browser.mozilla ), className : 'h1', command : 'formatBlock', arguments : ['

'], tags : ['h1'], tooltip : "Header 1" }, h2 : { visible : true && !( $.browser.mozilla ), className : 'h2', command : 'formatBlock', arguments : ['

'], tags : ['h2'], tooltip : "Header 2" }, h3 : { visible : true && !( $.browser.mozilla ), className : 'h3', command : 'formatBlock', arguments : ['

'], tags : ['h3'], tooltip : "Header 3" }, separator07 : { visible : false, separator : true }, cut : { visible : false, tooltip : "Cut" }, copy : { visible : false, tooltip : "Copy" }, paste : { visible : false, tooltip : "Paste" }, separator08 : { separator : false && !( $.browser.msie ) }, increaseFontSize : { visible : false && !( $.browser.msie ), tags : ['big'], tooltip : "Increase font size" }, decreaseFontSize : { visible : false && !( $.browser.msie ), tags : ['small'], tooltip : "Decrease font size" }, separator09 : { separator : true }, html : { visible : false, exec : function() { if ( this.viewHTML ) { this.setContent( $(this.original).val() ); $(this.original).hide(); } else { this.saveContent(); $(this.original).show(); } this.viewHTML = !( this.viewHTML ); }, tooltip : "View source code" }, removeFormat : { visible : true, exec : function() { if ($.browser.msie) this.focus(); this.editorDoc.execCommand('removeFormat', false, []); this.editorDoc.execCommand('unlink', false, []); }, tooltip : "Remove formatting" } } }); $.extend(Wysiwyg.prototype, { original : null, options : {}, element : null, editor : null, focus : function() { $(this.editorDoc.body).focus(); }, init : function( element, options ) { var self = this; this.editor = element; this.options = options || {}; $.data(element, 'wysiwyg', this); var newX = element.width || element.clientWidth; var newY = element.height || element.clientHeight; if ( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea' ) { this.original = element; if ( newX == 0 && element.cols ) newX = ( element.cols * 8 ) + 21; if ( newY == 0 && element.rows ) newY = ( element.rows * 16 ) + 16; var editor = this.editor = $('').css({ minHeight : ( newY - 6 ).toString() + 'px', width : ( newX - 8 ).toString() + 'px' }).attr('id', $(element).attr('id') + 'IFrame') .attr('frameborder', '0'); /** * http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=96 */ this.editor.attr('tabindex', $(element).attr('tabindex')); if ( $.browser.msie ) { this.editor .css('height', ( newY ).toString() + 'px'); /** var editor = $('').css({ width : ( newX - 6 ).toString() + 'px', height : ( newY - 8 ).toString() + 'px' }).attr('id', $(element).attr('id') + 'IFrame'); editor.outerHTML = this.editor.outerHTML; */ } } var panel = this.panel = $(''); this.appendControls(); this.element = $('
').css({ width : ( newX > 0 ) ? ( newX ).toString() + 'px' : '100%' }).addClass('wysiwyg') .append(panel) .append( $('
').css({ clear : 'both' }) ) .append(editor) ; $(element) .hide() .before(this.element) ; this.viewHTML = false; this.initialHeight = newY - 8; /** * @link http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=52 */ this.initialContent = $(element).val(); this.initFrame(); if ( this.initialContent.length == 0 ) this.setContent(''); /** * http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=100 */ var form = $(element).closest('form'); if ( this.options.autoSave ) { form.submit(function() { self.saveContent(); }); } form.bind('reset', function() { self.setContent( self.initialContent ); self.saveContent(); }); }, initFrame : function() { var self = this; var style = ''; /** * @link http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=14 */ if ( this.options.css && this.options.css.constructor == String ) { style = ''; } this.editorDoc = $(this.editor).document(); this.editorDoc_designMode = false; try { this.editorDoc.designMode = 'on'; this.editorDoc_designMode = true; } catch ( e ) { // Will fail on Gecko if the editor is placed in an hidden container element // The design mode will be set ones the editor is focused $(this.editorDoc).focus(function() { self.designMode(); }); } this.editorDoc.open(); this.editorDoc.write( this.options.html /** * @link http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=144 */ .replace(/INITIAL_CONTENT/, function() { return self.initialContent; }) .replace(/STYLE_SHEET/, function() { return style; }) ); this.editorDoc.close(); this.editorDoc.contentEditable = 'true'; if ( $.browser.msie ) { /** * Remove the horrible border it has on IE. */ setTimeout(function() { $(self.editorDoc.body).css('border', 'none'); }, 0); } $(this.editorDoc).click(function( event ) { self.checkTargets( event.target ? event.target : event.srcElement); }); /** * @link http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=20 */ $(this.original).focus(function() { if (!$.browser.msie) { self.focus(); } }); if ( this.options.autoSave ) { /** * @link http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=11 */ $(this.editorDoc).keydown(function() { self.saveContent(); }) .keyup(function() { self.saveContent(); }) .mousedown(function() { self.saveContent(); }); } if ( this.options.css ) { setTimeout(function() { if ( self.options.css.constructor == String ) { /** * $(self.editorDoc) * .find('head') * .append( * $('') * .attr('href', self.options.css) * ); */ } else $(self.editorDoc).find('body').css(self.options.css); }, 0); } $(this.editorDoc).keydown(function( event ) { if ( $.browser.msie && self.options.brIE && event.keyCode == 13 ) { var rng = self.getRange(); rng.pasteHTML('
'); rng.collapse(false); rng.select(); return false; } return true; }); }, designMode : function() { if ( !( this.editorDoc_designMode ) ) { try { this.editorDoc.designMode = 'on'; this.editorDoc_designMode = true; } catch ( e ) {} } }, getSelection : function() { return ( window.getSelection ) ? window.getSelection() : document.selection; }, getRange : function() { var selection = this.getSelection(); if ( !( selection ) ) return null; return ( selection.rangeCount > 0 ) ? selection.getRangeAt(0) : selection.createRange(); }, getContent : function() { return $( $(this.editor).document() ).find('body').html(); }, setContent : function( newContent ) { $( $(this.editor).document() ).find('body').html(newContent); }, saveContent : function() { if ( this.original ) { var content = this.getContent(); if ( this.options.rmUnwantedBr ) { content = ( content.substr(-4) == '
' ) ? content.substr(0, content.length - 4) : content; } $(this.original).val(content); } }, withoutCss: function() { if ($.browser.mozilla) { try { this.editorDoc.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, false); } catch (e) { try { this.editorDoc.execCommand('useCSS', false, true); } catch (e) { } } } }, appendMenu : function( cmd, args, className, fn, tooltip ) { var self = this; args = args || []; $('
  • ').append( $('' + (className || cmd) + '') .addClass(className || cmd) .attr('title', tooltip) ).click(function() { if ( fn ) fn.apply(self); else { self.withoutCss(); self.editorDoc.execCommand(cmd, false, args); } if ( self.options.autoSave ) self.saveContent(); }).appendTo( this.panel ); }, appendMenuSeparator : function() { $('').appendTo( this.panel ); }, appendControls : function() { for ( var name in this.options.controls ) { var control = this.options.controls[name]; if ( control.separator ) { if ( control.visible !== false ) this.appendMenuSeparator(); } else if ( control.visible ) { this.appendMenu( control.command || name, control.arguments || [], control.className || control.command || name || 'empty', control.exec, control.tooltip || control.command || name || '' ); } } }, checkTargets : function( element ) { for ( var name in this.options.controls ) { var control = this.options.controls[name]; var className = control.className || control.command || name || 'empty'; $('.' + className, this.panel).removeClass('active'); if ( control.tags ) { var elm = element; do { if ( elm.nodeType != 1 ) break; if ( $.inArray(elm.tagName.toLowerCase(), control.tags) != -1 ) $('.' + className, this.panel).addClass('active'); } while ((elm = elm.parentNode)); } if ( control.css ) { var elm = $(element); do { if ( elm[0].nodeType != 1 ) break; for ( var cssProperty in control.css ) if ( elm.css(cssProperty).toString().toLowerCase() == control.css[cssProperty] ) $('.' + className, this.panel).addClass('active'); } while ((elm = elm.parent())); } } }, getElementByAttributeValue : function( tagName, attributeName, attributeValue ) { var elements = this.editorDoc.getElementsByTagName(tagName); for ( var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++ ) { var value = elements[i].getAttribute(attributeName); if ( $.browser.msie ) { /** IE add full path, so I check by the last chars. */ value = value.substr(value.length - attributeValue.length); } if ( value == attributeValue ) return elements[i]; } return false; } }); })(jQuery);